Chapter 48

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Clarke's POV:
At first light Bellamy and I left the temporary camp that we all had set up. The others did not want to stress back to camp. Bellamy and I did so that we could see Aurora and M.J again. Even if we only have been gone for two days. It is really hard to be away from them. It really is. But hey, I would do anything to protect them and Bellamy from threats and danger.
-That's our camp! I said and pointed at camp Arkadia. Bellamy were smiling at me.
-Indeed it is princess. Who else camp would it be? Bellamy said as we walked a little faster. I just rolled my eyes. 
-Open the gates! Bellamy yelled so the guards could hear us. So they did. Bellamy and I walked into camp. The third thingwe saw were Octavia carrying M.J as she told others what to do. And Aurora were walking next to her. When Aurora saw us here eyes lit up.
-Mama! Daddy! She said happily and started to run our direction. Bellamy lifted her up in the air as she started to giggle.
-Hey sweetie. Bellamy said. Aurora's eyes were full of life and love. She is an adorable little child. My beautiful little daughter is growing up to fast. They are so sweet together. Then Octavia came with M.J who she were still carrying with her. 

-Someone has missed his mama and daddy. Octavia said and gave M.J to me. 
-Has they behaved? Bellamy asked.
-Yeah, they sure has. I have kept an eye on them all the time. Octavia said.

-I know you have. We are really greatful for your help. Aurora seems to like you babysitting. I said. 
-I am really fond of her. Octavia said. 

-We know. We have seen that. Even before Aurora actually were born. Bellamy said. The three of us started to laugh. Aurora looked confused and M.J were starting to fall sleep. 
-I will go and put M.J in his crib and relax. Are you and Aurora coming? Or are you going to play hide and seek? I asked Bellamy.

-What do you want to do sweetie? Play games or spend time with mama? Bellamy asked Aurora. 

-Mama! Aurora said and clapped her hands. 

-They four of you can go and spend time together instand. What about that? 
-Sounds great! Bellamy said. Octavia left us as we started to walk toward out place. I were still carrying Aurora who did not want to walk on her own. Her head were on Bellamy's shoulder as she yawned. 
-Are you tired sweetie? I asked her. Seems like both our children are falling asleep. It was not even noon. 
-Did Octavia let Aurora be up all night or what? Bellamy asked.
-You never know with her. We can only let Aurora sleep for thirty minutes. Or else she won't be able to sleep tonight. And she needs to sleep at night. I told Bellamy who were agreeing with me. 
Later that day the others that had gone with Bellamy and I to Polis came back. It is relieving that they are back. I really am hoping that Lexa can hold her promises. My mother and Kane had gathered everyone at camp and told them what Bellamy, Lexa and I had decided and what our agreement is. I am very happy that everything is turning out great. 

One month later:
M.J is now two months old. Aurora still love spending time with him. She does not call M.J his real name. Instand she calls him brother. I think that it really cute. She is not jealous anymore. She only were when she felt like she did not get as much attention as he did. It was kinda cute to see how jealous she was of M.J. Does that make me a terrible mother? Luckily she now understand that they have to share Bellamy and I. They are both so cute. The cutest.

Bellamy were changing M.J and I were helping Aurora to get dressed. We were all going out today for a little walk. It isn't often that we leave camp. Since Aurora has been begging both Bellamy and I for the past two weeks now we thought why not? It will be nice to do something just the four of us. Bellamt and I along with our children. It is not often that we get to do this. We should take every chance that we get. Shouldn't we? 
-I'm dressed! Aurora said. She were full of energy and life. It was nice to see her happy like this. It isn't much that we can do down here. But creating things and having fun? That we can do. After all children really do know how to have fun. They are extremely creative. When I were a child my mother didn't let me have to much fun. We would rather have me with her in the medical bay. Just so that I could become the next greatest doctor up on the ark. How fun isn't that? Not so much.
-That's good sweetie. Bellamy said.
-Can auntie O come? Aurora asked us.
-She can. But this is just for you, M.J, your mother and I. Bellamy told Aurora.
-Auntie is family! She said.
-You are right. If you like for her to tag along you can go and find her. I said. And so she did. Aurora ran out and were looking for auntie Octavia. I love that she has started to call her auntie. Both Bellamy and I think that it is just to adorable. She is starting to learn many more words which is a great thing. 
-She really is your kid. Isn't she? Bellamy said. 
-Hey! She got your genes to. I said.
-I know. And I'm handsome. Bellamy said.
-That you are. Aurora is going to grow up to be a beautiful, strong and independent girl one day. It is going to be fun in a few years when she is a teenager to see you scarying away all the boys. I said.
-That's right! No boy are going to get near my daughter. Bellamy said.
-Didn't you hear me? She is going to be strong and independent. You won't be needing to scare them away. I said.
-That might be true. But I am her father and I am just looking out for her. Bellamy said.
-Then you are really lucky. Because she is almost three years old. Which means that she is not getting into a relationship with anyone before the age of eighteen. Which is like fifteen years from now. I said.
-Oh no no no. She is not going to be dating anyone at all. Bellamy said stubbornly.
-We don't need to be talking about this right now. We can wait another fifteen to eighteen years. I said.
-That is more than fine with me. Bellamy said. He only want what is best for our daughter. I love that he is so overprotective. Even with things that isn't even near to be happening anytime soon. He truly is amazing. When she grows up she is going to love whoever she wants to. I know one thing for sure. Whoever it is, Bellamy is going to do his best to protect Aurora. As I just said. He is protectful. 
Bellamy, M.J and I were now at the gates. We were waiting for Octavia and Aurora to come. They were not here yet. I were getting a little worried since we have been waiting here for five minutes. Bellamy told me that he could go and look for them. I thought that it was a great idea. But before Bellamy got the chace to leave Raven came.
-Clarke! Can I talk to you? Raven said she said as she met us at the gate. Raven seems to be terrified. Like hell is coming. If not hell then something like that. I were really starting to get worried about her when I saw her facial expression. Her breathing were uneven. It looks like she is going to faint soon. Something must really be wrong. What has she done now?
-Of course. Come with me. I said. Seems like we have to take M.J and Aurora out for a walk later today or tommorrow. I felt bad for this. I looked at Bellamy for a short second.

-Go. We will take the walk tommorrow instand. This seems to be much more important. Bellamy said.
-Thanks for being so understanding Bell. I love you. I said and kissed him before I left with Raven who for some reason were walking toward the medical bay. 

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