Chapter 27

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Bellamy's POV:
Clarke walked out. Lexa was not to pleased. Thankfully she didn't try to do anything. She just threw us out after Clarke and Miller had left. I wondered why Clarke had left so urgent. I was glad that Miller ran after Clarke.  She had someone with her. I wanted to run after her but I didn't want to leave Octavia since Lexa had made an attempt to attack my sister. Clarke understand that. I'm happy that Clarke is understanding. I would never be able to be with someone who didn't understand why I want to protect my sister. Clarke is everything I want. 

-We will leave now. This truce will stand until we can come up with something little better. Raven said. The six of us walked out. I saw Miller embracing Clarke in a hug and they laughed. It made me happy to see Clarke feeling better. Miller is a good guy. He always said the right things to make things better. Most of the time. Sometimes he was annoying. But when it comes down to his friends he is always there. 
-Let's get home now. Shall we? Octavia said when we had gotten Clarke and Miller's attention. She looks much better now. All the stress started to faint away as Clarke relaxed.
-Come on princess. I said. I grabbed Clarke's hand as we walked out of Polis. I'm aware about the fact that we need to come back here another day. But I can not have Clarke worried about that right now.
I could breath more properly when we left Polis behind us for today. Having Kane and our two guards might not have been necessary. But it felt good to know that we had at least a little backup if something would have happened. Clarke and I didn't talk. It felt good to have her next to me, knowing that she was alright. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. Kane and the two guards walked infront of us. Miller, Octavia and Raven walked behind us. 

Octavia's POV:
I thought that the meeting with Lexa went relatively good. Exept that she wanted to hurt me. I understand why she hates me. I have not done anything to offend her so I am wondering what her real problem is with me. 
As Miller, Raven and I walked behind Clarke and my brother I was  wondering how things were going with them. I know that Clarke and Bellamy always settles their differences. Something about their fight this time was much more different. I am worried what is going to happen between them. Hopefully things will solve themselves. Hopefully.
-What did you tell Clarke? Raven asked Miller.
-Just that her parents are proud of her. That her father is looking down on earth and that he sees what Clarke has accomplished. Things between her and Bellamy is going to be fine. If not better than before. And that we are going to find a solution for the problem with the trikru clan. Miller told us. 
-Okay. She seems better now. Raven said. 
-Yeah. She and Bellamy most talk out things now. Things will go back to normal soon. I told them. 
We walked for hours. Miller, Raven and I talked, joked and had fun. We had a good time as we walked back to camp. When all of us walked through the gates to camp we saw Abby coming running. Her face was mixed with emotions. Everything from anger, disappointment, happiness and worriness. I guess that Clarke should have told her mother that we left. Abby can't lose her own daughter. It would break her. Clarke told us that herself. We all have lost people we love so I understood. 
-OMG Clarke! You are back. I was really worried! Next time you tell me if you leave. I am happy that you got your friends and Kane with you! Don't leave again like that. Abby said and embraced Clarke in a hug. I could not hear what Clarke replied. It had already started to get dark outside.
 A few had made up a big bonfire. People sat on logs. Drinking moonshine, eating and laughing. Just like other evenings. Miller, Raven and I walked over to our other friends. Harper, Jasper, Monty, Bryan and Murphy shared logs. They sat a bit away from the rest of the campers at Arkadia. 

Clarke's POV:
When we got back to cmap Arkadia I felt much better. I was relived to be back. My mother talked to me. She was upset that I left without her permission. Apparently it helped that Kane and Bellamy was with me. Just a little tho. Bellamy wanted to talk to me. We walked into our room in the ark. I sat down on our bed as Bellamy closed the door. He sat down on one of the chairs that was in the room. I knew what this is about. 
-Listen and don't interrupt me princess. I'm sorry how I acted. I know what I said was wrong and stupid. I know that you aren't my property. You are your own person and no one own you. I just want you and our baby to be safe. I can't lose you. I can't bare the thought of losing you. So I guess that I wanted you here there they can't hurt you. But I was wrong. You can take care of yourself because you are so strong, stubborn, warm-hearted and beautiful. You are going to be the greatest mother. I already know that. I know that you are eighteen and that you are nineteen when our beauiful baby daughter or son is born. You have your your mother, friends and me here to support you. I will be with you and support you all the way. You already know that. And when things get a little hard we will get throught it together. We are in this together princess. You and me all the way. Remember, you and I against the world. Bellamy said. Clarke had tears in her eyes. It was happy tears. 
-And I love you deeply princess. Bellamy added.

-I love you too Bell. I'm sorry for acting like a brat. I said. Bellamy stood up and then sat down on the bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head in his shoulder. I yawned. I was really tired after this long day.
-Let's go to sleep. Bellamy said and kissed me. That sound like a great idea. 

Octavia's POV:
Clarke and Bellamy didn't came back til the bonfire this evening. They have probably made up. I have decided that I am going to see Lincoln tommorrow. I miss him like crazy. I have not seen him in a few days. It drives me crazy. I really do love Lincoln. 

-When are you leaving tommorrow O? Harper asked.
-At first light. I want to spend as much time I can with Lincoln before I have to come back here. I told my friends. 
-Okay. Monty said. Most of my friends were tipsy. They had had to much moonshine. Raven and Murphy were totally wasted. More than the others. I told Raven to go back to her place and rest. Harper helped her getting to her place so that she could sleep and fell better tommorrow. Around twenty minutes later I told the others that I was going to bed. Tommorrow will be a good day.  

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