Chapter 41

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Clarke's POV:
We were back at camp and it felt good. I were with my friends and Bellamy were talking with Kane, Murphy and Miller about what had happened when they came and got me out of Polis. Even tho we did not have to fight at all. 
-And then I slapped her in the face and walked away. I was so done and I just didn't have the energy to fight her anymore. Raven said. Raven, Octavia, Harper and I sat on the logs near there the bonfire usually are. No one had made up the bonfire yet. It was to early in the evening for that. People were still busy doing other things. 
-You are just how Clarke used to be. Denying, denying and keep denying that you have feelings for him. Just tell Murphy. Go straight up to him and tell him how you feel. It might be your last and only chance. Everyone were rooting for Bellarke to happen. And it did. If you fight you can get your happy ending. Your happy beginning. Just think about it. Octavia told Raven. Harper and I agreed with her. 

-Change of subject. How does it feel to be pregnant again? Have you and Bellamy told Aurora that she is going to be a big sister? Raven asked. She was not in the mood to talk about Murphy. She never is. Sucks to live in a love triangle I guess. 
-We shall do that tommorrow or when I start to show more. She is going to wonder why I am getting bigger. We are really happy. I really do want a son. I told my friends. 
-I'm going to get a nephew. Octavia said happily. 
-You do know that we won't know the sex of the baby until she or he is born, right? I said.

-I know that. I'm not stupid. I just have a feeling that it's a boy. Octavia said. She sounded even happier now. 
-Isn't it Clarke who should have a feeling about if it's a boy or a girl? Since she is carrying the child. Your brothers child. Raven said.
-Whatever. I still think it's a boy and that won't change. Octavia said. There were no more argument about that. 
-Bell can't wait until I give birth. Trust me when I say this. Giving birth hurts like hell. Atleast it did for me. But the love and happiness is amazing. To hold your own child in your arms are magical. I told them. I'm so looking toward until I give birth. 

The next morning Bellamy and I were sitting at a table eating breakfast with Aurora. None of our friends were awake. Aurora yawned and wanted to go back to sleep. That girl loves to sleep. She does not get it from neither Bellamy or me. All night Bellamy had kept me close to him. He had wrapped his arms around me tighter than usual. And Aurora were sleeping by my side as I had kept my arms around her. Just to be sure that she was were with Bellamy and me. Bellamy and I want to keep our family safe. It might be selfish, but I would always put Bellamy and Aurora's safety before anyone else at camp. They are the two most important people in my world and I do not know what I would do if I lost one of them. Even the thought of losing the is indescribable. 

Bellamy and I were going to tell Aurora about me being pregnant. And that she is going to be a big sister in a few months. She might not understand what that means since she is only a year and a few months old. I looked over at Bellamy. He seemed to know what I were thinking about at the moment. He nodded and gave me a smile, telling me that it's okay for us to tell Aurora now, rather than later.
-Sweet, daddy and I want to tell you something. I started of. Aurora who were sitting between Bellamy and I were looking at us both. One at a time. She seems curious even if she probably will forget this in a few days if someone does not remind her.
-Mum is pregnant. And you are going to be a big sister. Bellamy finished. We waited for Aurora to make a statement. She sat quiet for some time. I was scared that she had lost the ability to talk. Just kidding.
-I'm a big sister! Aurora said out loud in joy as she threw her hand up in the air. She were smiling big time. I looked at Bellamy who also were smiling.
-Don't be so loud sweetie. You may wake up people. Bellamy said.
-It's fine Bell. It's not that early in the morning and people should be getting up soon. I said. He didn't answer me since Aurora started to talk about whatever enterned her mind at the moment. I was right. People started to wake up and coming out to the main yard there we sat and ate breakfast. Octavia and Lincoln approached us. They sat down at the same table as me and my little family.
-Why are you so tired O? Bellamy asked as Octavia yawned.
-We had a wild night yesterday. Lincoln answered.
-You don't have to say anything else! Bellamy said before Octavia or Lincoln could say anything else. We both knew what they meant with a wild night. It was not hard to figure out. Instand I laughed and Bellamy was not pleased. He did not want to know what they did then they were alone. 
-I'm a big sister! Aurora told Octavia. 
-Really? Where's your sibling? Octavia asked softly. 

-Mama's belly. Aurora said proudly. 
-Your girl is smart. Lincoln told us. Of course she is smart. She has my and Bellamy's genes after all. She is smart for being barely two years old. 

-Have you heard anything from Raven since yesterday? Octavia asked me. 
-No, she went to bed early. She was not to pleased with us talking about her and Murphy's relationship.
-There none exclusive, whatever relationship they got. I explained to them.

-Are you really trying to hook Raven and Murphy up? Bellamy asked.
-Why not? It worked for you two. You can not deny true love. Octavia said.
-You really believe that they are in love? Raven and Murphy. Lincoln asked.
-Maybe not in love right now. But they have this respect, weird friendship love for one another. As long as Emori keeps her paws away from Murphy we have nothing to worry about. Raven and Murphy are going to end up together. Since they are even more stubborn and unreasonable that you two were, it's going to take alot of time and work to get them together if we interfear them. In conclution everyone is going to stay out of their business. But we can still mock and make fun of them. Octavia said. 

-If you two have a son you should name him Bellamy Jr. And if it's a girl you could pick either the name Grace or Gabby. Octavia said as she changed the subject.
-It's very beautiful names. But I have to be honest with you. Clarke and I have already desided names. We are not telling you until after Clarke has given birth. Bellamy told Octavia.
-That's unfair! It's my niece or nephew. I'm the aunt. I should have the privilage to know now. Octavia protested.

-Don't be a child O. Bellamy said.
-I'm not! I am just really exited for you two. I will accept this for now. But I am going to find out the names sooner or later. You know I will. Octavia said. She was not upset at all. We all know that she gets what she want and she always find out what she wants to know. No questions asked about that. 

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