Chapter 52

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Clarke's POV:
Bellamy and I were laying in bed. Both Aurora and M.J had fallen asleep a while ago. We laid and talked about life in general. Like what would have happened if the ark never came down. If we might never have met each other and so on. 
-I would still be a janitor. Bellamy said. 
-I would been floated. I admitted. We both new that would have happened. The thing is that I never have said those words out loud before. Even if I am alive today those four small words scared me. What if that actually would have happened? There would never have been any children of Bellamy and mine. Or the future for everyone else would be totally different. 
-I am more than happy that you had one month left until you turned eighteen. Bellamy said and pulled me closer. 
-I am happy that you did something really stupid toward the counsellor so that you could sneak on the dropship. And for being annoying like hell in the beginning. I said
-You were kinda annoying. You always wanted to be right. Bellamy whispered.
-I usually am. Aren't I? O said.
-Usually yeah. Always? No. Bellamy said.
-I am really happy how thingd turned out in the end. I always wanted to find my ever happy ending. Truth be told. You are my happy beginning and happily ever after. You will always be my happy and safe place, Bellamy Blake. I said.
-I feel the same princess. Now try to go to sleep. You are six month pregnant. You need your beauty sleep. Bellamy said.
-Goodnight my handsome man. I said. Bellamy laughted quietly so the kids would not wake up.
-Goodnight my beautiful princess. Good night little one. Bellamy said and kissed my belly. That is the last thing that I remember before I fell asleep. 

The next morning then I woke up I were alone. Neither Bellamy, Aurora or M.J were here. For a few seconds I got really worried. I relaxed since they are with Bellamy and they are probably at camp. I get myself dressed and ready for the day. I walked out of our room and out to the big yard at camp. Obviously I saw my little family out their eating some breakfast with Murphy and Raven.
Phoenix, their son were six months old. Meaning that between him and my son their is nine months. So they are close in age. Which I think is a good thing. I walked over to their my family and Raven's family were. I gave Bellamy a kiss on the cheek and greeted everyone as I sat down next to Bellamy. 

-What are you all debatting on? I asked.
-Murphy believes that there is something wrong with Phoenix. Bellamy said.

-Bellamy and I are telling him that everything is just fine. He doesn't want to listen. Raven said.

-What's the problem? I asked.

-He hasn't screamed or barely made a sound in like eighteen hours. Murphy mumbled.
-Trust me. There is nothing wrong with your son. He is a perfectly healthy little baby. I told Murphy.
-Can you just check on him? To make sure that everything is actually okay and that nothing is wrong? Murphy asked. I could tell that he were really worried. He really has changed since we came down here. It's nice to see this new side of him. I'm just hoping that he will stay like this for Phoenix and Raven.
-I'll do that. I said. Did I mention that they got that they finally got over whatever their issue were. They are officially a happily living couple. Raven finally found someone who she can and will spend her life with. Someone that makes her feel special and loved. I'm happy for her and Murphy. I never really understood Murphy and Emori's relationship. 
-Hey guys! Octavia said as she sat down next to Bellamy. She grabbed M.J who were sitting in Bellamy's lap. 
-I were thinking about something. Let me finish before you all say anything. As I said I was thinking. There isn't much to do here if we don't make sure to do something. Everyone these days seems to find their spouse and true love. This is mostly directed toward Clarke and Bellamy. I know that you two are boyfriend and girlfriend. You are the rebel and the princess. Why not make you two the rebel and the queen. Why don't you marry each other. It will bring everyone so much happiness. Something to celebrate. Most importantly you tie the knots and promise to love one another forever. Doesn't this sound amazing? Octavia said.
-Marriage? You kidding, right? Weddings are stupid. We don't need a wedding to declare our love for one another. Clarke and I love each other. Bellamy said. I choked on my food.
-Are you okay Clarke? Raven asked.
-Yeah, I just remembered something. I said. It's true. My friend Talia, the one who sacrificed herself so that the others could get home to earth. She and I loved to talk about the future when we were younger. The topic that once came up were weddings. We had promised to be each others bridesmaids when we grew up and found the person that we want to spend the rest of our lives with. Up on the ark, there were never any "real" weddings. Usually there were only a small cermony with your family and the one who wedded you. Both Talia and I had wanted a big cermony, not a small one. I had forgotten about this. Hearing Bellamy saying what he said broke my heart. I have not thought of this in years. Last time were when I talked to Talia. At least I think it was then. 

