Chapter 47

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Clarke's POV: 
Everything with the blood transfusion went really well. My mother and I did a great job. It was my second time doing a blood transfusion. I am really glad that my mother were there to help me through it. Anywho right now Lexa is resting and taking it easy. So that she can get her energy back. Rather sooner than later. Because I want to go home to my children. And not to have to think or worry about all of this.
Bellamy sees how stressed I am with this. He doesn't know that I notice. But I do. I love him for being here and helping me. Every way he possible can. He does not want to admit that he actually is a sweetheart. He always gets embarced when I call him that. He hates it. Atleast that is what he is saying.
You never know what might happen down here. Telling Bellamy that I love him is really important to me. I really do love Bellamy Blake deeply. Gosh, I can not say it enough. And now he has to share my love with Aurora and M.J. I would not have it any other way. Neither would Bellamy.
-How did it go? Kane asked me. My mother were still with Lexa. To make sure that she indeed are stable.
-Do you really need to ask that? Of course it went well. I said. I am really proud of myself. I am no near as good doctor as my mother was on the ark. Down here we don't have the same equipment. Many things are harder. Not only to survive.
-You are a natural at these things. Bellamy said and plented a kiss on my forehead.
-I would not say a natural at this. But amazing? That I am. I said and laughed.
-You sure are princess. I never doubt you. Bellamy then said.
-Thanks sweetheart. I said. Bellamy rolled his eyes. He has gotten used to me calling him that lately. This was the first time I called him that in public. I can tell that he really disliked it. Whatever. He is mine and I am proud to call him mine. Doesn't that give me the privilage to call him whatever I want? I thought to myself. Bellamy were holding me in his strong arms as he rested his chin on my head. 

-You are lucky to have each other. Kane said. I smiled at his commet. 
-We are. Aren't we, princess? Bellamy said. 

A while later my mother came out. She looks relieved. She told us that we can go in and talk to Lexa now. But that we should take it easy. Easy? Are she for real? That woman does not do easy. She is all worked up all the time. It would not surprised if she were ready for a fight right now. Bellamy and I were the only once who got permission to see Lexa right now to discuss some business.

Octavia's POV:
I were trying my best to make M.J fall asleep.  I am starting to get a hang on how to do this thing. It is getting easier for me every time to make M.J fall asleep. Good for me huh? I have seen Bellamy and Clarke doing this a thousand times.
Lincoln accidently once happened to mention children. It scared the living hell out of me. Me as a mother? I can not be a mother. I just can not. I could never be able to raise a child. Lincoln on the other hand would be an amazing father. However it is way to early to think about this. I am really young still. I am almost twenty years old. Well, Clarke had Aurora at the age of nineteen. Children comes in the future for me. Not today or next year.
-Maybe you should try to rock him in your arms like you usually do? Lincoln suggested.
-I have tried. He does not want to fall asleep. I said. I love my nephew. Isn't newborns supposed to sleep like most of the hours in a day?
-Like this. Lincoln said and took M.J from my arms and started to rock him in his arms. Yeah, he is going to be an amazing father one day. I am more than sure of that. Anyone can see how freaking amazing he is with children. If my brother can manage to be a good father, which he is, when Lincoln is going to be even better. Don't misunderstand me, Bellamy is an amazing father to his children. Clarke was not the only one who saved him. Aurora and M.J did to. 

-See? He is fast asleep now. Let's get to sleep now. Shall we? Lincoln said and laid down in the bed. M.J has Aurora's old crib that Bellamy and Lincoln built. And Aurora usually sleeps between Clarke and Bellamy. So tonight she sleeps in our bed. She is a cutie. 
-Okay. We shall. I said. I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed Lincoln on the lips. I saw Aurora fast asleep in the bed. For one night it feels like they are our children and we have our own little family. Technically that is right since they both are blood related to me. The are for sure my family. Something else that makes my heart ache out of love is that even Lincoln would protect these two little munchkins with his life. I'd like to think of him as their uncle. He is amazing with them. 
It is not often that I pray. But right now I am praying that everything is going fine with the deal with Lexa. And that the blood transfusion went well. It must have gone well. 

Clarke's POV:
When Bellamy and I walked into the room there Lexa and Indra were we saw the she were up on her feet. Which is really good. She seems to regain strength already which also is good. Good for us. It means that she is getting better and that my mother and I did a great job. Maybe in this case it was good that none of her healers knew how to do this? Because it means that we got a chance. At least I hope so
-Hello Clarke. She said.

-Bellamy. She added. Bellamy isn't to happy. It does not surprise me since he never can seem to know how to actually pretend to be happy around Lexa. I can not think about this right now.
-How are you feeling? I asked.
-Much better. Thank you Clarke. It will take a lot for me to regain fully strenght soon. I will get there. Indra got my back. Lexa said.

-That is good. Isn't it? I said.
-Indeed. She answered.
-Shall we talk business now? Bellamy said. You could hear that he is annoyed right now. I can not blame him. 
-Okay. What do you suggest? Lexa asked. She were not to pleased with the fact that Bellamy is here. She just need to accept that. 
-Do you remember what you said last time we were here? Instead of starting a war you wanted our second child. Well, that is not happening. You know that you are going to have to go through all of us. There is no way you would do that for just one child. Am I right? I know I am. However we are aware that you are going to find one way or another to still be in our way. You are not that therrible. We saved your life. Since we did you should leave me and my people the hell alone. Got it? I said. I looked at my right side. Bellamy were smiling big.
-That's my girl. He whispered only so that I could hear. Lexa were quiet for a while. I knew that Indra also wanted peace between their clan and our people. Lexa is a complicated person that is hard to convince. She then exchanged a few words with Indra. Neither Bellamy or I could hear what they were saying. Bellamy grabbed my hand and kissed me on the forehead.
-We have an agreement. We will leave your people alone if you leave our territory and people alone. Lexa said.
-Thank you. I said.
-Indra will show you the way out. Lexa said. Bellamy and I walked out with Indra behind us. She seems a little different. When we were outside and the door were closed so that Lexa or no one else could hear us talk she started to talk.
-Listen. You should take this seriously. Lexa is looking for a reason to fight you. She has no reason now since she is getting better thanks to you. Now she has to figure out how to get our clan in order again. And for her to recover. People have thought that she would not get through this. So I just want to thank you. It is not often that I thank people. So feel honored. Indra said.
-Thank you. I said. 

We were now on our way home. Both Bellamy and I walked really fast. We want to get home to our children as soon as possible. Unluckily it starts to get to dark to keep moving so we have to set camp for the night. I am really impatient.
-We will get home in a few hours. Then you can hold M.J again and we can play hide and seek with Aurora. I told you that everything was going to get solved and okay. Bellamy said as I leaned into his chest.
-I like the sound of that. Just promise not to knock me up again. I said remembering the conversation Bellamy told me about between him and my mother.
-No promises. M.J is going to be two years old before you are pregnant again. Bellamy said.
-You really do want three children? I thought that we were just joking around with this thing about me getting pregnant again. I said.
-Oh no. I am dead serious. We are going to have a big family of our own. But no more than five children. Bellamy said.

-I like that idea. I said after a while.
-That's good. Because I got many amazing things in store for our future. Bellamy said.
-Like what? I asked.

-You will see with time. He said.

-I don't like surprises. I mumbled.
-I know princess. I know. Bellamy said as I fell asleep in Bellamy's arms. 

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