Chapter 44

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Clarke's POV:
Bellamy and I had just tucked our children in for the night at my mother and Kane's place. I still can not believe that Aurora is so big now.
-Love you mama. Aurora said quietly before she drifted of and fell asleep.
-Promise to contact Bellamy and I if M.J wakes up and is hungry. I told my mother.
-I will. Don't worry Clarke. I know how to take care of a child. I raised you after all. My mother said.
-Yeah yeah, whatever. I said and rolled my eyes.
-Bellamy, remember what I told you. My mother said. I did not know she were refering to.
-No promises. Bellamy said and lead me out before my mother had a chance to reply.
-What was that about? I asked curiously.
-She is scared that I will knock you up for the third time. As much as she loves her grandchildren I think that it is enough for her for a while. Bellamy said and kissed me.
-That would not surprise me. You knocking me up again. I said and hit Bellamy lightly in the chest. He just laught at me. 

-So I am not getting anything tonight? Bellamy asked.

-Depends if you are nice or not. I said and smirked. 
-I'm a nice guy! Bellamy protested. 

-You have your moments. I said. 
-You will pay for that. Bellamy said. He picked me up and threw me over his right shoulder. I started to laugh. People around us looked at Bellamy and I as if we were high on moonshine. I do not care at all. 
-BELLAMY BLAKE PUT ME DOWN NOW. I cried out. I tried to be serious but it turned into me starting to laugh again. I did not have to look at Bellamy. I knew that he were smirking and enjoying this. Even more than I do. I love being a mother. But I do not get to be a young adult these days who just can let go of everything and have a night of just doing fun things. So I appreciate and love these moments with Bellamy. Oh, there is no way in hell that he is knocking me up again. No way. Maybe in the future. 
-I love your playfull side princess. Bellamy said. 
-This ain't fun Bell. I said. I tried my best to be serious. It was not working to well if say. 

-Then why are you laughing. Bellamy asked me. It was more like a startment instand of a question. 
-Okay okay, you win. I said. We were finally in our room that were stationed in the ark. I am going to hell. I thought to myself. Whatever, I need to live my life and enjoy every second and moment of it. 

Octavia's POV:
Lincoln and I have been away for a couple of days now. We have been out hunting for food and just have sometime alone. Without our friends and people. It is nice. Just Lincoln and I. That no one else is around here and can interrupt us. Lincoln has been quiet for sometime now. He can go a long time without talking. But this time it is different. It feels like he is hiding something from me. And it is not a good feeling. 

-Lincoln, be honest with me. What are you hiding? I asked. I thought that it is best if we get straight to the point. He froze. This was not like him at all. 
-Erm, something has happened. He said. 
-Thanks mister obviously. That is why I am asking you. I am worried about you and what you are not telling me. I want the two of us to be honest with each other. I said. I was concerned. I really am.

-I want to tell you. It is just that... Lincoln started. 

-Now you are really starting to worrying me. Please tell me. I said. It might sound like I were begging him to tell me the truth. I really wasn't. I just want to be here and help him. That is all. 

-Okay, here is the truth. Lexa told you guys that she wants Clarke and Bellamy's second child. She wants M.J. To raise him and make him a part of their clan. I don't know why. She is not really trusting me as you might now. However, she has become really sick and our healers can not do anything about it. Apparently she needs a blood transfusion. Another thing I don't know why. No one of our healers knows how to do that. That I am sure of. Anywho if she dies I am scared that things is going to turn for the worse. I don't want that to happen. It will be bad. Really bad if I am right. Lincoln told me. Truth be told I was not expecting to hear this from Lincoln. I am relieved to know the truth of what might happen. I am aware that I have to talk with Clarke and my brother about this. We need to come up with a good solution to this situation.

-Thanks for telling me. We will find something to make this better. Not to start a war. We need to get back to camp right now. We walked for a day back to camp. It was a long walk. Even tho I have had longer hunting trips than this one. Then we had left our place that we had settled down last night to rest we walked back home.

When we got back to camp I could not find either my brother or Clarke anywhere. Lincoln tried his best to insure me that everything is going to be just fine. I don't know if he were trying to convince me, him or both of us. I love that he is concerned about me and wants what is best for me.

-Raven! Have you seen Clarke or my brother? I asked when I found her at the bonfire with our other friends.

-No, not since this afternoon. They are probably with Clarke's mother right now. You can go and find them there. Raven told us.

-Thanks Raven. Before I forget, get your shit together and tell Murphy how you really feel. You know that Emori loves him. Tell him before it is to late. She might love him but you are in love with him. I said and walked away with Lincoln.

-You are evil you know that? Lincoln said. I know that he does not mean it like that.
-I love you to. I said and kissed him gently. We walked hand in hand to there Abby, Clarke and Bellamy werr supposed to be.
-Hey guys. What is on your mind at this time of the evening? I am surpised to see you two back so soon. Abby said.
-Have you seen Clarke and Blake? Lincoln asked Abby.
-Yeah, they have some quality time together. Don't ask about it. They would love to be alone tonight. Kane and I got the kids for the night. Abby told us.
-That is unfair! They never let us babysit M.J and Aurora alone. I protested.
-You two were not here. Abby said. I knew that she only meant well.
-So we can not see them tonight? Lincoln asked.
-As much as I hate to say this, no you can not see them. Unless you would like to walk in on something that is none of our bussines. Abby said.
-That is disgusting. I said.
-We do it O. Lincoln said.
-It is not the same. I said. Lincoln just laughed at me.
-Since this seems to be important I would suggest that you talk to them tommorrow morning. Abby said.
-Will do. I said and then I left with Lincoln.

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