Chapter 34

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Clarke's POV:
Bellamy did as I had told him. He had picked up the girl who had fallen unconscious on the ground. There were not long back to the camp. I don't know who she is. But I want to make sure that she is okay. That she is going to be okay. Around twenty minutes later we walked through the gates to our camp. People around us started to look weirdly at us. Of course they did. She was new and no one knows who she is. We brought her to the medical bay there we laid her down on one of the tables. I told Bellamy that everything is fine and that he can go and spend sometime with our daughter. So he left to go and find borh Octavia and Aurora.

-Clarke. Who is she? My mother asked as she walked in.
-All I know is that she isn't one of us and that her name is Emori. I don't know anything else. I just couldn't leave her alone in the woods. I told my mother.
-You sure are kind-hearted. But she isn't one of ours Clarke. My mother said.
-Then you can leave and let me take care of her if you have a problem with it. I said harsher than I should have.
-I will help. What should I do? My mother asked. The whole time I sat by her side waiting for her to wake up so that I could talk to her. I wanted to find out who she was and how she got hurt. She had a few wounds and wasn't looking to well. It seem like she had been struggling with something. Or someone.
-Clarke, Blake told me to tell you that he and Aurora are going to eat and that there is food for you. I will look after her. And if something happens or changes I will tell you right away. Murphy said.
-Thank you Murphy. I have cleaned and put bandaged on her wounds. Her fever is almost gone and she isn't as pale as she was before. Just look after her. I said before I walked out of the medical bay. Through the past few months Murphy has become kinder and a better person. But he can still be really mean and say things that might hurt people. He is John Murphy after all. So no one can really blame him. Why am I defending him?
I walked toward their Bellamy and Aurora were. Lincoln, Octavia and Raven were eating supper with them. Aurora were sitting in Octavia's lap. And Raven were feeding her since Aurora loves to throw around food instand of eating it. She is the funniest and cutest.

-Where have you been? Octavia asked.
-I was helping this girl Emori. She is injured. Murphy offered to watch her while I am here eating supper with you guys. I'm going there later to see if she has woke up. I told them.
-Murphy is with her? Raven asked.

-Yes, she is unconscious. I just hope that she will wake up soon. I have a few questions for her. I said.
-You almost sound jealous. Bellamy said and laughed at Raven.

-I'M NOT! She said harsh.
-Whatever you say. Bellamy said. Raven and Murphy are so bad at hiding the fact that they are hooking up with each other. It's almost funny how much they are trying to hide it.
-Raven Reyes has a crush. Raven Reyes has a crush. Octavia started to hum.
-I hate you guys. Raven said and got up from there she was sitting.
-You love us. Octavia sang. Raven walked away upset with all of us.
-They are like how you to were before. Octavia pointed out. Both Bellamy and I started to laugh.
-They are nothing like how we were. They are, have been hooking up for months. They don't fight like we used to do. Bellamy said.
-I agree with Bell. They are nothing like we. I said.
-The stubborn princess and the rebel. Octavia said. Octavia gave me my daughter before she and Lincoln left Bellamy, Aurora and I alone.
-Finally some peace. Bellamy mumbled.
-Shut up. I said jokingly.
-Make me princess. Bellamy said.

-I would. But I am holding our daughter right now. I said.
-Fine, but when she is asleep at Octavia's place. I'm getting some. Bellamy said.
-Sure, In your dreams Bell. I said and smiled all innocent.
-Always. Bellamy said and smirked. 

Raven's POV:
I walked around camp in circles thinking for myself. I was going to do one of the most stupidest decisions of my life. I found Harper with cuddling up to Monty.
-Sorry to break up this. But I need your help right now. Come with me. I said and started to drag Harper with me toward the medical bay. When we walked in I saw Murphy sitting next to this Emori girl.

-Harper you will watch Emori. Murphy you are coming with me. Right now. No questions are allowed to be asked. I said harsh.
-Someone is moody. I heard Harper saying. I didn't care to say anything. Instand I dragged Murphy with me. We walked away until I found my room.
-What is going on Reyes? If you wanted to hook up you could just ask or have begged if possible. Murphy said and chuckled.
-Shut up and lets get over with this. I said.
-As you wish. Murphy said and smirked. I'm in deep water and I don't know how to get up.

Bellamy's POV:
After supper Clarke and I walked to the medical bay there we found Harper watching over the girl Emori. She told us that Raven came and got Murphy for some reason. Clarke and I had looked at each other and started to laugh. Harper had looked confused and walked out of the medical bay to find Monty. 

-Where am I? Clarke and I heard the girl say.
-You are safe. We found you injured and we brought you to our camp. You have nothing to worry about. We won't hurt you. Clarke said.

-I'm Emori. She mumbled.
-Yeah, we know. You told us that before you passed out. I said.

-Oh, so who are you guys? She asked, half mumbled.

-Bellamy and Clarke of the sky people. I said.
-Sky people? I've heard of you. You are the once who came down from the sky. She said.
-Yeah, that's true. What happened to you? Clarke asked.

-Me and my brother Otan were out and we got attacked. We tried to fight them. I saw them killing my brother. I got away as I ran in the woods then I passed out. I guess that that is when you guys found me? Emori told us.
-Okay, everything will be fine. As I told you, you are safe here. No one is going to hurt you. I can promise you that. Clarke said. She was always good keeping her promises. Even if it was hard at times. 

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