Chapter 19

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Clarke's POV:
Three and a half week have not passed and everything is starting to get better. We have a good system for everyone. People are healthier and happier. Everyone didn't get to be reunited with their families. But I am really happy for those who did. Everyone deserves a piece of happiness in their life down here.
Bellamy, Octavia, Miller and I have told my mother and Kane about the grounders. We told them that we never have had any trouble with them. Except for that time when they ever aiming to hurt Octavia but I took the hit. After that we have not had any problems with the grounders. We try our best to stay away from them and they do the same. I know deep down that we are going to have to talk to them. Because things are not always going to be easy down here. I know that.
Bellamy and I are officially a couple. Boyfriend and girlfriend. It feels so good to be able to say that. Everyone knows that we are together. Chad is out of the picture for good. Bellamy is the only one who has my heart. We have not told each other that we love one another. I do not think that I am in love with him yet. But I can see myself falling for him. Maybe I already have but I haven't realized it yet. At the same time we have not been together for that long.
I have been pushing Octavia to tell her brother that she is dating a grounder. Bellamy is going to be furious over this. But it will get better with time and he is going to have to deal with this. The way I see it is that Octavia and Lincoln are soulmates. I never believed in that until I saw them together. Bellamy is going to realize that they are made for one another when he sees them together. Even if it's going to take time for him to accept and progress all of this.
I found Bellamy hanging out with Miller, Monty and Bryan. Bellamy is more relaxed these days since he and I do not have to lead the camp all alone. Now we have the grown ups to. That doesn't mean that they are going to decide everything. The original 100 and everyone else from the ark are together deciding things. There is not just a few people. I think that this system is better. But we have a few people that have the last words. It is Bellamy, my mother, Kane, Miller, me and a few other people. 

-What are you guys talking about? I asked. I sat down on Bellamy's lap and he wrapped his arms around me. Octavia had been really happy when Bellamy and I told everyone that we are officially dating.
-They are telling us how Bryan and Miller got together. Bellamy said and kissed me on the lips.
-After the dance that was on the ark we walked out. Something inside of me decided to kiss him and then Bryan asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend. Of course I said yes. Miller said.
-You gotta tell me the beginning another day. I said.
-What's on your heart today princess? I asked.

-Nothing special. I just wanted to see my man. I said and kissed him again.
-You two disgust me. Monty said and laughed.
-Shut up! I said.

-Are you feeling any better? Bellamy asked. I knew what he meant by that. It had taken a while for me to get over Talia's death. I realized that no one could have talked her out of sacrificing herself. The only person she had left was me. Both her parents had been floated and I had been locked away. After I took of my wristband she didn't know if I were alive or not. Bellamy has been a big part when it came to me getting over her death. Well, I do not think that you truly can get over something like this. You just have to live with the reality and accept even how hard it is. She choosed this. And I have to accept it. She was my friend. I cared and loved her like my own sister. Losing a family member or a friend is the worst thing I ever have had to go through. When I lost my father I had no one to turn to. This time I have. That person is Bellamy Blake. 

-I am much better now. I have a suggestion. Maybe you, Octavia and I can go out on a trip? I asked. 
-I would love that. When do you want to go? Bellamy asked me.
-If you go and find O we can leave? I said. Bellamy thought that it was a great idea. He left me with Bryan, Monty and Miller. 

-Have Octavia told Blake about her relationship with Lincoln? Monty asked. Not this again!

-No, when she does you will see it. And it won't be pretty. If Bell finds out that we knew all along he is going to explode or something. I do not want to live in a lie or anything like that. I said.

-What are you talking about? I heard a harsh voice behind me. Shit! This is not good. 
-Bell, you and I should have a talk with you beloved little sister. I said as calmly.

-Yeah, I think we do. Bellamy said. If a look could kill, I would be on the edge of being killed. Not literally. I was scared to see Bellamy like this. Octavia were behind me. She didn't look angry or upset with me and our friends. Instand she looked sorry. Like she knew that she should have told Bellamy a long time ago despite the consequences. Octavia, Bellamy and I walked away leaving our friends worried for what was going to happen next. Everyone knows that when Bellamy gets this upsets there will probably be hell. The three of us went to a distant place there people could not see us. Maybe they would hear us arguing. I was not happy with this at all. I can understand how Bellamy must feel. On the other hand he must realize why no one told him about his sister and Lincoln. Bellamy were quiet. He was waiting for Octavia or I to tell him what the hell was going on. More likely what has been going on for a while now.

-I met a guy. He's in his mid-twenties. He is a good guy. He loves and care for me. He is a grounder. He is not like the others at all. Never has been, never will be. I know that you won't believe me. Clarke and our friends can promise you that if you ask them. I told them to keep quiet about this. I told Clarke not to tell you. You should not be mad at her. You can not be mad at her for protecting me. Miller didn't know about this either. We know that he would have told you. If you are going to be mad at someone, then be mad at me. Octavia said. Bellamy looked at her in disbelief. Seeing Bellamy like this made me scared. It weren' t comfortable at all. I love that she is trying to protect her friends as good as possible. Miller is the only one who has a good "alibi". Since he is Bellamy's best friend and he tells him everything, Bellamy would believe that Miller is innocent. Miller is lucky. Something inside of me wasn't right. I were not feeling well at all.
-I am so disappointed in you O. I can not believe that you have kept this from me. I know that I dislike the grounders. But if I would have met him, just once or twice, maybe I would not hate him. I do not know who this guy is. If I see or hear that he has hurt you in any sort of way he will be dead. I'm only your big brother so I can not tell you who you are allowed to date. You are still my sister. Remember, my sister, my responsibility. That won't change. Bellamy said harsh. I can actually not believe how good this was actually going. I had thought that this would be way much worse. I guess that I was wrong. Maybe Bellamy actually have, or are trying his best to change. I have no idea what happened after that because everything went black for me. 

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