42 | explanations

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Daniel was a wreck. He didn't want to go outside or even step foot out of his room, but he did so anyway. He didn't want to believe that the love of his life did such a thing. He wanted to wake up and know that everything was okay. He wanted to be with Thalia, have her in his arms and whisper cute things into her ear, making her smile so wide. But he couldn't.

The house was still as quiet and as Daniel went down the stairs, the creaks of the floorboard filled the void of silence. With every step, he wanted to go back into his room, but he needed answers. Even if it was from Blair.

All night, or should I say, all morning, Daniel thought hard. He came up with reasons on to why Thalia would do such a thing to him. Kendall was right,
it wasn't like her at all. Why did she do it? Was he not good enough?

Daniel opened the front door and the cold wind hit him in the face. He had his hood up, hoping to conceal his face. He hadn't stopped crying, causing his eyes to be bloodshot red.

The drive to the park took only about 5 minutes. He glanced to the clock, 11:58 am, it read. He parked his car and waited. He was anxious, nervous. As the seconds went on, he started regretting coming. What if all she tells me is lies? Daniel thought.

Minutes later, a car pulled up next to his, parking in the spot beside him. He turned to the left and spotted a girl's blonde hair, it reminded him of Thalia. The girl turned to face him and smiled widely. They both exited their car and walked to a bench near the playground.

Daniel had his hood up, hands in his pocket as he looked down. Blair played with her fingers, as though she was nervous about what she was about to tell Daniel. None said a word to each other and it probably had been about 5 minutes already.

"I need to tell you what's actually been going on." Blair said, finally speaking up.

Daniel turned his head to face her. Blair's breathing hitched at the sight of him. His eyes were red and the bags under his eyes were quite visible. He looked awful. He looked broken.

"What are you going to tell me? It better not be some stupid bullshit." Daniel spat with venom. Even though Thalia broke his heart, he would still not forget about the horrible things she did to her.

"She was lying the whole time, Daniel." Blair cried out. "This was all part of her plan."

"Her plan? What are you even talking about!?"

"From when you came to Denver, to here. It was all part of her plan. When Thalia found out you were the Daniel Seavey, she made the plan." Blair explained. "The plan to make you fall in love with her, and use you."

"You're lying."

"I have proof." Blair responded, taking out her phone. She opened her messages and showed Daniel the texts between her and Thalia. "These texts were when you were still in Denver. Thalia's whole plan was to make you fall in love with her, and it worked. She made me the 'bad guy'. It was all scripted, Daniel. She made me do all those horrible things."

Daniel scrolled through the texts. He couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it.

"This isn't real. Stop lying." Daniel said, giving the phone back to her.

"Listen to me, Daniel." Blair insisted. She put her hand on top of Daniel's that was on his knee. He quickly took his hand off. "The whole blackmailing thing, it was fake. I never did anything to Thalia. Me saying how I would get Kendall kicked out, that was fake as well! Why can't you see that Thalia has been playing you this whole time?!"

Daniel didn't know what to believe. He didn't want to believe that the 4 months he had spent with Thalia had all been a lie. No one would ever want to be told that, ever. But what if Blair was telling the truth? He just didn't know.

"What's the point of you telling me this?" He asked, not meeting her eyes.

"I don't want you to be in the dark anymore. I can't stand seeing you so hurt. It breaks my heart when I see you this upset..."

"Like you care about anyone's feelings." He muttered.

"I do, Daniel!" She yelled. "You don't see it. I care about your feelings. Ever since I saw you at school, I fell for you, hard. And then, you come to the ball with me, but you ditch me. Just so you could see her! It's Thalia this, Thalia that. It's always been her! Why couldn't you treat me the way you treated Thalia? She never loved you, but I did! I do."

Daniel let out a chuckle and shook his head. "So, you're going to tell me that Thalia has been lying this whole time? So you tell me this and the what? Expect me to forgive you for whatever you've done and tell you I like you back? That I never realised I love you, until now?" Blair became quiet. She wanted him to say it. She wanted him to love her, just like he did to her.

"Well, guess what Blair." He started. "I'm not. I'm not going to make the same mistake as before. I'm not falling into your trap."

He stood up and looked down at her as she sat on the bench, tears spilling from her eyes. "There might be some good in you, deep down, but it's way to deep. The damage you've done is enough. Tell your cousin that I wish her the best with your her new boyfriend. I hope you find someone that will treat you well. Stop playing this stupid game, Blair. You've ruined too many lives already."

With that, he walked away. Daniel got into his car and drove off. As soon as he pulled up to the Why Don't We household, he broke into tears.

He felt as though his heart was stabbed a million times. He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted the pain to stop.

Kendall and the boys could see him from the window. They were worried on where Daniel had gone. He didn't bring his phone, he wasn't answering their calls. Seeing their friend cry once again made their hearts ache.

Jonah ran out the door and went up to the car. He opened it and embraced Daniel into a hug. He cried and cried, until he had no tears left. Jonah comforted him. He was done with seeing someone he called his brother, cry. He didn't want him to be broken anymore.

As the boys joined Jonah outside, comforting Daniel, Kendall stayed inside, not wanting to interrupt their moment. Kendall sat in the backyard, having some fresh air. She wanted to get her mind off of everything that had just happened.

She didn't believe that Thalia would do such a thing. She knew that her best friend was better than that. Kendall needed an explanation, an explanation from Thalia herself. As if on cue, Kendall's phone started ringing. She picked it up, looking at the unknown number that was trying to call her. She answered the call and placed it up to her ear.

"Hello?" She said, standing up and walking around the pool to near the edge of the backyard.

"Kendall." A voice spoke. It sounded so broken. She realised it was the voice of non other than her best friend, Thalia.

AN: how are you guys enjoying this story so far? thank you to everyone who has voted and commented on this story. also, we hit 5k reads! that's awesome. ty again (i feel like all i do is thank you guys lmao, bUt that's okay bcz i'm vrry grateful for all of you's)

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