Chapter 29

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Clarke's POV:
Three days has now passed since Bellamy and I made up. We have talked and we are communicating much better now. Everyday I fall deeper in love with Bellamy Blake. I never thought that it was possible. Life could not be any better.
The only thing that I am worried about is the grounders. I mean we made a truce. But for how long will that last before we have to do something else? It makes me anxious. But I try not to think about it.
Raven has been acting weird. Then I say that I mean really weird. I am worried about her. I don't want to ask her about it. I know that she will tell us when she feels that it's the right time. Most people have acted weird then I think about it. 

Raven's POV:
I was in the mechanic station working. I like to keep myself busy so I do not have to think about anything else at the moment. I was avoiding my friends so that they won't ask me any questions. By avoiding them there will probably be even more questions. I have to deal with that sooner or later. And I prefer later. Later is much better.

-You can't avoid me forever Reyes. Someone said and walked in.
-I can and I will. I said harsh.
-You are still thinking about what happened. You can't deny that. Plus everyone is going to find out anyway. I don't know when or how, but they will find out. There is nothing you can't do about it. He said.
-That's not what you said a few nights ago. He said and laughed before he walked out of the mechanic station. Ugh, why is life so hard and everything against me? I went back to what I was doing before just so I could get my mind of what had happened. Which again didn't work to well. Something just came over me and I threw away everything that was on the table to the floor. Life really sucks. 
-What has gotten you so worked up? I heard Clarke asking as she walked in. She had a smirk on her lips. 
-Nothing. Just drop it Clarke. I said.
-I heard your conversation with Murphy. It wasn't hard to figure out what is going on and who you hooked up with. Your secret is safe with me. I won't tell anyone. I just have to ask. Why Murphy out of all people? Clarke said. I was relieved that she isn't going to go public what I had done. It would be so humiliating.

-I don't know. Harper took me to my room. Somehow Murphy came in. I don't remember everything. Just that it was a wild night and when I woke up I was disgusted by myself. I yelled at him and walked out of my room leaving him there. I just want to forget all of that night. It's stuck on my mind and I can't get it out. And I hate myself for saying this. But I liked it. I admitted to Clarke. Clarke looked shocked for a moment. After she had taken in everything I said she started to smile.
-OMG! You like him. Clarke cried out before she started to laugh.
-Clarke! This isn't funny. You are supposed to be my friend. I said. Now I was beyond annoyed. I wasn't annoyed at Clarke. I was annoyed with myself. Clarke was wrong. I knew it. But a part of me, deep deep, really deep down, knew that Clarke might be right. And that scares the living hell out of me. 
-Don't tell anyone. I said. 
-I promise. Your secret is safe with me. Clarke said. I'm happy that she promised once again not to tell anyone. Maybe things will turn out good somehow in a weird way. Raven and Murphy sitting on a bed, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Clarke repeated over and over as she walked out of the mechanic station. She is so singing that song wrong. It doesn't even go that way. I should really get new friends. Who am I kidding? I love my annoying friends.

Clarke's POV:
This evening was pretty quiet. People had gone to sleep earlier than usual. Raven were still working. Sure Murphy is pretty dumb most of the time. She doesn't have to react so strong about hooking up with them. I promised her not to tell anyone and I'm sticking to that promise.
Bellamy, Octavia and I went for a walk in the woods. She wanted to see Lincoln for a while. Bellamy and I wanted to get away from camp for a while. My mother were busy so I skipped in telling her that we left. She has nothing to worry about. It's just her mother instincts to protect me. Because she still sees me as her little girl. I want her to realize that I have grown up. I am not a child anymore. 
-What are you thinking about? Bellamy asked as we walked around in the woods.
-Raven and my mother. I admitted.
-What about them? Bellamy asked.

- Raven told me something. I overheard a conversation. She doesn't want me to tell anyone. Not even you. I'm going to keep that promise. You will probably find out from her sooner or later. I want my mother to stop thinking about me as the child I was on the ark. I'm tired of people treating me like a kid. I told Bellamy honest.
-You are a good friend. Respecting their wishes is a good thing. One reason why I love you. And when it comes to your mother she will realize that you are a young adult and you can take care of yourself. But never forget that you have me and your friends here. Bellamy said and spun me around as we walked. The stars were glowing as it got darker outside. It was quiet and peaceful. I was loving life right now.
Somehow we ended up at a meadow. We have never been here. At least I have not been here. It's really beautiful. Different flowers and plants were growing here. It was a big meadow. Bellamy took my hand and offered me to dance with him. We danced around in the meadow for a while. I got away from Bellamy and started to ran.
-Caugh me if you can Bell. I said playfully. We had and amazing time. When Bellamy caught up to me we ended up on the ground.
-I love you Bell, now kiss me you fool. I said. We laid there for quiet sometime before we decided to go back. We are so going to come back here. I loved this place. 

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