-Talia and I were supposed to be each other's bridesmaids. We promised each other that when we were younger. My dream were to have a family and husband. That was MY dream. My father were supposed to walk me down the aisle, since we lived on the ark it would be more like a corridor. But my father got floated, my mother fell in love again. My father might have been her one true love. But she fell in love with another man. The privilaged girl from the ark never got her dream. How pathetic isn't that? Life is funny, isn't it? I said. I didn't look at at Bellamy.
-Now Aurora and I are going to leave to see my mother in the medical bay. Someone might be injured and needs help. I will see you later, boyfriend. I love you. I said and kissed Bellamy on the lips. I tried my best to sound happy. Then Aurora and I walked away. Of course I made sure that she had finished her meal before we left. 

Bellamy's POV: 
-Am I allowed to say something? Are you freaking serious Bellamy? You are such an idiot. You are just sitting here, totally clueless. Even if Clarke just told you one of her dreams. I don't know much about marriag. I can tell you this. It isn't just about loving each other. It's about showing the world that you are in this all the way until death. Maybe even after that. Tie the knots. Being there for one another no matter what. Through the hard and easy times. I don't want to give you a speech. Hopefully you know where I am going with this. Murphy said angry.

-How knew you were such a passionated guy. Octavia said.
-Raven and Phoenix changed me for the better. They want me to be better. Not only for them. But for me too. Murphy said. 
I am repeating Clarke's words and everything she is saying in my mind. What scares me is the fact that she mention that her mother fell in love with another after Jake died. That sounded weird. What I meant is that I am scared that she might fall in love with someone else. She can't do that. Well, she can. But she won't. Will she? I am going crazy here. Clarke isn't my proporty. But she is mine and only mine. Forever my girl, my princess. That will never change. I will love her forever. I believe in soulmates. And I know that Clarke Griffin is my soulmate. There is no one else for me.
-O, please tell me how I should fix this. I begged.
-I could tell you. This is something that you have to figure out by yourself. I know that you already know the answer to this. You will make the right decision. I am sure of that. No one can break up Bellarke, the super power couple. Octavia said. 

Clarke's POV:
I walked into the medical with my daughter. Somehow she loves to be in here. She is alot like me. 

-Mama, did you ever love dad? Were he your soulmate? I asked as I saw her. My mother were a little taken back by my question. We were never talking about my father really. We just stopped talking about him one day.  Talking about him made my mother depressed since she misses him so much. She has never said that before.

-Of course I did. He were my forever. He might be gone. But my love for your father has never faded. Not even after all these years. Kane is okay with it. He knows that Jake were supposed to be my forever. Life isn't turning out like you want it to sometimes. I love Kane, I really do. He is the one that I today want to spend the rest of my life with. It might sound confusing. But it really is simple. Is everything okay Clarke? My mother said. By now I had tears in my eyes. 
-Bellamy said a thing when Octavia mention marriage. I said. My daughter were hugging me. I think that she is sensing that something is wrong.
-Whatever it is, Bellamy and you are going to get through it. He isn't going anywhere. That I'm one hundred percent sure of. My mother said. I were feeling a little better now. I didn't feel like crying anymore. Then Murphy came into the medical bay with his son and Raven. 

-Can you just make sure that everything is fine with our son. Murphy said.
-That is something I can do. I said.
-Clarke, Bellamy is beating himself up for what he said. He wants to make things right between him and you. Raven said.
-I know. There is nothing to worry about. We have been through worse things than this. This is just different. I love him and I will always do that. He knows that he is the one and only for me. Nothing in the entire world will change that. I said.
-I love the sound of that. Murphy kinda gave him a mini lecture. I think that he knows what he said that made things like this. He does not want to lose you. You already know that. Raven said.

-I can not think about this right now. Instead I have to make sure that this little guy is okay. I said and took Phoenix from Murphy.
-Thanks Clarke. Bellamy wanted me to tell you that he loves you. Murphy said.
-I know. He can tell me that later. If you see him, tell him to come and look for me. I really do love Bellamy. I need him to remember that. That I will always and forever love him. It's always going to be Bellamy. He has always been the one. Always going to be the one for me. I said. 

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