Chapter 43

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Clarke's POV:
M.J is now one months old. All my friends and family love him. Aurora always wants to play with him. She doesn't understand that he is to small for that. However it is still cute of her. I am twenty years old. Almost twenty one. I got two kids. A little toddler and a newborn. I am trying my hardest not to start anything that will end badly. Like the conflict with Lexa. It is not a good thing to mess with her.
I am scared that she will do something very soon. Since M.J is one month old Lexa might think that he was just born. That I just gave birth. Since my son were a month to early. Every moment with my two children, Bellamy, mother and my friends counts. I don't want to miss out on anything. 

Now when Bellamy and I have two children who are growing up, Octavia has started to talk about children to. I think that she is insane. She is only nineteen and if she would end up pregnant Bellamy would go out of his mind. At the same time you never know what might happen here, down on earth. 
-I will take him. Just stay there princess. Bellamy told me then M.J started to scream as he woke up. 

-It's fine Bell. I should feed him anyway. I said. Bellamy was faster than me. He picked up M.J and walked over to there I were sitting. He laid him down in my arms so that I could feed him.
-We are in this together. Never forget that princess. Bellamy said and kissed me gently. 
-I know that Bell. It's just that - Bellamy cut me of.
-No just or buts. I will always be here helping you. Whatever you need, I will be there. I'm yours. Bellamy said and smiled.

-You love me. I said. 
-Of course I do. Always has, always will. Belllamy said.

-Always has huh? I believe you disliked me in the beginning. I said as I were feeding M.J.
-I never disliked you. I might have said one word or another that. Deep down I always liked you. Which turned into love. My stupidity, madness and handsomeness made you fall in love with me. Which lead to us falling in love and being together which ended with us having two beautiful and amazing children. We are the beautiful, crazy and loving little family that I always wanted. In the beginning I was scared of what I wanted. And I, Bellamy Blake, will always and forever love you Clarke Griffin. Because you are freaking amazing and so loveable. And you are so good with our children. Bellamy admitted. Hearing this made me fall even more in love with him. I had tears in my eyes. Happy tears.
-For the record. It helps that you are handsome. But you already knew that. I said as Bellamy kissed me again.
-Is M.J done being fed? If so, maybe Harper could look after him? Bellamy said. I knew exactly there he were going with this.
-Did you only say that so you could get me in bed or what? I said.
-Did it work? Bellamy said. I knew with all my heart that Bellamy had meant every single word.

-I am busy. I said.

-Yeah yeah. I am here to help you, as you already know. He repeated what he had said a while ago.
-I know. I love you for that. Maybe you can get something tonight. I said and winked. He just smirked. 
-Now go spend some time with your daughter. M.J has gotten so much attention from us lately. I think she miss being the center of our attention. I told Bellamy. 

-After we tuck them in tonight and they are fast asleep, we can have fun. They can sleep at my mother's and Kane's place. You bring out the best and worst in me. Another reason why I am in love with you Bellamy Blake.  I told Bellamy.

-I will go and get Aurora now and see what she is up to. I love you to deeply princess. I will see you soon. Bellamy said and kissed me with love and passion.
-As much as I love you and your kisses you need to leave. Aurora is with my mother in the medical bay right now. You will find her there. I said before Bellamy left. 
-It is just you and me for awhile kid. Daddy need to spend sometime with your big sister. She loves you and so does your father and I. Very much. I said and kissed M.J's forehead. He was so small and beautiful. I got a toddler, newborn and a boyfriend. My life could not be any better, for now. 

Bellamy's POV:
I walked into the medical bay there I found my daughter and Abby. Just like Clarke had told me.
-Hey sweetie. I said and picked her up.
-Hurt. Was the only thing she said. I looked at Abby wondering what she meant.
-She fell of the chair before. Her shoulder hurts a little but there is nothing to worry about. Abby explained to me.
-Thanks for telling me. Good that it was nothing worse. I said and kissed Aurora on the her right cheek.
-Is there okay if Aurora and M.J stays with you and Kane tonight? You can not say no because Clarke has already decided that you shall take them tonight. We have not gotten and alone time since M.J were born. I said.
-Of course it is okay. I would never say no to that. I would love to babysit my two beautiful grandchildren. Plus you and Clarke need some quality time. Abby said.
-Thank you so much. What do you want to do now sweetie? I asked my daughter.
-Hide and seek. She said as I put her down on the ground.
-Okay, go and hide and I will count, thenI will come and look for you. I said. My daughter ran out of the medical bay. I am always scared then she is alone. Even if we are in the camp.
-You are a good father Bellamy. Abby said as she put away a few supplies.
-I try my best.  I admitted.
-I see that. I can see why my daughter loves you. Honestly I was not really fond of your relationship with my daughter when I arrived to earth. You proved to me that you are worthy of her love and that you would do anything for my daughter and grandchildren. There is no one else I would want my daughter to be with. You are the love of her life. Anyone can see that.  Abby told me. Hearing Abby telling me this meant alot to me.
-She makes me want to be good. To be better. She keeps me sane, happy and loved. Clarke changed my life and mind for the better. I love her and our children so so much. I have done many mistakes in my life. But meeting and falling in love with Clarke Griffin is the best thing that ever could happen to me. I said.
-I am glad to hear that. Now go and find your daughter. We both know that she loves to play hide and seek. Abby said.
-Thanks for the talk. It means alot. I said.
-And Bellamy, enough of the baby making for a while. Okay? She said.
-No promises. Your daughter is beautiful inside out. I said.
-Get out now. Abby said.

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