Chapter 40

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Bellamy's POV: 
I was mad furious at Lexa because of three reasons. Number one is because she kidnapped my girl, my princess. Second reason is that she wanted mine and Clarke's unborn child. Last reason is that she didn't give Clarke the chance to tell me about she is pregnant with our second child. It's mine and Clarke's bussniess and she has nothing to do with that.
Octavia and I became really defensive over Clarke when Lexa said this. Lexa did not even care that I was yet not aware about this. In my eyes, Lexa is unreasonable, awful and has no symphathy of others. Clarke was behind me with Lincoln next to her. Murphy, Miller, Octavia and I were in front starting right at Lexa as if she was out of her mind. Well, she is, out of her freaking mind.
Clarke was not to far along in her pregnancy apparently. I think that Clarke is extremly attractive when she is pregnant. Obviously that's because she is carrying my child. The news made me fall even more in love with her. She is such an amazing human being.
-You do realize that you ain't getting what you want. We are not going to give up our child. I said loudly and harsh. Lexa's attention turned away from me and went to the person next to Clarke. Lincoln. She was aware that he is a part of us.

-How the hell could you pretray us like this Lincoln of trikru? Lexa yelled out loud.
-She should try to contain her anger issues. Murphy whispered. Lucky for him Lexa didn't hear Murphy saying that.
-I believe that we need changes down here. I don't agree with the way you are ruling things. The best thing I did was getting out of your way and not letting you decide over me. I don't care about the consecuences at all. Maybe I should, but I don't. Atleast not now.You have to go through me too if you want their child. Lincoln said. He was straight up honest. I like that about him. His honesty and that he was standing up for us. I know it gets harder for him. He's a good guy. The atmosphere in the room wasn't comfortable at all. I was really happy that Lincoln has our back. 
-Are we going to solve anything today or are we just going to complain and start threatening each other? If so I am leaving. Clarke said. I smirk and let out a laugh, only to annoy Lexa. My girl is a badass for daring to push Lexa's patience.  
-If you want to calm down we can settle this later? Murphy said annoyed. 
-Thought you wanted to stay away from Emori and Raven. Miller said mocking Murphy. 
-Shut up man! Murphy said. 
-I don't want to start a war. You're right Clarke. I believe you about the village and attack. However I can't trust any of you. At least at the moment. Lincoln, you are lucky that I'm not baning you from our tribe. I will not fight you today since I don't want war between us and others. Last, you are going to give me your child then the baby is born. Or there will be consequences. And you know it. You may go but we will see each other sooner than you would like. Now go before I change my mind about something. Lexa said. No one said anything more to Lexa. Instand we all just left. Everyone were aware that Lexa were going to be a big problem soon. If there is one thing I am sure of, it's that no one, not even Lexa, will get in the way of my family, their safety, happiness and love. 

Raven's POV:
I was strolling through camp. I could not sit or calm down. It felt like it was impossible to do that. Those who paid attentions thought that I was acting really weird.
-Aven! Look at this. Aurora said as she stumbled over to me with Emori. Aurora can't say my whole name yet. Still it's still cute. 
-What do you got there? I asked. I kneeled down on the ground so that I was face to face with Aurora.
-Flowers for you. She said and smiled happily as she gave them to me.
-These are beautiful sweetie. I said and hugged her lightly as I lifted her up in my arms and stood up.

-Mum and daddy. She said.
-They are coming home soon. I said. I tried to keep a straight face so that she would not worry even if she only is a little more than a year old. She does not understand everything. She's lucky.  The only thing I didn't like about this moment was that Emori were here. She's a nice girl. Still I can not stand her. I know that she is aware that I dislike her very much. I saw Harper not far away from us. I mentioned for her to come over here. I gave Aurora to her and I told Harper to look after her or give her to Abby. 

-What do you have against me Raven? Emori asked all innocent.
-I hate your intentions with Murphy. You do realize that he doesn't like you, right? I said and chuckled.
-You like him. Murphy I mean. Emori said. I slapped her hard before I walked away. I didn't have time for her bullshit. 

Clarke's POV:
We were finally on our way back home. I walked with Bellamy next to me. It felt good to coming home. There I feel much safer. I thought much about what Lexa had said. She is out of her mind. It feels like we got away way to easy. There would have been a catch or something. Atleast I am happy that we are not in Polis anymore. Let's just enjoy our lives for now and deal with her in a few months again. 
-Do you want a son or another daughter? Bellamy asked me.
-I like to have a son. For Aurora to have a baby brother. I don't really care as long as this child is as healthy and happy as Aurora is. I said and kissed Bellamy on the lips.

-I totally agree with you. Bellamy said and smiled.

-I have already come up with a few names. I told Bellamy.
-Do you want to tell me? Bellamy asked.
-Let's keep going guys. You two walk to slow. Octavia yelled at us. Bellamy and I started to laugh. 
-Everything is going to be find. We just need to take one day at a time. I told Bellamy and he agreed with me. 

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