Chapter 28

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Clarke's POV:
The next day when I woke up Bellamy laid next to me. He was laying on his stomach and one of his hands were around my waist. It felt good to make up yesterday. I'm happier and stronger. I feel that this day is going to be alot better. I looked at the watch that once had been my fathers. I realized that we have slept in. It feels good to do that for once. It's not very often that I get to sleep for hours.
-Good morning princess. Bellamy mumbled.
-Good morning Bell. I said and kissed him. He turned around and laid on his back now. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him. I started to giggle a little.
-We need to go up Bell. Our friends are probably waiting for us. And I am starving. I didn't get food yesterdat evening. I said.
-Five more minutes princess. Bellamy mumbled.
-That's fine with me. I will see you in five then. I said. I kissed him on the lips before I got up from the bed and put on clothes. Bellamy started to complain when I got up. He wanted me to come back to bed.
-I will be with our friends eating breakfast. See you later Bell. I said and walked out of our room. We really need to get a bigger place. Especially since I am pregnant and a new little baby is soon born. I walked out of the ark and out to the main yard. I found my friends eating by a table. They all greeted me as I sat down. Octavia. Murphy and Raven were the only once that wasn't here yet.
-Where's O? I asked.
-She went to see Lincoln. She left a while ago. Raven is probably still asleep. I guess that Murphy probably hooked up with someone. He will be here soon I guess. Miller said. That sounds right.
-So where is lover boy? Jasper asked.
-Don't call me that. I heard Bellamy said and sat down next to me.
-He is just upset that I didn't stay in bed with him. I said. They all started to laugh except for Bellamy. He looked annoyed.

Raven's POV:
I don't remember much from yesterday. Just that I had really fun, got drunk and that Harper took me to my place. Before everything turned dark that night I remember something that I want to forget and take back. I looked at the left side of me. There laid a guy that I hooked up with last night. I got dressed. After that I hit the guys pretty hard so that he woke up. 
-What Reyes!? He asked annoyed when he saw me.
-If you tell anyone, I mean anyone, you are dead. I said harsh.

-Come on Reyes! You can admit that you liked it. He said.
-I hated it! I said.
-Don't lie to yourself! He yelled at me as I smashed closed the door behind me. I was disappointed and disgusted by what had happened. This can never happen again. I wish that I could build a time machine and go back to yesterday night and redo everything that happened after Harper left me. I part of me were aware about what I did yesterday. And another part didn't care that I hooked up with him. I feel sick by just thinking about it. I saw all my friends eating breakfast. Now I just have to act all normal and pretend like everything is just fine. Like nothing happened last night. 

-Raven! You are finally up. What took you so long? Bryan asked.
-I had a terrible headache. I lied.
-I bet you did. You hardly wanted to go to sleep last night. I tried to get you to sleep. But I have up and let you be alone. Harper said.
-I guess that was a good idea. I said and tried to laugh. Only if they knew what I did last night. 

-Omg, you hooked up with someone, didn't you? Clarke said.
-Shut up. I didn't. I said annoyed.
-Don't deny it Reyes. You are not a good liar. Now tell us who it was. Murphy said as he walked toward us and sat down next to Monty.
-No one special okay. It was horrible. I have had better hook ups than last night. I said. There is no way that I can lie to them now. As long as they don't figure out who he was.

-Let it go guys. Don't preasure her. Jasper said.
-Thank you. See, that is a friend. I said and pointed at Jasper. Everyone started to laugh. I started to laugh with them. Maybe last night wasn't that bad after all. 

Bellamy's POV:
So far this morning has been pretty good. Except that I wanted to laid in bed for a little longer with Clarke in silence. Just to feel like the world stops for a while. Like it is just Clarke and I. Nothing can break us apart. Her and I in the universum and no one else. That moment disappeard when Clarke had gotten dressed and walked out to eat breakfast with other. 
When I had walked out and sat and ate breakfast with them and Raven had arrived they tried to found out who she had hooked up with. I could see that she was trying to hide something. I felt bad that they tried to  preasure her. She changed then Murphy came. No one really noticed that. I have to talk to her later. 

-Have you figured out names yet? Miller asked.
-No, we have not talked about that. Clarke said.
-Octavia has come up with a few. Harper said.

-I bet she has. We have not talked about it but I have a name in mind. Clarke said. 
-What name? I asked.
-If it's a girl we could name her Michelle. That's just a suggestion. Clarke said.

-It's perfect. I said and kissed her on the nose.
-That's a beautiful name. Miller said.
-Yeah, my mother told me that she and my father were choosing between Michelle and Clarke. They choosed Clarke to name me instand of Michelle. I have always liked the name Michelle. I have not come up with a name if we have a boy. But Bellamy and I can talk and decide later. I am not giving birth anytime soon. Clarke said.
-Octavia had picked out two perfect names for your baby. If it's a girl you should name her Octavia and if it's a boy you can go with the name Blake. Miller said.
-Really? So if it's a boy he would be called Blake Blake Griffin. I don't think so. I said.
-Bell wants unique name. Clarke said and smiled.
-Name her Unique. Harper said. 
-No, I like Michelle better. I said.
-We have a while to decide. Let's not think about it now. Clarke said. 

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