Chapter 12

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Bellamy's POV: 
I was wondering what Clarke wanted to talk about. I don't want to interrupt her if she is asleep. I wanted to know right now. Ugh, I decided to go to her right away. She can not rest for the rest of her life after all. I found myself outside her tent. I could hear a voice from the inside of the tent so I walked in. I saw that she was asleep. She was talking in her sleep.

"Daddy, don't let them take you away." I could hear her crying in her sleep too. "Leave him alone". Clarke were turning around alot there she was laying. "Mum, they will hate me, don't send me down. You promised you would protect me". After that Clarke opened her eyes. She was starting to wake up. I decided to leave before she was full awake. I was not fast enough.

-Bell? She said. Her voice was really low and you could hear that she had been crying. I have no idea what her life was like on the ark. Even if she was one of the privileged her life must have been hard. I never thought about it like that. Now when she had seen me I didn't have the heart to leave her alone. Not since she just had been crying. I looked at her. Her eyes were filled with tears. I had no idea what to do. 
-What is it princess? I asked a little unsure since I still don't know what to do in this situation. Why did Octavia have to tell me that Clarke needed to talk to me? I looked at Clarke again. She looked broken. In this moment I realized that most of the time she wears a mask. She tries her best to seem like she knows what to do and that she doesn't care what the others say about her. I could see her clearer now. I also realized that this is why Octavia actually sent me in here. 

I sat down next to Clarke. I had no idea what I was doing. She only whispered "Hold me". And that is exactly what I did. I laid down next to Clarke and wrapped my arms around her. Suprisingly I like the feeling of Clarke Griffin in arms. I didn't want to ask her right now what she was talking about in her sleep. I don't want to preasure her. I have no idea where we are going. For now I like what we are even if I don't know what this means. 

Octavia's POV:
I was out in the woods. Harper, Miller, Jasper and Monty had come with me. I had told them about Lincoln. I am really happy that they have accepted that I am together with him. Even if they never have meet them. I told them that Clarke has meet him once and that she approves of our relationship. I really want Bellamy to like Lincoln and approve for us to date. But I can not tell him about this. Bellamy would probably kill Lincoln on the spot. I can not loose him. I am going to wait for the right moment to tell Bellamy about Lincoln. However I know that there is no "right time" to tell him. 
-So you really do like this guy? Jasper asked. 
-Yeah, I do. I know that he is the one for me. I answered Jasper's question. 

-Clarke and I have come up with this awesome shipname for them. We call them Linctavia. It was Clarke's idea. Harper told the guys. 

-Linctavia? I like it. Miller said.
-So do I. I said and blushed of the thought of Lincoln. 
-With the thought of Clarke. She and Bellamy are getting closer. As you know I found them cuddling like two or three days ago. Clarke as even drawn a sketch of Bell. The sketch is really good. I even send Bellamy into mine and Clarke's tent. I am sure that they are spending time together right now. I said happily. I am proud of my brother. I know that Clarke is good for him. She keeps him on earth. With that said I mean that Bellamy won't go insane.
-I bet that they are getting together in a month. Miller said. 

-I think that it will happen in less than a month. I mean they are Bellamy and Clarke. Jasper said. 
-Are you seriously betting on them? Then I am in. I bet that they will get together in six weeks. Monty said.

-We are seriously horrible friends. I bet the same as Monty that they will get together in six weeks. Maybe less. Harper said. I agree with Harper, we are really horrible friends. Since Clarke is my best friend and Bellamy is my brother it is okay to bet on them. Atleast if you ask me.

Clarke's POV:
I woke up in someones arms. I already knew that it is Bellamy since I remember that he never walked out when he was here last. I could feel one hand brush through my hair as the other hand was around my waist. What are we really doing? 
-Do you feel better princess? Bellamy asked me. He must have noticed that I woke up from my nap. I was quiet for a long time. I was looking up at the ceiling of the tent. 

-Yeah, a little. I whispered.
-You know that you talk in your sleep, right? Bellamy asked. My whole body froze. I had no idea that talk when I am asleep. 

-No, what did I say? I asked Bellamy. I wanted to know. At the same time I do not want to know what I was talking about. 
-That your father should not be taken away and that he should be left alone from something. Also that your mother should have protected you instand of sending you down here with us. Bellamy told me. Why am I so stupid and talk in my sleep? I know that you can not controll if you talk or not talk in your sleep. 
I raised up on my feet and threw my jacket on myself. I think that I accidentally hurted Bellamy when I got up. I walked fast out of camp. I could hear Bellamy calling for me to get back. I didn't listen to him even if I should have. I could hear someone running after me. I started to run faster. I didn't get to far away before I needed to stop and caught my breath. The person, Bellamy, caught up to me. He stood infront of me. He looked worried.
-What the hell Clarke? Why did you try to get away? Bellamy asked me. I leant on one of the trees as I sat down on the ground. It had started to get a little darker outside by now. 

-I will kill you if you tell anyone. A while ago on the ark I had just turned seventeen I overheard a conversation between my parents. I were not suppose to hear the conversation. I found out that the ark was dying. My father was going to go public about this. But the guards arrested him and he got floated. Since I were seventeen and knew about this I got looked up. My mother didn't do anything. She let them look me up without even protesting. I spend months in there. I occupied myself by painting on the walls and the floor. Then they sent us down and everyone hated, more like still hate me for being a privilege. Trust me when I say this. I were never one of them. The privilege are shallow and only cares about themself and their families. I said as tears streamed down my cheeks. Bellamy embraced me in a hug. 

-Come on princess. Lets get back. Bellamy said. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me back. He did not care if anyone saw us like this. Bellamy Blake who cares for the broken girl. Then we walked through the gates people started to whisper. Bellamy didn't walked into the dropship and sat me down on the metal table.

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