Chapter 4

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Clarke's POV:
"Don't get used to it". That sentence floated around in my head. I don't know why. It just did. Maybe it wasn't the worst thing that Bellamy knew how I got hurt. He was still the bossy Bellamy Blake I knew. It has been two weeks since I got hurt. We have not been attact, heard or seen the grounders since that day. To be honest, after what happened to be, almost to Octavia, I was a tiny bit scared of leaving camp. On the other hand Bellamy did not let Octavia or me out of camp. So I did not have to worry. He has been rather nice to me lately. Which I like. I like this side of Bellamy. But I know then my wound has healed our whatever relationship we have is going to go back to normal. Always arguing and getting on each others nervous.

-How is the shoulder? Octavia asked.
-It is much better. Still deep and hurts tho. But I just have to deal with it. Bellamy is being really sweet tho. So that is a plus. I said.

-That's good to hear. So Bellamy and you? Octavia said.
-What about us? I asked.
-I can see how you two are around each other. Eyes don't lie. Octavia siad.

-He is only nice since I got hurt saving you. I said. It hurt knowing that that was the reason.
-Whatever the hell you say. If you want to know, the girls feels threatened by you. Octavia said before she walked away. I could still treat others that had gotten themselves hurt. Which makes me feel a little useful. Sometimes Harper had to help me tho. She was a good friend. She always wants what is best for everyone else. I admire that about her.

-Do you need help with something princess? I heard Bellamy ask as he entered the dropship. Something inside of me wanted to explode.
-You know what? I don't need your help! Why are you so nice to me lately? I know why. Because I saved Octavia. I would save her anyday, anytime. We both know that you are only nice because of that. My wound has soon healed and then you will stop this little charade and go back to being the annoying, bossy person who loves to annoy the hell out of me and make fun of me. So just leave me alone right now! I yelled at Bellamy. Bellamy looked down on the floor before he turned his eyes foward me. He looked at me for a few seconds before his eyes got darker than usual. Neither of us wanted to start a fight. So Bellamy walked out. Maybe I was a little to harsh on him. I shaked of the feeling and went back to what I was doing. Then Miller walked in.

-What was the fight about? Bellamy came to me all mad furious. He did not have to mention your name. I knew it was about something between you two. So tell me. Miller said.
-I was mad at him for being to nice to me. He is only being nice because I saved O. Maybe I wasn't mad. I just want us to have a normal friendship. You know what I mean? I told Miller.

-Oh, I thought it was something much more serious. He will get over it. So will you. You and Bellamy does not have a relationship. But you two have a real connection that he never ever has had with anyone. Anyhow, I will hurt that shoulder of your if you tell Blake that he had this conversation. Miller said.
-You are to nice to hurt me Miller! I said.
-Yeah, I could never do that. Miller said.

-I know that Octavia is planning to make Bellarke happen. How I know idea how she is going to do it. But she won't succeed. I said.
-Dear sweet Clarke. You and Bellamy are going to end up one way or another. No, Miller was wrong. I wanted to break Bellamy's shell. Everything that he has built up around him so that he won't let anyone in. As I have told myself before I am going to find out who he really is. But me and Bellamy being a couple? There is no way in hell that would happen.

-Clarke. May I tell you that you are thinking out loud? Miller said and smirked.
-Shut up. You did not hear any of my thoughts. I said and walked away. I could hear Miller laughing at me. I walked into my tent that I was sharing with Octavia. I laid down on the makeshift bed. I looked up before I closed my eyes. I thought of the time when I was younger. In school everyone thought that I was the nerd. I was the privilege nerd. They boys always made fun of me. Except for Wells. He became my best friend. Then we got older he turned his back on me and got my father floated. Even tho we are scared of the grounders and they have been attacking us once, two weeks ago, it is much nicer to be down here on earth. Even tho the girls likes to create drama. On the ark I often got into trouble.
-Don't be so moody. Get up! I heard Octavia say as she entranced our tent.

-Leave. I said.
-Miller told me what happened between you and my brother. Care to explain? Octavia asked. I told her everything. Why I was upset with Bellamy and Miller. Even if Miller had not done anything, he was just a little annoying at the moment when we talked.
-So basically you want the two of you to be friends. Octavia said.
-I did not say that! I protested.
-But you didn't deny it. Octavia pointed out.

-Yeah. I said.

-Change of subject. Tell me something I don't know. Octavia said and laid down on her makeshift bed.

-On the ark when I was younger I usually got myself into trouble. Well, it was more like I got others into trouble. I said and smirked as I looked up on the ceiling of the tent.

-How so? Octavia asked curiously.

-Well, once when I was ten years old there were this boy name Chad. He always made fun of me infront of his friends. He was the same age as me. Anyhow, the last time that he made fun of me I had lost my patience. When he laughed with his friends at me I hit him in the stomach. Then I started to ran because I knew that he got angry. I was a clumsy child. So I looked behind me when I ran. Chad was still running after me. What happened then was that I ran into metal walls. They had to take me to medical. Before that I guard saw me on the ground and Chad stood next to me and laughed. The guard asked what had happened and I blamed everything on Chad. He got punished. But since he wasn't thirteen, he didn't got locked up. Which is a good thing. He hadn't really done something to bad after all. But that was not a big deal. I got him into trouble that time. But as I said, I was usually the one who got into trouble. I said and laughed a little.
-You were a little rebel. Octavia mocked me.
-Shut up. I wasn't a rebel. I was just tired of people who judged me just because I was one of the privileged kids. A few years later I found out that he got locked up for something he did. I have tried to stay away from him since they sent him down here with us. I said.
-Chad is here? Octavia asked suprised.
-Yeah. And I would love not to be around him. I said and laughed.

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