Chapter 26

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Clarke's POV:
-Don't touch her. Let's talk and no fighting. I said harsh and sternly. There was total silence in the room. The majority of everyone in the room are fired up and ready for what might come next. Today will be no fighting. My blood was boiling inside of me. It was getting a little hard for me to breath. I told myself that it's because of the pregnancy. Even if it's not the cause. 
-Ouch. Lexa said. My grip around her arm was still firm and hard.
-Octavia has nothing to do with this. I said harsh. I let go of Lexa's arm and she took a few steps back. She didn't look pleased or convinced at all. She wanted the same as I. For there to be no war between us. She didn't have to say it. I just knew. No one want to live at war.
Kane and our two guards that came along with us stood behind us. The guards had no idea what to do. Kane was not sure of what to say. Kane doesn't have to say it. But I knew that he felt responsible of me now. He doesn't want to let my mother down. I am everything that she has left. Kane and she has a thing between them. She has Kane if something would ever happen to me.
Raven was next to Octavia. I remember when Murphy injured Raven. It wasn't pretty at all. He accidentally shot her which had led to Raven being paralyzed in a leg. Murphy was a confusing guy. One minute he was a total jerk. The next moment he stood up for his friends. It had taken a long time for him to forgive himself for hurting Raven and for her to forgive Murphy. And Miller looked ready to defend us for whatever would happen. 
Octavia and Bellamy looked ready to hurt the next person who would do the slightest attempt to attack or hurt us. When I look into Bellamy's eyes I can see how my whole future will look like.
It will be a peaceful world there our two children can run around playing with other children. Octavia will probably spoil them so much. I have nothing against that. If we have a little girl, Bellamy will be overprotective. It will be cute to see that. I can see so much more in my future that makes me smile.That will only happen if we can prevent what will come next. Hopefully when we leave here we will not have to worry about our future.

-Can we talk now? Peacefully with no violence? Raven said. I crossed my arms and looked at Lexa. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Raven's hand. I relaxed a little. Bellamy didn't leave Octavia's side. You do not know what Octavia might do since Lexa was just about to attack her. 
-You said you wanted an alliance? Lexa said. 

-Yes, we don't want a war. As you know. If not an alliance, perhaps we can get a truce until we can come up with a solution to this problem. I said. My voice was steady. I stood straight up. I was once again covering my belly with my hands. We all was waiting for Lexa to give us an answer. She was quiet, turned around and walked back to her throne. She sat down. She looked too be deep in thought. I was worried about the answer. Raven and I took two steps back. I stood next to Bellamy now. Bellamy got a hold of my hand. Even if I knew that he were here it felt good to feel him next to me.

-That can be arranged. Lexa said. 
-How do you know who Octavia Blake is? I asked.
-I have ears and eyes. I don't approve of her relationship with Lincoln. That can allow to jeopardize our truce that you came to talk about. Lexa said.
-She is not going to stop seeing Lincoln because you disapprove their relationship. They love each other and that won't go away. You just have to deal with it. I said harsh.

-Love is weakness. Lexa said.
-You are wrong. Love makes us stronger. Love made me stronger. I said. I took a step toward her. I could hear our guards exchanging words. Probably something about this. Bellam was not happy there. I do not have to look at him to know that. 

-Listen. I want this truce. We will have a truce. No one is going to attack anyone. We are going to leave each other in peace. Lincoln and Octavia will be able to keep seeing each other no matter what your problems is. If you have a problem with this you can take it with me. Leave Octavia out of this. I said. My now I have lost my patience. 
-Okay. You got your truce. I will leave them alone. If your people do anything, I mean anything, I won't hesitate to make your lives a living hell. Lexa said.

-I guess that we have an understanding then? I said and walked out of the room. I need to get the hell out of here. I had to have fresh air right away. I heard someone say 'Excuse me'. It was Miller's voice. I walked down all the stairs until I got out on the main yard. I took a deep breath when I was outside. I relaxed a little. 

-Why did you walk out? I heard Miller asking. 

-I needed air. I was getting way to upset in there. I can't stand her. I am happy that we not have a truce. However a truce is not enough. I need to come up with something better. I can't raise my chilld in a world like this. I won't do that. I have to make things right between Bellamy and I. And I know that my mother is happy to get a grandchild. But she is disappointed in me for getting pregnant at the age of eighteen. What if Bellamy change his mind and don't want to be involved? What would I do?  I asked. I was on the verge of starting to cry. I had these annoying moodswings. I want them to go away.

-Hey, listen to me Clarke. We are going to come up with something good. There will be a steady truce. Hopefully an alliance. I do not know when that is going to happen, but it will. Your mother is really proud of you. You took on the role as a leader and lead the whole camp, with Bellamy. He wasn't easy to deal with. But you two managed to work things out. You two are so strong together and you two can go through anything. You and Bellamy against the world, right? Octavia said that she has never seen Bellamy as happy as when he is with you. You make him happy. Bellamy Blake loves you, and you know that. You are not a disappointment to your mother or father. I bet that your father is looking down right now and that he is so proud of you. You have Belllamy, me and your other friends. Weirdly you got Murphy's back to. Bellamy and the rest our coming soon. We will get home soon. You will see that everything will be fine. Miller said and embraced me in a hug. 
-Thanks Miller. I said. 

-Plus your child is going to be spoiled like hell. Miller said and we started to laugh together. 
-I bet. I said. Maybe I don't have to much to worry about after all. 

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