Chapter 30

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Clarke's POV:
I am not eight months pregnant. I can not wait for two more months to past. I just want to hold my baby in my arms and watch her or him grow up. And to watch Bellamy being the best father ever. I know that he will be the best father. I'm scared that I won't be a good mother. Bellamy has tried to talk me out of it. He says that I have nothing to worry about. That we are in on this together. Hearing that makes me feel better. Things has never been as good as they are right now between the two of us and I couldn't be any happier.
-Bell! I said as I greeted him when he walked into our room.
-Hey princess. He said and kissed me gently. 

-Guess what. I said
-I don't know. Tell me. Bellamy said.
-I'm eight months pregnant. I said and smiled.   

-Haha, I know. I'm thrilled. We just have to wait another four weeks. Then our little baby is born. I'll be by your side the whole time when you are giving birth princess. I promise you. I'm so proud of you. You will be a great mother Clarke. Bellamy said. He leant in and kissed me deeply, yet gentle. It was perfect. 
-Let me take you to the bunker today. We can spend our day there together. Just you and I. No one has to interrupt us. It will be nice and relaxing. Bellamy said.
-I love the idea. Why don't we leave now? I suggested.
-Of course. As the princess wish. Bellamy said. He helped me up from the bed. I grabbed my jacket before Bellamy and I walked out of the ark. I told Monty to tell my mother that we left and that we will be back later tonight. This will be a great day. Bellamy and I grabbed a few rations that would last for today since we are getting back later. Then we left camp together. It didn't take long until we were at the bunker. 
I laid down on the sofa and Bellamy sat next to me. My head resting on his lap as we brushed his fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes as Bellamy started to tell me a story. I told me about how his mother did everything for him and Octavia. How she helped him to become a guard before everything went downhill for him. Sometimes his voice almost broke and I could feel the pain in his voice. It pains me to see him like this. He blames himself for his mothers death. He shouldn't do that. It wasn't his fault. It's the stupid laws fault that we had on the ark. And the counsil could have done something about it.
-Aurora. I said. Bellamy looked down at me as I opened my eyes. 
-What? Bellamy asked confused.

-If it's a girl. We will name her Aurora. After your mother. I told Bellamy. His face lit up. I could see happy tears in his eyes. Bellamy were now smiling. It warmed my heart to see him like this.
-I thought you wanted to go with the name Michelle? Bellamy asked. 

-I did. But I think, I know, that we should name her Aurora. I like it better. And I know how much it means to you and Octavia. So I want to name her Aurora. I told Bellamy. 
-If that is okay? I added.
-That's perfect. Absolutely perfect. Bellamy said and kissed me. I broke the kiss not long after that. I remember one thing.
-Bell! We don't have a crib, baby clothes or anything. I'm having this baby in a months. What should we do? We need to fix these things now! She or he must have clothes. And somewhere to sleep. I said fast and sat up. Bellamy started to laugh. I looked at him confused.
-That it easy princess. I have everything under control. Monty, Raven and I am working on a crib. It ś done in a week or so. Because I want it to be perfectly perfect. You do not have to worry about clothes. That is under control to. You have nothing to worry about. All you have to think about is to take care of yourself and the baby. I told you. I am here for you always. Bellamy said. I sighed. I got a little relived when I heard the news. I can not believe that Bellamy has done that. It warms my heart so much. He is going to be the best father. I already know that. There is no question in that. 

-Have I told you how much I love you. I said. 
-Yeah, you have. But it doesn't hurt to hear it again. Bellamy said.

-I love you. I love you and I love you. I said and kissed him deeply and passionately.
-What did I do to deserve you princess? Bellamy said.
-It helps that you are handsome. I said. 
-That's good to here. Rest for a while then we can do something. Bellamy then said. I giggled and Bellamy kissed me on the forehead. I closed my eyes and Bellamy started to tell me another story. 

Bellamy's POV:
Later that day Clarke and I left the bunker. I like to call it "Our little home". Clarke and I can just go there and no one can interrupt us. It 's a nice place there we can relax and be by ourselves. Clarke doesn't realize how happy I actually am that we are having a child together. We are already so close. Having this child will only bring us closer. There is no one else that I would want to start a family with. Clarke is the only one. I cen never imagine myself being with another human being.
Octavia has always been my family. I love my sister. She has always been my responsibility. Now my priority is changing. I am always going to be responsible of her. Soon Clarke and I are bringing this new person into the world. My little newborn is going to have to be my number one priority. I will adore Clarke and our newborn so much. I would never want to have it another way. Clarke completes me. And this child is going to complete our family. 
I love my sister, my princess and my soon to be newborn child. 

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