Chapter 32

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Clarke's POV:
It has been three wonderful months since I gave birth to Aurora. Bellamy and I got a bigger place for the three of us. Bellamy and I have not gotten much sleep, but that's how it is to have a newborn. I love to see Bellamy taking care of Aurora. He is truly an amazing father. 
Octavia has been whining to spend time with her niece. She gets to babysit sometimes. But only for like thirty minutes or a little longer. She understand and is okay with that even if she would love to spend more time with Aurora. She respects our wishes to spend as much time with our daughter alone. 
Our closest friends got to meet Aurora when she turned one week. We wanted her first days to be as calm as possible. And for Bellamy and I to spend alone time with her even tho she sleeps most of the time. That's what newborns do. I have never been this happy. I have Bellamy and Aurora to thank for that. I was so scared of becoming a mother. I'm not scared anymore. I have Bellamy and our friends.
-Hey princess. Look. She is sitting up for the first time by herself. He sounds so eager and happy. Bellamy said who were sitting on a chair. Aurora had been crawling around for a while, she was a true blessing. Bellamy got of his chair and lifted up her in his arms as he kissed her cheek lightly. 

-I love you princess. Bellamy said to me.

-I love you to Bell. I said soft and kissed him on the lips. 
-Should we take her out today? Bellamy asked.
-Out? No no no, we will do that when she gets a little older. For now she is staying at camp. I said.
-You are such a good mother. Bellamy said.
-You tell me that all the time Bell. I said and smiled.
-I know. I just do not want you to forget that. Bellamy said. 
-And you are a good father Bellamy Blake. Now lets get out of here. I said. Bellamy, Aurora and I walked to the medical bay there I knew that my mother would be at. She has not spent much time with her granddaughter. There is always so much to do around here at camp. 
Our people at camp is still scared of the grounders. Even if we have some sort of truce with them I don't think that it will hold. As long as we have the truce I have nothing to worry about. Time to time I wonder if they are planning to do something. We are not friends with the grounder. At the same time we are not real enimies with the trikru clan. Well, the only one we know is Lincoln and he is the only friendly one that we have met.
Octavia and Lincoln are still going strong. It makes me happy to see that she is happy. Bellamy and Lincoln isn't really friends. But Bellamy is okay with his sister having a relationship with the grounder. Octavia and Lincoln have been together for more than a year now and he is treating her with kindness, love and respect. The way she is supposed to be treated. 
-Hey mum. I said as Bellamy and I walked into the medical bay. Aurora had her head on Bellamy's shoulder as Bellamy was carrying her.
-Hey sweetie. How is my beautiful granddaughter? She asked.
-Perfectly fine. Sleeps, eats and cries like babies do. I said. Bellamy gave Aurora to my mother. She loves her little granddaughter. Aurora was an easy child. But there is times when she is screaming and screaming like there were no tommorrow. I have no clue what to do then. I'm trying my best to make her stop crying. It's not easy. Bellamy is much better to make her calm down and stop screaming. I don't know what I would do without him.
I thought that when we had Aurora, Bellamy and I would not get much time alone together. But we do since she sleeps so much. In a few months she will be a little toddler and she will want attention more than ever. Don't get me wrong. I love to spend time with her. I adore my daughter and Bellamy. I will always be here for them. That's a promise. 
-That's good to hear. Really good. My mother said. 
-Hey, we need some help. I heard Raven said. In came Raven with Murphy. He was leaning on her. Raven helped him to walk. What have they done now?
-What happened? I asked.
-Nothing. Murphy said annoyed.
-Shut up Murphy. He was annoying me when I was trying to work and somehow, I don't know how, he ended up hurting his leg. Raven said.
-That's because ypu pushed me of the table when I wasn't ready. I landed on the floor weird and I think that I sprained my ankle. Thanks alot Reyes. Murphy said harsh.
-That's not my fault! You should have left me alone that I told you. Raven said harsh.
-Let me look at your ankle. My mother said and handed me my daughter.
-They are so foolish and blind. Bellamy whispered. Only him and I heard what he said. We didn't want to upset them more than they were.
-Come on. Let's go and visit your aunt. Bellamy told Aurora as we walked out of the medical bay. We walked around camp trying to find Octavia. We found Octavia in the training center. She was training with Harper.

-Someone wants to see her auntie. I said. Octavia was currently sparring with Harper. They hadn't finished yet. We made Octavia lose focus which lead to her losing the fight to Harper.
-I would be upset with you guys. But you brought my neice, so I can not be upset with you two. Octavia said. She was still laying on her back on the mat. She sat up as I gave Aurora to her. 

-Aren't you just the cutest? Octavia said and tickled Aurora lightly on the belly. She started to giggle a little. It was the sweetest giggle ever. 
-If you want you can babysit Aurora for an hour? But before you might want to clean yourself up a little? I suggested.

-Really? An whole hour? Octavia said. Her face lit up with pure happiness.

-Yeah, but no longer than an hour. Bellamy said. 

-Yes! Thirty minutes hasn't been enough. An hour is much better. Octavia said happily.
-Okay. Come and get her at our place in twenty minutes. I have to feed her first. I told Octavia. 
-Sure. That's perfect. Octavia said. Bellamy reached for our daughter an. d lifted her up in his strong arms. 
-I will be there soon. Octavia said. 
-We know. I said and laughed lightly.

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