Chapter 24

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Clarke's POV:
I am now four months along. Five more months until our little baby is born. Everyone has been gratulation us. They all are acting like I am going to give birth in a few days. Bellamy is amazing. He is here every step of the pregnancy.
One thing that scares me is that the grounders has been threating us. And I have no idea what we have done to upset them so much. I am thinking about doing the most stupidest thing ever, that's how Octavia refers it. I am thinking about going to Polis and talk to their leader. Lincoln has told us much about Polis and their leader. She does not sound very nice or pleasent.
If I go to meet them Bellamy is going to be out furious at me. He might even look me up until I am getting into labor. Since there is months left until I am actually giving birth I do not see what the problem is. I can do everything that I have done before I got pregnant. The only difference is that I have a growing human being in my belly and that I am a little extra moody. I am pregnant, so no one can really blame me.
-Hey Kane. Can I talk to you? I asked. 

-Is everything okay? He asked.
-Everything is just fine with me. Can't wait for the baby to come. Anywho, I was thinking about go talking to the grounder leader.  I know that we are not at war. I just want to make sure that we have an understanding. That we might get to have an alliance with them. We won't do anything as long as they don't threaten us. And I want to know the reason they are doing that. I told Kane. I knew that if I came with this suggestion to Bellamy, Octavia or my mother they would probably tell me that I am insane. I don't know what they are going to do then. I am scared of knowing the answer to that.
-I agree with you Clarke. That would be a great idea. Maybe I and a few others could go and talk to them. Kane said.
-I don't think that you understood me completely. I am going with you. No one can force me to stay. It's my choice. I am not even half through my pregnancy. There is nothing to worry about. If we are doing this, which we are, I am coming. There will be no discusion about that. I told Kane. 
-Who would you like with you then? If we are doing this I mean. Kane said. 
-I thought that you could could come with me. Miller, Raven and Octavia. And a two of your men. You can pick your best men that you think are capable of doing their job without any mess. I said. 

-It's a deal. But what about Bellamy? Kane said. 
-Bell might tag along. If he can act professionally. Which I know he can. But now when I am pregnant he is overprotective. I love Bellamy for wanting to protect me and our baby. We will see what happens. I said. 
-Bellamy Blake is a good man. Kane said. Bellamy is the best. I thought for myself. He really is. He always has been and will always remain the best.

-We are leaving in twenty minutes. I said. I want this to be over rather sooner than later.  

Bellamy's POV:
It has been just like any other day. Me supporting Clarke through the pregnancy. I'm already loving our little baby. I love Clarke for so many reasons. This is just another one of them. That she is carrying my baby. I wouldn't want anyone else to be son or daughters mother. Clarke is going to be an amazing mother. I already know it. 

Something has been a little off these past days with Clarke. I have been trying to wait until she tells me what is actually going on. I don't want to push the truth of her. I saw her walking out walking out of the office. She looked happy, as if she would have heard good news or someething along those line. 
-What's up princess? I asked as I approached her. When she saw me she looked a little scared. I am wondering what this is about. 

-Something that you won't like at all. Clarke started. Clarke started to tell me about her conversation with Kane. I had mixed emotions about this. Most of the parts I disliked. 

-Clarke, this is insane. You are not going with them. I think that your idea of meeting with them is a good plan. You are four months pregnant. Pregnant women should not be fighting out there or go to a meeting there you might be killed. You are insane if you think that I will let you go with them. That is not happening. I said. 
-Bellamy, I love you for loving and protecting me and our little baby. But I can do this. I am not a child anymore. I grew up a long time ago. I can defend myself. Nothing is going to happen to me. We are leaving in fifteen minutes. Clarke said. She was not looking very happy.
-Clarke, you are eighteen. You should not be doing this. I said. Maybe I should have thought over what I just said. Clarke was not happy with what I just said. 

-JUST EIGHTEEN? I stopped being a kid the second my mother and the board sent us down here. I am not your property. I am my own person and you have no rights to decide what I should do. I  am pregnant! With your child Bellamy Blake. I'm a leader of the 100, am having a baby, I have been through hell. Heartbreak, being shot by a spear, two seizures. And in five months I am going to be pushing out a little baby. Labor hurts like hell. When you get over whatever your issue is, come and find me. Clarke screamed and walked away. I wanted to go after her. However I know that there is no use in doing so. All I want is to keep my family safe.

Clarke's POV:
Maybe I was overreacting. But I felt much better after I said all of that. I walked to the gate there Kane and I decided that we all should meet up. They all were there. Raven, Miller, Octavia, Kane and his two men that he had picked out. I keep quiet as we walked out of the camp. A few people had probably heard me screaming at Bellamy. 

-Wait up. I'm coming to. I heard Bellamy's voice. He was not talking to me. He knew that I need space for a while. I'm feeling so bad for screaming at him. I could hear him talking with Miller. 
-It's going to be okay. Bellamy and you always find your ways back to one another. Octavia said. 

-I hope you are right. I said.
-Just blame your hormones. Raven said. Octavia, Raven and I laughted together at what she just had said.

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