Chapter 49

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Clarke's POV:
Raven and I had talked for a while. She told me that she has been sick for the past two days and been vomiting. She feels like there is something else that is wrong. And she is worried. 
-There does it hurt Raven? I asked. I were currently examing her. I don't believe that she is sick at all. She were not showing any syntomes of actually being ill. 
-My stomach. Raven answered me. I put my hands on her stomach. Everything felt fine. 

-Tell me more. How much have you eaten lately? Or slept? Are you over doing things and getting tired? I should suggest that you rest for a while until you regain energy and gets better. I said. 
-Clarke, I can't be pregnant, can I? Raven asked me. I were not ready to hear that question at all. 
-Erm, when were the last time that you were intimate with someone? I asked. This would not be weird at all. But the fact that Raven is asking me this makes it a little weird. She is supposed to be the responsible one out of all our friends. Even tho everyone are responsible.
-A month again. Raven mumbled. I were quiet for a while. She is right. Raven Reyes got knocked up and she is indeed pregnant.
-You don't have to tell me who the father is. But I would suggest that you tell the father sooner than later. At least tell him before you are giving birth. I told Raven.
-Can I still be intimate with someone? Raven asked me.
-Of course you can. Wait! What are you up to now? Don't do anything stupid Raven. I said.
-I was just wondering. I got pregnant. I can not be anymore stupid than that. Raven said.
-You are not stupid. Things just didn't go as planned. I said to Raven. 

Raven's POV:
It was finally evening. Me and my friends were sitting by a table eating supper. Well, it is not much of supper. Kinda the same thing as what was served at lunch. I had decided to tell my friends about my pregnancy now then everyone is gathered here. I want them to hear it from me first and no one else.
-Guys, I have something important to tell you. I don't want you to freak out. I said.

-Is this about what we talked about before? Clarke asked me. All our friends got curious now.
-Yes it is. I would like you all to know that Clarke and I talked. She examed me and it seems like I am pregnant. I said. They all started to talk at the same time. They said all kinds of things. Like "Congratulations" "Who is your baby daddy" "You are going to be a mother. A great mother" "We are so happy for you" "We are here for you all the way". Those kind of things. It is nice to have friends like these. I really do. 

-So tell us. Who is the baby daddy? Miller said. 

-I can not tell you. He doesn't even know yet. I said.

-Please, pretty please. Tell us. Octavia said. 
-If I tell you I am going to break someones heart. And I don't want to do that. Me being pregnant isn't fair to someone. I said. 

-Why not? I asked.

-Because he isn't single. In fact he is together with someone else. I said. The all looked at me as if I were out of my mind. 
-Were he single at the time? Bellamy asked.
-Yes he was. But in my defense, I found out after we had slept together what he is in a relationship. I didn't do anything wrong. He did. I should not feel bad about anything. People are not allowed to judge because of that. I said. 

-It does not matter. We are here to support you no matter what. Harper said. All my other friends agreed with Harper. It makes me really happy that they are supportive of me. 

-I know who it is! Isn't it the guy you have a crush on? What is his name again? Jermiah isn't it!? Murphy said and laughed. 

-It's rude to laugh John! Emori told Murphy. I can not believe that I am saying this. But I'm jealous of Emori. I got knocked up and she got Murphy. I admitted how I felt and still he picked Emori over me. The chances of us being together is none. It hurts. It really does. I can not stop living my life. Now I have another human being to think about. I am going to be there for my child always.
-It's not Jermiah's child. I said. 

Bellamy's POV:
The next day Aurora, Clarke, M.J and I got ready to leave camp for a while. We decided that today were going to be the day that we have some family time since last day got cancelled. I can not believe that Raven is pregnant. Honestly I thought that she were going to be the last one of our friends to get pregnant. Life really do surprises you sometimes. A child is a beautiful miracle. It really is. A precious little life. They are going to be our next generation after all. So we better take care of them when they are young and vulnerable.
-Come on Bell. Let's go now. Aurora is starting to get really impatient. Clarke said.
-I'm coming. I'm coming. Have you decided where we all are going? I said and grabbed my jacket.
-Either to the meadow or the lake. Clarke suggested. I like both ideas. But I had a better idea.
-Lets take them to the bunker. We have not been there in ages. I miss that place. I told Clarke. She loved the idea. I picked up M.J and let Aurora out of the ark as Clarke went away looking for her mother to tell her that we are leaving now for a few hours. It will be nice to get away for a few hours. Just me and my family. A few minutes later the kids and I met Clarke at the gates. 

A while later we were finally at the bunker. I opened it up as Aurora ran in. I let Clarke and M.J get in before me. Aurora seemed to be amazed at the place. Clarke grabbed the sketchbook from one of the shelves. She took out a paper and gave Aurora a pen so that she could color something if she would like to.
She has never had the opportunity to draw. The reason for that is because we barely have anything to paint with. It is actually really sad. To be honest. We gotta use what we have. Aurora sat on the floor as she were drawing. She really seems to like and enjoy it.
I were sitting on the sofa. Clarke were leaning her head against my chest as M.J had fallen asleep on Clarke's stomach. She didn't want to move. She were scared of waking him up. I were playing with Clarke's hair and enjoying this moment. This moment is something to really remember. 

-You know those cameras or phones that they had before the apocalypse destroyed the world? I wish I had one of whose. Because then I could take a picture of this moment and it would be saved forever. Clarke said. I leaned a little toward so I were able to get the sketchbook that was laying on the table.
-You don't need any of those things. Draw this moment instand on the sketchbook. It's more personal. Don't forget that you are one hell of a good artist. Your drawings are amazingly good. I told Clarke. My eyes met hers and I could see that she were trying not to start crying.
-Don't cry princess. I said and whipped away a few wet tears on her cheeks.
-It is happy tears. I am really happy. You, Bellamy Blake, make me happy. I never thought that I would ever be this happy or deserve your love. Clarke said.
-You are stuck with me. Because I am going to love you forever princess. I said and kissed Clarke. 
-Look! This is you mama and daddy. And this is brother and that is me. Aurora said as she showed us the drawing that she had done. 
-Sweetie, that is beautiful. Clarke said. 
-You are as talanted as your mother. I said. 

-Thank you! Aurora said. She walked back to there she were sitting before and continued with the drawing. 

Raven's POV: 
I were in my room when someone knocked on the door. I told them to come in. Of course it was him. I am not to pleased to see him. Not at all! 
-The baby. It's mine isn't it? He asked.
-Yeah, it is. Don't feel the pressure that you have some kind of obligation that you need to take care of the baby and I. Because I can handle this on my own. I said.
-I know you can. But I am going to be here for you and our baby. Reyes, this is our baby. I am the father. What is done is done. He said. 
-Our baby? Are you insane? I practically told you that I love you. How insane is that? Me falling for you. Something must be wrong with me. Because you have a girlfriend. You picked her over me! You picked Emori for crying out loud. Are you even going to tell her? You left me for her! I screamed. Yeah, the child is Murphy's. Murphy got me pregnant. How amazing isn't that?

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