Chapter 36

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Bellamy's POV:
Clarke and I were on our way back to camp after an amazing afternoon together at the lake and waterfall. We love coming there, as much as to the bunker. Our little mini home. Clarke and I walked hand in hand.
We hadn't walked for long until I heard a weird sound. Clarke and I both stopped walking. We heard movement. No one of ours is supposed to be our here by now. I still couldn't see who there moving around us. It was a little harders since it was starting to get dark and all the trees covered most of the last sunlight before the sun went down.
-Something isn't right. Clarke whispered. I didn't have to say anything. She knew that I thought the same. I let go of Clarke's hand and I took out my gun. Just in case I need to use it. Which I am sure I have to. I just have that feeling. We kept moving toward our camp slowly. We were aware that people were around. I heard the movements getting closer and closer to us.
Then from our left, right, behind and infront of us came people. They weren't ours. I remember some of them. It was five men from Lexa's clan. I really dislike that woman. And her warriors for the matter. They surrounded me and Clarke. We couldn't back down or fight them alone. Well, we could but it would be hard. Clarke has no weapon with her. Only I have. Clarke couldn't hide behind me since they were surrounding us.

-We should try to reason with them. Clarke said very low.
-Do you really think that is going to work? I said.
-No. Clarke said low. I could hear her disapponitment and fear in her voice. Clarke is really strong and can go through with everything. Somehow Clarke didn't feel that there were no point in fighting them. 

-What do you want with us? I asked harsh. By now I was pointing my gun to one of the men. It might seem like we are a threating them. But we aren't. I'm just going to use it if they attack us. Right now it feels like they are. 
-Lexa wants to talk. One of the men said.
-About what? I asked.

-The truce. Another one said. 
-Then tell her that she can arrange a meeting. Clarke said. 
-Come with us now or we'll make you. He same guy said. We were so focused on the two men who were standing infront of us that we had forgotten those other three men who were behind us. Someone grabbed Clarke from the behind. They had a knife against her throat. 
-Don't hurt her. I said as I turned around and saw them having the knife against Clarke's throat. 
-BELLAMY, LOOK OUT! Clarke managed to scream even tho they had the knife against her. I felt someone hit me in the back of my head really hard as I fell to the ground. The last thing that I could hear was Clarke crying screaming for me to get up. Then everything went black and I became unconscious. 

Clarke's POV:
As Bellamy fell to the ground, they blinded me. I could no longer see anything. It was horrible since I didn't know what was happening with Bellamy now. All I wanted was for him to get into safety. But that isn't going to happen now. Then I staretd to think about Aurora. I hope that last time we saw her isn't the last time. I just want to run back to camp and embrace her in a hug with Bellamy. The three of us together. Right now I don't want anything else.
-Where are you taking me? I cried out loud. They kept quiet. It started to get scary. What the hell was actually going on? I didn't want to leave Bellamy but there were nothing I could do since I was blindfolded. They started to drag me after them. I guess that they are seriously with forcing us to come with them to Lexa.
I should have expected something like this to happen. At least we got more than half a year of peace. I guess that this is better than them coming to our camp. It would start totally chaos at camp. And that would not be good at all. The downside is that Bellamy is all alone and doesn't know what is going on with me. I can't imagine the worry be must feel when he wakes up all alone.

We were walking for a really long time and I was starting to get really tired. Lexa's men could tell that I was out of energy but they didn't care at all. They just kept dragging me with them against my will with force. It was crazy.
-Let me go you psychos. I cried out. Of course they didn't. 

Bellamy's POV:
I woke up all alone on the ground. I remember a few pieces of what had happened just before I past out. I looked around and no one were where. Clarke wasn't here. I started to panic. My breath got uneven. I can't lose Clarke. I was trying my best to remember better. Grounders, threats. Lexa and some meeting or whatever. LEXA! They most have taken my princess to Lexa. I can't imagine what might happen. What might be going on right now with Clarke. I can't just go there and ambush them. I have to get back to camp, get help and backup to get Clarke back. I think that I have a concussion. Because when I got up I became dizzy immediately and had to sit down again. This can not be happening. I stood up again. I was still dizzy but I started to walk slowly back to camp. Not because I wasn't worried or scared of what Clarke might be going through now. I can not fight Lexa if I have a concussion. Clarke would say that I have to lay down and take it easy. Make sure that Aurora still have a parent alive. 
-I love you Clarke. We will be reunited and you will be back with Aurora and I soon. I whispered even tho Clarke wasn't here next to me right now. Clarke Griffin will always and forever be in my heart. And we will come with back up and sort things out once and for all. 

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