Chapter 16

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Bellamy's POV:
I had been in my tent all alone for a long time. I thought about mine and Clarke's kiss. Two kisses the be correct. How all of this started out. I have never been in love before. What I feel for Clarke is something special. Something that I do not want to lose. I do not want to lose Clarke to some other jackass here. We have built a friendship, partnership and we trust each other. I have to stop taking things for granthed. I want Clarke to be mine.
When I walked out of my tent there were some sort of party going on. I do not know what they are celebrating. When I saw that they had moon shine I realized that Jasper and Octavia was behind this. I walked up to Octavia and my friends. Octavia showed me there Clarke was and I do not like what I am seeing. Chad is holding my girl, my princess. I can see that she does not like it. After Octavia said something I didn't replay. I stormed of toward Clarke and Chad. No one is going to touch my princess. 

-Let her go! I said harsh.
-Or what Blake? Are you going to hurt me? They won't respect you if you hurt me. They will fear you. Chad said.
-I don't care as long as you let Clarke go. I said harsh. 

-What if I don't want to let go of Clarke? Chad said.
-I AM A HUMAN BEING. STOP FIGHTING AND LET ME GO FOR GOD SAKE. THIS IS PATHETIC. Clarke yelled as loud as she possible could. That drawed attention from others. People stopped partying and looked at the three of us. 
-You two like each other. I do not care about that. I want Clarke. So you better stay back Blake. I took that drawing from Bellamy that you made Clarke. Chad said. 

-So what if we like each other? There is no secret in that. And give back the drawing to Bellamy. It does not belong to you. Clarke said calmly. She was handling this pretty good if I may say. I haven't even noticed that the drawing of me was gone. I thought that I had it. Apparently not. I were going to say something to Chad. He had already lost focus on Clarke. Chad screamed something. I realized that Clarke had hit pretty hard in the balls. Chad let go of her wrists. He swore a few times. Chad was not happy with this situation at all. I wrapped one hand around Clarke's waist as I let her toward our friends. She sat down next to Octavia. I sat down on Clarke's right side so that she were sitting between us. I never liked Chad at all. Never have and never will I. Clarke was right. I should not have started to fight with Chad. But I could not help it since he didn't let my princess go. 

-You didn't have to do that Bell. Clarke whispered as she was leaning on me a little.
-Yes, I did princess. I said and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She were freezing cold. Why hadn't I noticed that before? Clarke yawned. I could tell that she was tired. I knew that she do not want to admit and instand sit out her on the logs with me and our other friends. Such a stubborn princess.
-I will take you to the bunker tomorrow princess. I whispered so that only the two of us could hear it. Clarke didn't say anything. She were only smiling when I told her that. 

The next day: 
I woke up really early this morning. I made sure to pack a few rations so that we had food for the day. Clarke was still sleeping when I walked into her tent. So was Octavia. I lightly shoock Clarke so that she would wake up. She looks so relaxed and peaceful. All the stress were gone. Clarke murmured something about me getting the hell out of the tent so that she could sleep. That is so my princess I thought to myself. Around twenty minutes later Clarke were up and ready to walk to the bunker. She were still really tired and it looked like she were sleep walking. She is so beautiful. I can not describe her beauty.  Everything is phenomenal with Clarke. How strong, beautiful, independent, warm-hearted and how much she cares for her friends and those she loves. And when she sets her mind on something she goes through with it, never givs up. That is just a few things that I deeply like about Clarke Griffin.

-Are you coming or not Bell? I am really tired, and you are walking way to slow for someone who is tired like hell. Clarke said. I didn't answer her, instand I just smiled as I looked at her.
-Do you have a radio with you? Clarke asked me. 

-Of course. I said. Not long after that we were finally at the bunker. I opened the door. Clarke walked in before me. Her face lit up when we both were inside. I sat down on the sofa after I locked the door behind us. Clarke walked over to one of the shelves. I looked through a few shelves before she grabbed a notebook. She took a pencil and sat down on the other side of the sofa. Clarke still had not said anything. I knew the reason was that she was still tired. But she was really happy. 

-Sit still Bell. Do not move. Clarke said. She sound so demanding.
-What are you going to do princess? I asked.
-Well, I am  going to draw another sketch of you. This one is going to be even better. And you are going to leave it here so that no one can take it. Clarke said and smiled at me. She took of her jacket and boots before she started to draw a sketch of me. I could get used to moments like this with her. Just Clarke and I. Everything about this is perfect. We have not discussed our relationship. But I know that we are more than just friends. Well, we never really were friends. We had a partnership which lead to us trusting each other and now we are here. 
-How long is this gonna take, princess? I asked her. I changed position on the sofa.
-I don't know. Didn't I tell you to sit still? She said annoyed.
-Always so bossy, aren't you? I said mocking her a little.
-I learn from the best. Clarke said. I was sure that I saw her smiling.

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