Chapter 46

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Clarke's POV:
We had just arrived outside of Polis. We had to do this quickly and carefully. We can not draw to much attention toward us. Not today. Who am I kidding? The grounders would immediately recognize us. We can not fool them.After we had walked into Polis, and many grounders had seen us and started to whisper, we found Indra. Indra is Lexa's second. Apparently Indra has tought Lexa everything that she knows. She practically raised Lexa. Not that I think she raised her to well. At least she taught her how to really fight. 
Bellamy and I walked first and the others were behind us. I were more nervous this time when I ever have been before. It's not because I am scared of Lexa or what might could go wrong. The reason is because I have two children and I do not want anything happening to Bellamy or I. I don't want to leave our children as orphans. Even tho I know that they have others who loves them here. They need Bellamy, their father. Bellamy is such a good father to them. I could not ask for anything else. Thel love he has for our children is amazing. Seeing them all together warms my heart. 

-Clarke of the Sky people. Indra said.
-Indra. I said.
-What are you doing here? She asked. She may seem harsh, unhappy, frustrated, and uneasy. I believe deep down she has a good side. And that she doesn't want anything to bad to really happen.
-We heard about Lexa. I have a way to make her better. Only if we can negotiate. I said.

-I'm listening. Indra said.

-My mother and I we know how to do a blood transfusion. If we do that we can make Lexa better. I know that you don't want my opinion and that I should not interfear with your rules and how things is working here. But I do believe that someone did poison Lexa. And for her to survive she needs the bloodtransfusion. I said. Indra were deep in thoughts, thinking about what I just had told her.

-Okay, I will take you to her. Only you and your mother. Indra said.
-The others and Bellamy can come to, right? I said.
-No. I can not allow that. Indra said. I were not going to argue with her. I didn't dare to do that. 

Octavia's POV:
I were rocking M.J in my arms trying to get him to sleep. Having an infant is not easy. Not even one he is a month old. Being a parent can not be easy either. I am really proud of the good parents that Clarke and Bellamy has become. I am really looking up to them. I really want to fulfill my duties as a aunt and do a great job.

-Shh. Try to fall asleep little guy. I said and kept rocking M.J in my arms. Atleast I had made him stop crying. He usually doesn't cry. I think that he misses Clarke and Bellamy. I really hope that everything is going well. I do not know Ross or Maddox who tagged along instand of Lincoln and I. They seem to be good guys. A little bossy maybe. They try to be bossy. But it is not working to well for either of them. It is fun to see when they make fools of themselves. Or then anyone else does. It makes me laugh.
-Sing a lullaby. He sleeps then. Aurora said as she walked in. She were growing up so fast that. It feels like yesterday Clarke gave birth to her. I am still really honored that she named Aurora after mine and Bellamy's mother. I started to sing the only lullaby that I knew. One that my mother had taught Bellamy and I. 

Murphy's POV:
Lincoln, Jasper, Monty, Harper and Raven were sitting by the bonfire. We were talking and having a lot of fun together. I would never have believed that I would have turned out good. All my life I have been so arrogant and uptight. But arriving to earth and living down here for almost three years has made me grow up and taking more responsibilities than before. Still there is many things that are wrong with me. Yesterday I may have done my worst mistake. But it felt so right yet it was wrong.

-Murphy! Did you hear what we were saying? Harper said.
-No. Can you repeat? I asked.
-I told you he is in idiot. Raven said in disbelief.

-What happened between you two? Monty asked. Good now they can see right through me. Just great and what I need. I might not be the good guy after all.

-Nothing okay. Nothing happened at all. Raven said. She can not even look at me. I am so stupid. I have never felt like this and it pains me to see Raven like this.
-Hey guys! Emori said and sat down next to me. The other greeted her.
-Hey babe! Emori said and kissed me.

-Hello. I said. I tried my best to sound happy.
-Babe? What have we missed? Lincoln asked.
-Hasn't John told you yet? We are together. As in we are officially a couple. Emori said. I tried my best to smile. A really smile. I were really good to give others face smiles. 

-Still weird to hear you call him John instand of Murphy like everyone else does. Monty said.
-I'd call him a douchbag. Raven said. She still doesn't look at me. 

-What do you have against John? Emori asked Raven. 

-I have always hated the guy. Raven said and walked away. 

-I will go and see what is going on with her. Harper said. She made an attempt to leave.

-Don't go after her. She needs some space. Talk to her when she has calmed down. I told Harper. 

-Okay. She said and sat down again. 

Clarke's POV:
Indra, my mother and I walked into a room. Drawers, a bed and a few other furnitures were placed in the room. On the bed under the sheets were Lexa laying. She does not look to healthy. Right now she were asleep. Indra has told us that she got sick a month ago.
I don't believe that she has been poisoned anymore. If she has it much have been something different. Something that I never have heard about. Indra had also told us that she has had a fever for over a week now and that it still has not gone down.
All the make-up she usually wears is all gone. She does not have her weapons. She looks peaceful and sick. I don't like to see anyone like this. Even if I dislike Lexa.  My mother and I were ordered to leave the room so that Indra could wake up Lexa and inform her about what was going on and our plan to make her better again. Hopefully we can negotiate later when she is better. If she does not want to negotiate she is going to see hell. I am going to give her hell then. She knows it.

-She agrees to this. She just wants to talk to you Clarke before you and your mother starts whatever you are going to do to make her better. Indra said. I let out a breath that I was not aware that I were holding. 

Bellamy's POV:
I were really impatient. I don't know what is going on since Indra didn't let anyone else tag along. It makes me really upset. Kane had to take some sense into me, so that I could cool down and realise again why we actually are here. Kane is a good fatherly-role model for me. It is a little weird to think like that since he is together with Clarke's mother. Clarke and I got together before they did so nothing is really weird. Why am I even thinking about this right now? I should be focusing about what is going on. The door opened and out came Abby. She is unharmed. Thank god. Clarke is not hurt either since Abby isn't hurt.

-They have agreed to negotiate later. Only if Lexa actually gets better. If not we should run like hell away from this place. Abby told us. The last part made me a little uneasy. However I know how good Clarke and Abby are at their jobs as doctors. Abby operated on Raven without any painmeds when she were awake. If you can do that without killing her you can almost do any operation. Maybe a blood transfusion isn't an operation? What the hell do I know. Clarke and Abby are going to do a really good job and everything is going to be more than just fine. Clarke is amazing. She can do anything and everything. I have seen it. I see it all the time. She is a big part of why we all are alive today. I must be the luckiest guy since Clarke loves me and only me. And our children of course. She makes life so much easier, happier and better.
When they had locked up Octavia at the ark, before we they sent us down on earth, I were in a really dark place. That is why I were a jackass in the beginning. Somehow Clarke saved me and showed me the good things in the world. She showed me what true love is. For that I am forever thankful. She lights up my whole life and she gives me hope that everything is going to be okay.

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