Chapter 37

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Octavia's POV:
It had start to get darker outside. Neither Clarke or Bellamy were back. With all honesty I was starting to get worried. Harper had given me the responsibility to babysit Aurora because she got tired and wanted to spend some time with Monty. That got me upset, that she just wanted to leave Aurora to do things for herself. But I would never say no to babysit my beautiful neice.
Aurora has been crying and sad for hours so I had gone to Abby with her. Apparently she had a fever. I felt bad seeing her sick. For a while now I have been rocking her in my arms, trying to get her to fall asleep. It isn't easy to make her sleep. She has alot of energy for being a baby. I were singing to her softly as I kept rocking her in my arms. She did not want to fall asleep. She is a stubborn child. Just like her parents. 

-Have your heard anything from my brother or Clarke? I asked Abby. 

-Not since they left earlier. I'm a little worried to since they are suppose to be back by now. They got each other so everything is okay. You know that Octavia. Abby replied. 
-You're right. It's Bellarke we are talking about after all. I muttered. Abby offered to babysit Aurora so that I could spend some time with my friends before I go to sleep. "You don' t have to watch her all the time, go and be a teenager now" Abby had told me as I was walking foward my friends who were playing around, laughing and having fun together. Lincoln and Emori were with them. Raven wasn't here. I still don't know what I feel about Emori. She seems like a sweet and kind person. Ever since she came here Raven has been miserable. Whatever is going on I will stand by Raven's side since she is my friend.

-Where's Raven? I asked.

-Who know? Who cares? Murphy said. You could clearly hear that he was overly drunk.
-You are hell of any idiot, you know that right? I told Murphy.

-I have been called worse. Murphy said.
-Since you are drunk of your ass I can tell you this without you even remembering next morning. Raven freaking Reyes likes you. You are playing with her feelings. That makes you and idiot. I said harsh before I calmed down. Lincoln wrapped his arms around me and I relaxed. He is my rock and he does not even have to say anything to calm me down. His presence makes me calm and relaxed. Except when we are working out together. 
Murphy didn't replay. He started to talk to Jasper about something totally different. He wasn't even acknowledging that I was there anymore. John Murphy is such a moron. I don't even know what Raven sees in him.

-Let it go now O. Lincoln said as I leant into him. I didn't replay. Instand I kissed him lightly on the lips. 

-It's Blake! Someone yelled. The gates opened up and in came Bellamy. He looked awful. Not good at all. I got up from there I was sitting and ran up to Bellamy. I hugged him lightly. We started to walk foward our friend. Bellamy were leaning against me and I tried to hold him up. He is a guy. He didn't just look awful. He looked devestated, furious, unpleaset and hurt. But most of all tired.
-Where's Clarke? What happened to you? Are you okay big brother? I asked as we sat down on one of the logs there our friends were.
-Easy O. Clarke and I were on our way back. Something didn't feel right but we kept going. Then a few men surrounded us. I was the only one with a weapon. I could not defend both of us at the same time. They then got a hold of Clarke and hit me. I became unconscious. Then I woke up I was all alone. Clarke were no were to be seen. I wanted to go after her but I thought that it was best if I walked back her to get some back up. Plus I think that I got a concussion or something like that. And it was Lexa's men. Bellamy explained to us. I looked over at Lincoln and he was not happy at all. I felt bad for him. Being a member of the trikru while dating me. A girl from skykru. It isn't easy. I am just scared that one day he has to choose and I don't want that.

-We will get Jackson to check on you. Hopefully everything is fine. We will get Clarke back. And we will find out what Lexa wants and how to make stop this once and for all. There is no truce here. I told Bellamy.
-Thanks O. Where is my daughter? Bellamy said. His smile was weak and he looked tired.
-She's with Abby. Aurora has a fever but everything is just fine. You have nothing to worry about. She has missed you even if the two of you have been gone for a few hours. So we better get your princess back soon. After all who is Mr Rebel without his princess? I told my brother. 
-Let's get you to medical now Blake. We will take him. Miller said. Murphy was to drunk to help with anything. So Lincoln and Miller took Bellamy to the medical bay. Harper and I walked to Abby to inform her about what was going on. This can not be easy on her. I am really worried about Clarke. I had the feeling that something was wrong and I was right. 

-There is nothing you could have done Octavia. Harper said. Murphy, Jasper, Monty and Emori stayed at the bonfire. Someone had to look after Jasper and Murphy. You don't really know what they will do when they are drunk. 

Emori's POV:
Monty and I were still at the bonfire. We were scared to leave both Jasper and Murphy in their condition. I haven't really gotten to know many people here. I actually think that they hate me. I wouldn't blame them. Atleast they can make an attempt to get to know me. That's the least they can do. Only Murphy and Clarke are treating me like a friend which feels good. And if a look would kill, Raven would have killed me by now. I know when someone is jealous. I can see it in her eyes when I spend time with Murphy. Her jealousy makes me laugh. I know that that can be a little mean but who cares really? We only live once.

-I'll get Murphy to his room. I told Monty.

-Do so. Let him sleep and have a hangover tommorrow. Monty said and smirked.

-Will do. Come here big guy. I said and laughed. I dragged Murphy with me. He wasn't easy when he were drunk.

-Raven? He mumbled.

-It's Emori. I said. Couldn't he just get over this whole Raven thing? It made me frustrated. We got to his room and I laid him down on his bed. Before that I helped him getting his boots and jacket of.

-You aren't as bad as people think you are John. Sleep tight and good night. I said and kissed him on the forehead. 
-Later Reyes. Murphy said before he drifted of to sleep.

-My name is Emori. I whispered low. 

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