22 | heartbroken

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thalia's POV


um, hey daniel.

hey blondie!

daniel we have to talk

whats wrong?

i don't wanna see or talk to
you again

is this some kind of joke?...

no. i hate you so much and

i do not want to talk to you.i realised how much
of a jerk you are. like why would you even want
to talk to me? I am a loser. just please move on
with your life and stop trying to find me. i don't
want to be found. be with someone that actually
likes you daniel. because i don't like you. there
was nothing special going on between us. we don't
like each other. i lied to you because i was only going
to use you for fame. i was an attention seeker and i just
wanted to be famous because i was lonely and i am a loser.
don't talk to me and stop trying to find me. i hate you

OCEAN🌊   is blocked

i just did that. i felt so guilty. blair told me that i had to persuade daniel to ask her out tomorrow. i couldn't stand to think what is going through daniel's head right now. my heart broke. a piece of my heart is gone because i know that i just caused daniel pain. i love daniel with all my heart and i'm pretty sure that i just broke his.

i couldn't sleep that night. i just cried myself to sleep.

daniel's POV

as blondie texted a long paragraph to me telling how much she didn't want to talk to me, it broke me. what did i do wrong? i tried texted her back but it kept on saying it failed. she blocked me. what went wrong? i though we were happy. i though she was someone different but she ended up just breaking my heart, like all the other girls that played with me.

i turned off my phone and threw it on the wall. i was angry and sad. the boys heard it as their rooms were right next to mine and they knocked on my door. i opened it and they looked at me confused. tears were dripping down my cheeks. i walked over to my bed and sat down.

"what happened daniel?" jack asked, worried.

"she said she never wanted to speak to me again. she said how much she hated me. she said that i should just give up because she didn't want to be found. she said that what we had wasn't special. she said that she was just playing with me and that she didn't like me. she broke my heart. she wasn't any different from the other girls." i explained to the boys with an angry tone. tears kept coming and the boys comforted me.

"do you think she really meant it?" corbyn asks

"i was going to ask her that but she blocked me" i responded.

"i'm sure she didn't mean it! she's one of the nicest people i know and she would not do that. maybe she got ha-" corbyn defended mystery girl

"no! she did mean it. how would you know her? you didn't know her like i did! i loved her!" i cut him off and yelled at him and the boys went silent.

"i'm going to be right back" corbyn says and walks out the door with his phone to his ear. who would he be speaking to thats so important right now?

corbyn's POV

as i excused myself i dialed thalia's number. i know that thalia would not treat daniel like that. i needed an explanation. the phone rang but then went to voicemail. why wasn't she picking up? i rang her 5 more times and she still didn't pick up. something went wrong, i know it.

i went back into the room and daniel was still sitting on his bed. he had stopped crying but his eyes were red. we tried to cheer him up but nothing was working. after 30 minutes we all left his room and went back to our own rooms and we went to bed. i couldn't stand seeing daniel like this. he's like my brother and i can't stand seeing him not his usual happy self.

i needed to talk to thalia about this tomorrow, because the thalia that i know was in love with daniel. she talked about how she loves his personality and how sweet he is. thalia would not be saying that stuff.. unless. i then realised, she told me that if a certain someone found out about her secret, there would be consequences. blair found out.

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