Chapter 38

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Clarke's POV:
I had been dragged the whole way back to Polis there Lexa currently were. When I got there, they threw me on the ground. They had put some kind of handcuffs around my hands. I sat on the floor, on my knees. I looked down on the floor. I were able to face her, I just didn't want to. She wouldn't get the satisfaction to break me today, or any other day for that matter.
A Lot of things were going through my mind right now. Things like, if Bellamy were back at camp, how were Aurora doing and other things like that. The main factory that I was thinking about was if I just had had the last day as a free person. What the hell was going to happen now. And what would the aftermath be like?
-What do you want with me? I asked. I tried to keep my voice steady. If Lexa were aware that I had a child, she would know that I have a weakness. A weakness that could destroy me. My daughter and Bellamy. I would die if that meant that I could save them. I have told myself and others that alot. It's true after all. 
-What do I want? I want peace between us. Lexa said. I laughed at her. Was she serious? That is what we want to.

-If I remember right that, we want that to. If you wanted peace you should not have kidnapped me. How stupid are you really? I spat.
-You tried to burn one of our villages down to the ground at night. Lexa said. I could see that she was furious. But also that she was hiding something.

-None of my people did that. You got it all wrong. Also you don't have any evidence that we did that. As you said it was dark. You could not have seen who it was. I tell you again, we want peace. We would not want to do anything to destroy that. You know that. I said harsh. 

-I don't believe you. Lexa said.

-You can't prove anything. But you know that I am right. I said even harsher this time. I felt a palm hit my left cheek hard. Lexa had just slapped me. She believed me. I knew it. She just doesn't want me to be right for some reason. I don't want to stay to find out why. I just want to get home.
-Am I allowed to leave now? I asked all innocent.
-No. She said harsh.
-But Bellam - I started before Lexa cut me of. 

-SHUT UP! Lexa yelled. Some anger issues there.
-Leave us alone. Lexa ordered her warriors who there here with us. They obeyed her. Even Indra left. I wasn't scared of Lexa. Not at all. 
-You should try to be nicer. People might actually like you then. Have you thought of that before? I said. I was probably getting on her nerves by now. I didn't really care. I just wanted to come to an agreement. So that we can solve all of this.

Bellamy's POV:
It was finally morning. I had been ordered to rest for a few hours and since we could not leave in the middle of the night we had to wait until the morning. Abby wanted me to stay here and keep resting for a while. She knew better not to argue with me. She wanted to get her daughter back as much as I did.
Miller, Murphy, Octavia and Lincoln were coming with me. Kane offered to follow with us but this was something I wanted to do with my friend. I know that it might seem mean of me. At the same time he has to stay with Abby. She can't come because Clarke would want Aurora to atleast have her grandma alive.
I still have no idea what Lexa wants. Clarke might be in alot of trouble right now. Or not. She can be very convincing if you ask me. Hopefully she might be out of Polis now and on her way back to camp Arkadia. The chances of that is slightly small. 

-Everything is going to be okay Blake. We can promise you that. She is a stubborn and strong person. She will manage to get out of the situation that she is in, one way or another. Lets go and get your woman, or princess as you like to call her back. Murphy said.
-Thanks. I know that everything is going to be okay in the end. Everything change when it's the person you love who is in danger. You should know that. I told Murphy.
-How should I know? Murphy said. He was a little taken back.
-Your situation is worse than mine was with Clarke in the beginning. I said and smirked.

-What do you mean? Murphy asked. He was so clueless that it was almost funny.

-Clarke and I fought. But we loved each other. Look where our relationship got us. We are happy, in love and have a family together. You on the other hand, is living in a love triangle. You, Raven and Emori. I do not know how you feel. But it must be hard for you man. I said. I left Murphy alone. I found Lincoln, Octavia and Miller in one of the tents. They were getting ready to leave.

Octavia could not sleep at all last night. That's how furious she is with Lexa. Lincoln was in a bad situation. Getting Octavia's best friend back from the leader of this clan. That must be hard. I know it's not easy for him. I love and appreciate everything that he has done for us. I could not be more grateful for him. I can trust him with my little sister. He is a great human being.
How did my life end up like this?  Amazing  and wonderful, yet you have to fight everyday to survive. 

Murphy's POV:
A love fucking triangle? I was not living that life. Or was I? I can not be. Sure I care about them a lot. I don't love them. I am not cable of loving another person. I just cause other people pain. I care deeply about my friends to. What the hell is the difference? I can not thing about this. Now I have to go and save my friend and that is the only thing that I should be focusing about right now. That's the main priority. Or else Bellamy would kill me on the spot. Not literally tho.

-Be carefull John. Emori said then I was going to walk to my friends. Please not now. I can not take this right now. Of course she was not going to walk away.

-Of course I will. I'm not stupid. I said.

-I know you aren't stupid. You are smart and I love that about you. Emori said. There comes the word again. Love, freaking love. Ugh, I hate that.

-You seriously love that about me? You don't know me. I said harsh. I made an attempt to walk away. I felt Emori grab me by my elbow.
-You aren't walking away from this. From what we have here. Emori said all sweetly.
-Listen Emori. I care about you. But right now I have my own problems. I need to solve my problems on my own. I can not have you around me when I am doing that. Do you understand what I am telling you? I told her. I was taken back by Emori's actions. She threw herself on me and kissed me right there on the yard so that everyone could see us. Exactly what I needed, not!

-I guess you don't need me telling you be carefull and good luck? I heard Raven say behind me. Bellamy was right, my life is more screwed up then his ever was.
-Reyes! Nice to see you too. I said and turned around giving her a smile.
-I can't say that I feel the same. Raven said and walked away.

-Thanks alot. I said and walked away. I don't have time for this. I walked toward the gates there I saw Miller, Octavia, Lincoln and Bellamy. They seem to be in a rush. Octavia and Miller were smirking.

-Dude, you are hooked in two different directions. I was right. Bellamy said.
-Whatever. Let's go and get your princess back. I mumbled. Then the five of us left camp together. Ready for whatever was going to happen, or not happen. 

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