02 | something different

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hey blondie

well hello there

if we're going to be friends, why don't we get to know each other?

pun intended?

yeah, pun intended

okay then, fire away

let's go with the basics; favourite food?

fish tacos, they're delicious



can you show me a video of you singing?

no, maybe when i get to know you more

favourite artist/s

frank ocean and jaden are def my favourite artist to listen to but my heart belongs to why don't we

mmh, a girl with a good taste in music

i'm sure everyone loves frank and jaden

why do you like why don't we so much?

because, they are just 5 normal boys living their dream. have you heard any of their songs? they're amazing

some. favourite song?

something different
now enough about me. tell me about yourself.

well, i love to sing. it is my passion

i hope one day i get to hear you sing

only if i get to hear you ;)

what's with the winking face?

it's for you

if you were famous and someone that is a nobody comes up to you what would you do?

first of all, no one is a nobody. everyone is unique and is worth something and i wouldn't treat them any differently. they're human too and it doesn't matter if they're famous or not

aw, look at you being all sentimental

oh sorry

no, don't apologise. it's sweet :)

can i say something?


you are definitely something different

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