25 | the competition , part 1

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thalia's POV

today was the day that the students of Devin Performing Arts get the opportunity to showcase their talent of singing to 5 famous, talented and attractive boys to possibly win the opportunity to be featured and be apart of their new upcoming song. was i auditioning? i had no intention in auditioning because i feared that i wasn't good enough and would just embarrass myself in front of 4 boys who i've grown close to, a boy who i fell in love with and thousands of people watching.

as i walk into school, students were louder than usual. everyone was buzzing with excitement and talking about the competition that was to happen tonight. as i headed to music class, everyone was already seated in their seats and the boys were standing in front of the class. the teacher walked in the classroom and everyone went quiet, which was a surprise since students would usually continue to speak until the teacher said to be quiet.

"good morning students! today is the day of the competition so i hope that to those auditioning are well prepared. today is also the last day these wonderful boys are going to be attending our music lessons to help with whatever you need." the teacher turned to the boys and continued, "thank you boys for helping these students learn more about music and thank you for giving them tips on becoming better singers and musicians"

the room was filled with students clapping and the boys stood there smiling widely.

"thank you Ms. Davis" jonah said and the teacher started the class.

the boys made their way to the students and continued on helping them with whatever they needed help with. daniel went straight to blair and started talking. jack went over to me and sat next to the seat i was currently seated in. i gave him a smile.

"so you excited for the competition today?" he asks, "you are coming right?"

"of course jack, i wouldn't miss it for the world" i respond, smiling.

"so, today's gonna be our last day at this school and then on sunday we're leaving to go back to LA." he says, looking upset that he has to leave in a few days.

"don't worry, we'll keep in touch. i'll keep in touch with all of you. but don't forget about me mr. popstar" i chuckle

"never, you are really fun to be around. i'm glad we're friends thalia" he says smiling

"me too avery, me too" i say, smiling back at him.

it's actually going to be so sad once the boys leave to go back to LA, though we do have a few more days until they leave. i've grown close with these boys even though we haven't known each other for very long.

the day went by quick and soon it was after school and it was time to leave for the competition.

i lay in bed on my phone scrolling through instagram. i checked the time and it was 4:20. the competition started at 6 but i was going to go there at 5:30 to hang out with the boys as they were going early too. i decided to plug my phone so it charged and started to get ready. while i was getting ready i could hear blair practicing her original song, which was dedicated to daniel and i wasn't surprised. i also heard a voice, daniel's voice. they were facetiming and i put my ear against the wall, i was just curious on what they were talking about.

"oh my god babe! you're so good!" daniel complimented blair

"thanks dani. do you think i might win?" she asks

"of course! our producers and manager is there to judge with the boys and i. i'm sure you have a good chance on winning. but we haven't heard everyone yet." daniel explained how to competition was going to work.

"well i think i'm gonna win" blair said, being straightforward

i rolled my eyes, blair always wants to win in everything. she always has to be number one. though blair is good at singing, i have heard other people in our school with amazing voices. as i continued to get ready i quickly put on my shoes and headed out the door.

the sun was setting and the sky was an orange colour. i always loved the sunset, i think its beautiful. as i walked to school the place was filled with students, parents, fans and paparazzi. only students from our school could audition but anyone could watch the contest. as i made my way backstage i saw the 4 boys sitting on the couch with their phones, kendall and jonah were talking and sitting on another couch.

"antisocial much guys?" i said, chuckling. the 4 boys looked up to me.

"hey thalia" corbyn said

"where's christina?" i asked, as if on cue, christina walks in backstage and yells.

"HEY!" christina yells and i turn my head towards her and run up to her, giving her a hug.

"hey christina!" i say

"hey thalia!" she says and walks over to corbyn and giving him a hug.

"so you guys excited?" i ask the boys

"yeah, i bet its gonna be difficult to decide once its over" daniel says

"yup, we have a lot of talented people at our school" i say smiling

kendall then walks to me and pulls me away from the group.

"yo, what's up kends?" i ask her.

"thalia, you have to audition." kendall says and i tilt my head to the side

"come on kendall, we've been over this. i can't and will not auditition!" i tell her, annoyed. she has been trying to persuade me to audition since the boys made the announcement.

"you're scared thalia but there is nothing to be scared about! you're talented and you need to showcase how talented you are!" she says, looking into my eyes

"even i did want to.." i pause and continue, "i can't"

kendall scrunches her eyebrows and shakes her head, "and why is that?"

"because, daniel will know who i am. he knows what i sound like when i sing and then it'll just be awkward" i explain to her

"come on thalia" she says, still trying to persuade me

"i'll think about it" i respond and she nods and we make our way back to the group.

we talk for a little while until we had to leave backstage and go in the crowd. kendall and i were seated near the front. after a few more minutes of waiting, everyone was seated and the boys go up on the stage. screams filled the room and camera flashes could be seen due to the paparazzi being here to take pictures and film the boys.

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