Epilogue: Part one

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One year later: 
Clarke's POV:
It's been exactly one year since Talia was born. Aurora is soon four years old and M.J is two years old. Bellamy keeps talking about having a fourth child. That is not happening anytime soon. Aurora has taken on her big sister role. She loves to be the big sister. The oldest one of the three of them.
Raven and Murphy's child Phoenix is one year and six months old now. Murphy and Raven have been talking alot about having another little one running around at camp. They want Phoenix to have a sibling. Apparently they have made a decison that Phoenix needs to be atleast three years before she gets pregnant again. Phoenix loves to run around at camp. 
-Hey beautiful. Are you ready for tomorrow? Bellamy said and kissed me passionately and long.
-I have been waiting for a whole year now. I said. Bellamy and I decided that we would get married exactly one year from then we proposed to one another. Since Talia were born the same day we decided that we should get married the day after that. We want her day to be just about her. For her to have her own birthday and not to share that day with Bellamy and I getting married. We could have gotten married earlier but we want to make it special.
I can not believe how far me and everyone at camp has come in five years. A little more than five years ago we arrived to earth. Everyone has gone through sort of the same things. But we all have had different experiance with all of it. 
-O can not stop talking about tomorrow. She loves that you asked her to be your maid of honor. You should have seen her after you left. She really has been here for us all the time. Bellamy said. I started to laugh of the image of how Octavia reacted since I were not there myself to see it.

-You are right. She really has been her. She must have been the first one to ship us? The first one that were pushing us to get together? I said.
-Sound like Octavia. Bellamy said. We started to laugh together. 
-But now we have to go out to the party that Octavia has thrown for our little angel. It's not everyday that someone turns one. Let's get out and celebrate our daughter. I said. I grabbed Bellamy's hand and tried to make him follow me out. It didn't really work.
-Just a moment. Bellamy said and kissed me. I am always finding myself getting lost in his kisses. I wrapped my arms around his neck and depened the kiss. This kept going on for a few minutes.Then we heard someone banging on our door before it opened.
-Stop moaning so darn loud. We can hear you through the tent. Now come out before I have to kick you both out of here. Miller said. Did I forget to mention that we were in a tent? No wonder people could hear us. Bellamy and I walked out of the tent. My face were really red. I tried to hide my face.
-Don't hide your face. You look beautiful. You are sexy princess. Bellamy said. He always knows what to say to make me feel better about myself.
-Seriously guys, you should do the dirty in the bunker there no one can hear you. Or somewhere else. People around here is probably traumatized by hearing you two doing it. You two are my best friends but please find some other place to do it. For five years we have heard you. It is traumatizing. I have been wanting to say this for years. Miller said. Now I am really embarrassed. Are we really that loud? Stop thinking about this Clarke! I told myself. Just go and have fun and celebrate that your daughter is turning one today. 
-Look who misses her mama. Octavia said. She were holding Talia's hand as she did her best to walk. Talia has finally learnt how to walk by herself. Still we need to hold her hand at times because she usually falls after a few steps. She can still walk. Aurora could walk on her own when she were eleven months old and so could M.J.
-Come to mama. I said and opened my arms. Octavia let go of Talia's hand and she stumbled over to me. Bellamy were standing on my right side as Aurora came running.
-Daddy! Come to the swings! She said and ran of again. Aurora still loves the swings. We have been able to build another five swings. So more children can be at the playground at the same time. We are really starting to make a change here. And many children have more things to do. They do not have to be bored.
-Duties calls. Bellamy said. He gave me a peak on the lips before he left Talia, Octavia and I.
-I am so looking toward your wedding tomorrow. She said.
-I am to. I have been dreaming about this for ages. I could never see myself marrying another human being. Bellamy Blake is the one and only for me. I said.
-I am really happy that you two found each other. And that I tried to push you two together. Everything really did turn out good. Didn't it? Octavia said.

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