Chapter 25

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Bellamy's POV:
We have been walking for half a day. Clarke and I were not talking to each other right now. I walked with Miller as we discussed what we are going to do when we meet with the grounders. Clarke were talking to Raven and Octavia. They seem to have fun together. Then Kane inturrupted Miller and I. 
-You might not know this, but Clarke speaks very highly about you Bellamy. You are a lucky man to have Clarke. Don't make a mistake or let her slip away. I don't know what your fight was about. But you two better make up with each other. Time down here is fragile. Don't waste it on fighting. Kane said before he walked past me.
-I agree with Kane. Miller said. I keep quiet. I don't know what to say or do. The only reason that I actually tagged along with this trip is because Clarke and Octavia did. I am realizing that I might be a little overprotective. But it never hurts. It's better to be overprotecting than not carrying at all.
-O, are you sure that you know which direction we are going? I asked.
-Yes. Lincoln has told me and we have walked this way before. Don't worry. We will be there in an hour if we hurry up. Octavia said.
-Thanks O. I said. She didn't answer back. Instand she went back to talking to Clarke and Raven.
I just want to make up with Clarke and make sure that everything goes back to normal. Like it was before we fought.
-Give it time. Miller said.
-How much time? I asked.
-Talk to her when we are going back to camp. We have more important things to deal with now. And you know it Blake. Miller said. He was right. This is important. 

Clarke's POV:
We are finally in Polis. Lincoln had told us that the leaders name was Lexa. When we walked into Polis people started to look at us weirdly. I didn't know that there were this many people in their in Polis. I actually thought that it would just have been a small village like the others.
Bellamy walked up next to me. He grabbed my hand. It felt good to have him near me. Even if our relationship is a tiny rocky at the moment. We will sort things out later. Bellamy would do anything if someone laid a hand on me. You can see that I am pregnant. Still my baby bump were not to big.

It also felt good to have my other three friends, Kane and to other guards with us. I don't know either of the guards but it's fine with me. I just realized that if something would happen we are out numbered. Oh well, just lets get over with this so that we can turn back home their I feel safer than this place. 
My mother and our friends most be worried right now. Others at camp most we worried about what is going to happen. I just hope that we can stop something before it gets ugly. I really do. Another thing is that I have no idea what we are going to say. 
Lincoln has given us instructions there we are supposed to go. We follow the. First we meet two grounder guards. They does not seem too friendly at all. They scare me a tiny bit. Octavia who has learned their language talks to them. Lincoln tought her their lanugage. They can still talk english. They serach for weapons that we have. We give them all of our weapons.
Bellamy is still holding my hand. I try to not show fear. I don't really know if I seem scared or not. Octavia walks on my left side. I'm in the middle. The Blakes and I are the once who walks first into a room. After us comes Kane, Miller, Raven and our two guards.
On a throne is a woman sitting. She looks to be in her early twenties. I believe that that is Lexa. Lincoln has told us that she is the the heda, which means commander of trikru. Also is also known as the woods clan. She sees troubled. 

-Clarke of the sky people. She started. I was very uncomfortable with her presence. Something wasn't right.
-That's me. I want to know why you are threatening us. One of your men have shot a spear at me. That was aiming toward my best friend. I can not tolerate that. We don't want a war. And I want to prevent a war to come true. We want to live in peace. Our people who arrived later than the original 100 are afraid. They feel threatened. I would like to suggest an alliance. I said and took a step forward letting go of Bellamy's hand. Instantly I felt cold. I covered my belly with my two hands. Like a sheld. I wasn't sure of what would happen or how things were going to turn out later. I didn't have to look behind me. I knew that Bellamy were tense and ready for anything that might happen. 
-An alliance you say? Was the only thing she said. I looked at her. We had eye contact and I was not the first one who is going to break. She still didn't say anything. I could feel the tensing in the room. Yet nothing had happened. I could tell that she was trying to figure me out. I am not that easy to break. Not after everything that Bellamy and I have been through.
He has built me up. Bellamy has made me stronger. Both psychological and physically. He has also made me believe in myself. Which I had lost years ago. Thanks to Bell I got that back. Now he has given me the opportunity to become a mother. I could not be more greatful. It's my greatest thing that has happened me. If you don't count Bellamy. I will adore Bellamy and our baby until my last breath. I would die for them if it meant that I could save them from a threat. I can't wait for five more months to past. I want to feel my baby girl or baby boy in my arms and be there through my babys childhood. 
-Or we could negotiate? I heard Octavia say. When Lexa heard Octavia speak up her eyes turned dark. 

-You are Octavia Blake? Lexa said. She got of her throne and walked toward us. Bellamy was fast next to Octavia. No one were going to touch or hurt his little sister. Lexa were not in the mood. She was furious. I wonder what got into her. Lexa raised her hand. She was not going to hurt anyone today. I grabbed her wrist before she could hurt anyone.
-Don't touch her. Let's talk and no fighting. I said harsh and sternly. 

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