Chapter 1- Surrounded with everything yet so lonely.

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Chapter 1- Surrounded with everything yet so lonely.

"Idiots," I muttered under my breath as the football team crashed passed slamming me to my locker.

I rolled my eyes as I got all my books out for the rest of the day and replaced all the unnecessary ones (well none of them were, just the ones I didn't need for the rest of the day).

I grabbed all of the books before being slammed into something.

My books scattered all over the floor and some people even kicked it.

I looked up to glare at whoever it was, but was immediately enchanted by the hazel eyes already watching me.

My heart rate increased as he tilted his head to the side squinting at me as he ran a hand through his brown hair.

It was really intimidating.

I gulped as he finally opened his mouth to speak.

"Yeah I'm not very good at trying to be intimidating. What's your name princess?"

I stood there stunned for a few seconds before saying

"Sarah. Sarah Pearce,"

He held his hand out and I shook it eyeing him cautiously.

"Ryder. Ashton Ryder that is." He smiled.

Ashton Ryder.

My eyes widened as I finally realised who he was.

He was the so called bad boy of the school. Girls generally seemed to think that about him. But in reality he wasn't.   There were rumours obviously about him being in a gang and whatever nonsense, but obviously they were just rumours. He was literally an overall nice guy.

I don't know why people spread rumours about him even being a 'bad boy' because he wasn't.

Don't ask me how I know all of this.

I may not have friends but sometimes eavesdropping had its perks.

I came back to reality when Ashton just gave me a weird look.

"Well Ashton Ryder, it was nice being acquainted with you but I must get going. I don't want to be late and all you know,"

I didn't wait for him to give me a reply because I had quickly sprinted to my next class after that.

Luckily no one was in the classroom yet and the teacher hadn't arrived yet so I quickly took my seat in the back row. I took out my binder and all my station as I waited patiently for the class to pile in.

The class avoided the back row as usual so here I was again; alone- in the back row.

Our teacher Miss Woodsworth entered the classroom with a cheery smile on her face.

"Good morning everyone!" She chirped.

Everyone just groaned in response as Miss went straight into telling us what we were doing today.

"So guys then what you have to do is-" Miss Woodsworth was interrupted by the door being slammed open by three boys.

I noticed one of them was Ashton but I wasn't familiar with the other two. According to what I've heard though, Ashton has two friends- Blake and Ian.

"Boys! Your late because? ..." Miss Woodsworth asked rasing her eyebrows waiting for an answer.

She was clearly annoyed that her lesson was interrupted. The rest of the class however didn't seem to bother.

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