Chapter 31

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Clarke's POV:
I have been pregnant for longer than nine months now. Our little baby doesn't want to enter the world yet. It makes Bellamy anxious. He is scared that something might be wrong. I'm telling him that can be normal that the child passes the due day.
I am still helping my mother a the medical bay. Bellamy want me to rest. I'm fine working. It makes Bellamy feel a little better that I'm in the medical bay so that I can get help immediatly if something happens. If my water breaks.
If it's a baby boy we decided to go with the name Nathan. Bellamy decided that he wanted to go with that name because Miller is his best friend and that he has always been there for us. Even if our other friends also has been there. And Miller 's first name is Nathan. I myself think that it was a great idea.
I the end I do not care if it's a boy or girl. As long as our baby is happy and healthy then I'm good. Nothing else really matter then. 
-Does this hurt? I asked the girl who had come into the medical bay. She had hurt her ancle as she had fallen down a tree. 

-Just a little. I can handle the pain. The girl said.
-What's your name? I asked.

-Hannah. She said. She was only ten years old. 
-You are pretty tough Hannah. I said. 
-Thank you. I got it from my dad. She whispered. I didn't push the conversation.

-Everything is done now. Promise me to take care and don't climb in the trees anytime soon. You have to rest your ancle for a couple of day before it gets better. I told her. 
-Thanks Clarke. She said and walked out of the medical bay. 
Hours went by and I had nothing to do. I was starting to get really restless and annoyed. My mother was not going to be in the medical bay today, which meant that I'm alone in there. It gets rather boring. I I would love to go to either the bunker, meadow or the waterfall. I can not do that any time soon. Which is depressing. I have to think about my baby. I walked out of the medical bay and walked into the mechanic station there I knew Raven would be. 
-Shouldn't you be on bed rest? Raven asked when she saw me.
-I should. I don't want to rest. I feel helpless then. So Reyes, tell me what is going on between you and Muprhy? I asked.

-Nothing. We hooked up once. Raven said. 
-No you didn't. I said.
-Fine, we did it twice. Raven said annoyed.

-You might fool others. But you can not fool me. I said.
-Fine, it happened three other times again. But nothing, I mean nothing, is going on between Murphy and I. Raven said. 

-I believe you. I said and smiled.
-You do? She said shocked. 
-No, I don't. But my water just broke. I said. Raven went from shocked, happy then panicked.
-We need to get you to the medical bay right now. Raven said. Raven put away what she was currently working on. She lead me out of the mechanic station. I was able to walk myself there by myself. But I am greatful to have Raven as a friend. "BELLAMY BLAKE, YOUR GIRLFRIENDS WATER JUST BROKE. SHE IS HAVING YOUR BABY RIGHT NOW." Raven cried out so that everyone could here her. This was not the exact way I wanted people to find out that it's time for be to give birth. Bellamy would be in the medical bay any minute. I was sure of that. When Raven and I walked into the medical bay my mother was already there. Two minutes later Bellamu came running in. 
-Is the baby coming? Bellamy asked.
-You know that it can take a few hours until the baby is born. I said. I had tears in my eyes. But it's happy tears. In a few hours I am going to be a mother and I could not be any happier. 
-That's okay. I won't leave your side. Bellamy said and sat down on my left side.

Raven's POV:
I left Clarke with her mother and Bellamy. I don't want to be in the way. I found Octavia and Harper. They got really excited when I told them about the news that Clarke is delivering her child very soon. 
It made me start thinking about my own future. What will I do and what will happen? After losing my boyfriend up on the ark, Finn Collins, I got lost. I thought that he was the love of my life. But now I'm not so sure. I mean, I'm randomly hooking up with the same guy, and I can not do that for the rest of my life. That's not how it works. I have to figure out something to do with my life. To become something, someone that I can be proud of. 

Bellamy's POV:
Clarke has now been in labor for three hours. Abby has told us multiple times that Clarke isn't ready to push yet. It makes me anxious. I have been waiting for this day for the past nine months. I have been sitting by Clarke's side the whole time. Octavia has been in here a few times to see if everything is still fine. Which it is. 
-Clarke, I think that it's time for you to start pushing. Abby told her. Clarke look scared yet happy. 

-I'm here princess. Right here. You can do this. I said softly and took her hand in my. 
-Thanks Bell. Clarke said. 
-For what? I asked.

-For being the best. For loving and taking care of me. Clarke whispered. 

-Time to push. Abby said. Not long after that we could here our little baby scream. Abby wore the baby in a blanket before she left the child in Clarke's arms. It was a little girl. She was so small and beautiful. Our daughter. I'm mesmerized by how strong Clarke is. Aurora Griffin Blake. Clarke whispered so only the two of us could hear. My perfect little family.
She has Clarke's eyes, her hair was curly like mine but as blonde as Clarke's. She has the same freckles as I. She was truly beautiful. She has her mothers beauty. I will love and care for them as long as I live. 
Later that day, Clarke and I told everyone that Clarke has given birth to a beautiful baby girl. We decided that only family will see her. Our friends will get the honor to see her later in a few days. For now we only want it to be Clarke, our little girl Aurora and I. 

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