26 | the competition , part 2

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thalia's POV

the boys walked up on stage and they all had microphones in their hands. daniel was the first to speak.

"hello everyone!" he says in the microphone and everyone claps and screams and kendall i do the same.

"so welcome to our competition! the students of Devin Performing Arts will be singing an original or cover of a song and they will be judged by our producers, our manager and by us" corbyn explains.

"now the winner of this competition will get the opportunity to be featured in our new upcoming song!" zach says and everyone screams once again.

"so everyone, get comfortable because you are going to be witnessing some amazing talent" jonah says, smiling widely.

"let's welcome the first contestant, Jessica Woods!" jack says as the boys walk off stage and a brown-headed girl walks on the stage with a microphone.

she starts to sing 'fight song', she was pretty good. after she finishes, the crowd claps and zach comes up on stage.

"next contestant, Mia Sanders!" zach announces and walks off stage as a red-haired girl walks on and starts to sing an original song.

this kept going on for 20 more minutes, then blair was called on stage by daniel himself. she walks on with a smile on her face and she has a guitar in her hand. she starts to strum and sing her original song, dedicated to daniel.

"is this dedicated to daniel or something?" kendall whispers to me and i nod while she laughs slightly and shakes her head.

when blair finished singing the crowd applauded and loud screams were heard. i looked over to the judges and they seemed very impressed. there were 5 more contestants left.

when the final walked on stage kendall whispered to me.

"come on thalia, go and tell them you want to audition!" kendall whispers to me

"but kendall! daniel.." i whisper back.

kendall looks me in the eyes and speaks, "fuck daniel, don't worry about him right now. don't worry that he's gonna know who you are. you need to do this for yourself. do this not for me, not for daniel, not for anyone. do it for yourself. you deserve this chance thalia and i know you will be amazing out there. so don't worry about daniel and just do it thalia!" she says.

i didn't know what to do. you know what? i'm gonna do it. i nod at kendall and we both walk to the boys.

"corbyn she said yes!" kendall says to corbyn as i looked at them confused.

"babe, pay up" christina says holding out her hand and corbyn rolls his eyes

"later" corbyn says.

"you guys bet on me?" i ask, raising an eyebrow and they both nod

"so are you gonna sing or what?" corbyn asks and i nod.

"but won't daniel know who you are then?" christina asks.

"yeah... and he'll probably hate me after this.. but i'm going to do this for myself" i say smiling and shaking my head.

we hear the girl finishing her song and corbyn walks on stage. a microphone was handed to me and i prepare myself.

"okay everyone! this is our last contestant, Thalia Williams!" corbyn screams and walks on stage.

i walk on stage with a guitar in my hand and i sit on the stool. i adjust the microphone in front of me and start singing 'perfect'

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