Chapter 22

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Clarke's POV:
A month has now passed. Bellamy, I and our friends sat on and ate food in the food area. Bellamy forgave our friends when he and I got back to camp Arkadia. Ever since that things has been perfectly perfect. 
There is only one thing that I am a little scared of. A few people in our camp are scared of the grounders even if they have not attacked us. I can understand why they are scared. Somehow they had found out the attack on Harper, Octavia and I. For now it is only Octavia, I and our friends who still knows about her relationship with Lincoln. Three weeks ago Octavia introduced Lincoln and Bellamy to one another. It went better when I thought it would. Bellamy threatened Lincoln. Which I knew he would do. Bellamy wants to know everytime Octavia leaves camp to go and see her beloved boyfriend. 
-If you keep eating that much food you are going to get fat. Murphy said to me and started to laugh. I didn't say anything back to Murphy. I just ignored him like most people does. 

-Miller, Jasper and I are going out hunting later today. Bellamy said. 
-Sure. Just get back in one piece. I said. 
-Will do. Bellamy said and kissed me. We kept making out. 

-If you are going to keep doing that we would appreciate if you left the table. Octavia said. Bellamy got up from where he were sitting. He lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder. I started to laugh and begged him to let me down. I don't know why I kept begging for Bellamy to put me back on the ground. I knew that he was not going to do that until we were out of eye sight. From nowhere something inside of my stomach felt like it would turn around and I would threw up.

-Bellamy Blake. Please let me down. I cried out. Bellamy just laughed. I don't think that he realized that I was feeling sick.
-I don't feel good Bell. I cried out again. Bellamy put me down on the ground. He looked worried. I turned from Bellamy and i vomit. The feeling of vomiting is really disgusting.

-Hey hey hey princess. How are you feeling? Stupid question. Bellamy said when I glared at him. It felt like I were going to hell. When I was done vomiting I cleaned myself up. I were sick. I should be on bed rest for a while. Bellamy scooped me up in his strong arms. He walked me into our room in the ark. He laid me on the bed and gave me a bucket if I were going to vomit again.
-I don't have to go our and hunt with the guys. Bellamy said.
-No, you should do that. I don't want you to get sick. My mother is here somewhere. She can look after me. I said. Bellamy didn't look convinced. He gave in without arguing since I wasn't feeling well at all.
-I will tell your mother to come and check up on you. I will be back the in three days. You don't have to worry. I got Miller watching my back. And Jasper. Bellamy said.
-I love you Bell. I said. A tear or two fell down my cheeks. 
-I love you princess. I will be back. I promise you. Bellamy said. He kissed my forehead before he walked out of our room leaving me alone. 

Bellamy's POV:
I didn't want to leave Clarke now when she was sick. I knew that she doesn't want me to feel bad for leaving her now when she is sick. I just want to be there for her. No matter what. Miller, Bryan, Jasper and I left camp. Bryan had decided to tag along. The more we are the better.
I had told Abby that Clarke was not feeling good and that she had been vomiting. So I knew that she was in good hands when I left. Octavia promised me that she would keep me updated about Clarke's healthy. She has been through so much. It pains me to see her vulnerable. I want to be able to give her a good life. I know that that is hard down here.

-Are you coming or what Blake? Your princess is in good hands. You don't have to worry. Miller said.
-I know. I just want her to feel better. I love her you know. I said.
-The whole camp knows it. You say it like a thousand times each day. Miller said.
-Yeah, listen to Miller. She will be fine. Jasper said. I'm glad that they are trying to make me feel better even if it isn't working to well.
-We are here for you man. Miller said.
-Thanks guys. I said. 

Clarke's POV:

It has been three days since Bellamy left with Miller, Bryan and Jasper. He promised that he would be back by now. Octavia is trying to calm me down. I have a feeling that something is wrong. I don't like the feeling. I know that Octavia is also worried. All her life Bellamy has been taking care of her. 
Yesterday I was much better. I'm not on bed rest anymore which I feel good about. Harper, Monty and Octavia tells me that if Bellamy would be here, he would probably force me to rest for another few days. I am seriously getting worried.
I know that Bellamy and Octavia have been incontact. They are using the radios. Since yesterday evening we haven't heard anything from them. And that worries me alot.

Don't worry Clarke.
It isn't good for you to worry. 
Please just lay down and rest. 

You know what Bellamy would think about you being up and working. 

This is what I got to hear every hour since last day. It gets annoying and I am trying to shut it out. It isn't working to well. Where the hell are you Bellamy? I thought to myself. This isn't normal at all. I am getting restless. So I am helping my mother in the medical bay to keep myself from thinking about other things. It isn't working to well. When there were no one more who needed help with injures or something else I walked out of the medical bay. I walked toward the gates. I needed some time alone to myself. I wasn't to lucky. Octavia came running when she saw that I was going to leave. She stood infront of me. She crossed her arms and looked at me.

-I can't let you out Clarke. You know that. Your mother and Bellamy's order. Don't even think about sneaking out. Harper is guarding the little place where you and Bellamy usually sneak out. There is no way that you can leave. Octavia said. 

-I have to and found Bellamy. O, I know that something is wrong. You know that to. I said. 

-Where are you going? West, north? What if they went east? You have no idea what direction they went. Octavia said. 

-They went north. I said.
-What makes you think that Clarke? Octavia asked. I know that she was not trying to be mean or upset me. She were just looking out of me. She doesn't have to do that.
-Bellamy is always going north. I said. 

-Let's say that you are right. Maybe they are on their way back? They might be here in an hour? Don't worry. Octavia said. She put a hand on my shoulder. I let out a breath that I wasn't aware that I were holding. 
-Okay. Three hours. If he isn't here by then I leave to search for him. I said and looked down on the ground. 
-Three days isn't three weeks or months Clarke. Octavia said. 

-I know.

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