Chapter 18

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Clarke's POV:
Bellamy, Miller, Raven and I were in the dropship. I don't know Raven to well but she seems to be a really nice, cool and badass girl that I would like to get to know. She is different from the others. We don't talk much except from when she helps us with the electronic devices.
-Marcus Kane told us that they had to sacrifice 300 people. Both young and old once sacrificed themselves. Just so that they could give others more time to figure out how to get down here. The ark is going to run out of air in less than a week. So they are counting on coming down in two days or less. We have to get ready. Many people have become sick with the lack of air. My suggestion is that we send out two hunting teams to get more food. Get a bigger area since there is so many more people coming down. And we have to prepare the best we can for everyone to survive. Miller told us. Miller seems extremly happy for the ark to get down. 

-I like your idea Miller! I said. 
-Now we just have to prepare everyone for what is coming. Clarke and I will talk to the 100 and tell them what is going on. Come one princess. Bellamy said and lead me out of the dropship. Bellamy told everyone to gather around us. Raven and Miller stood on each side of us. 
-Listen up everyone! The rest of the ark is coming down. They will be here in two days or less. We are going to form a few hunting teams of three to five people in them. Everyone has to help around here. Many of you will meet your families and friends again. What we can promise you all is that nothing is going to be as it was on the ark. We will figure out a good and fair system soon then everyone has settled down. We know that for some of you this will be hard. We would appreciate if everyone helped out. If you have any questions let us know, we will try to answer the as good as possible. Does everyone understand what we are saying? Bellamy told everyone. He was getting more respect then ever now. I myself know that it is hard to run this camp. I am very luck to have Bellamy. I can not stop mention it because it is true. The four of us walked into the dropship again. Not long after that Octavia came running in. She was almost out of breath.

-What happened to you O? I asked.
-I was out running a little. You know exploring? She said. 
-Wait, you left camp? Bellamy asked. He wasn't angry or anything like that. 

-Yes I did. I know that it was stupid. I was gone for like thirty minutes. Harper and Monty were with me. Octavia said. She had Bellamy convinced. I knew that it was a lie. She had been visiting Lincoln. I was sure of that. She really has to tell Bellamy about this. Or he will be pissed at everyone. 

Two days later: 
The ark was finally down on earth. People have been reuniting with their friends and families. It was a beautiful sight. I was treating the injured once. I have not seen my mother yet. I am excited and nervous to do that. There is nothing I can do about that right now. Octavia and Bellamy had no one except for each other and me. They said that it was okay. But I knew that deep down they wish that their mother had been on the ark and walked out so that the three of them could be reunited. It is impossible since she was floated. I have seen Kane and he told me that my mother was fine. I am going to see her in a few hours. She isn't injured which is good. 
Miller were reunited with his father David Miller and his boyfriend Bryan. Harper got to see both her parents. Monty told me that his father had been one of those 300 who sacrificed themselves. His mother had told him that and that his father were so proud of him. It made him feel better knowing that hid father was proud of him. Raven didn't have anyone so she spend time helping me with the injured once. She wasn't to good at it. She should probably stick to engineer. But I appreciate the kindness and help from her. 
-Clarke? I heard a voice saying. I turned to see my mother. She didn't look like herself. It didn't matter at all because I was really happy to see her. 
-I were going to see you later? I said. 
-I could not wait any longer. Bellamy told me that you were in here. He seems to really care for you. My mother told me. 

-Where is Talia? Is she okay? I asked. I can not wait to see her. I was not expecting what my mother told me next. 

-She was one of those who sacrificed themselves. I am so sorry Clarke. She is dead. My mother said sympathetic. I could not look at her. My mother could have stopped Talia from sacrificing herself. Then I would see my friend again. All she had been talking about was how she wanted to arrive to earth with me. How we would together explore earth. Getting to know where our ancestors came from and there they lived. I am never going to have that chance know. I excused myself from the medical bay. My mother took over for me and helped the injured once. I need fresh air. I saw Bellamy talking to his sister. They seem happy. I just lost another person that I cared for. I already know that life isn't fair. 

-Hey princess. Bellamy said as he walked up to me. I didn't look at him. I don't want him to see me falling apart again. I need to be strong. 
-Hey hey hey, tell me what is wrong. Bellamy said. I turned around. He could see that I was crying so he embraced me in a hug. Bellamy didn't let go and I didn't have to say anything if I didn't want to. He would not pressure me to tell him what was going on. But he deserves to know the truth. 

-Talia was my friend on the ark. My mother told me that she sacrificed herself so that everyone else could have a chance to walk on earth. It was our dream to do that together. I said. 
-It's okay princess. Everything is going to be just fine. I promise you that. Bellamy said and kissed my forehead. 

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