bonus | the wedding

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The big day was tomorrow. Everyone was excited, though for Thalia, she was stressed out. She had everything figured out–the guest list, the venue, the food, the decorations and everything. There was only one thing she didn't have organised yet, who would walk her down the aisle?

Unfortunately, her parents couldn't be there with her on her wedding day, though she knew they were watching from above. But, she didn't know who she would ask, or if they would even agree. After long hours of contemplating, she finally figured out the perfect person for the job.

She quickly reached for her phone, her thumbs moving swiftly as she typed a text. A few minutes later, footsteps approached the room she was currently in and the door swung open, revealing non other than Corbyn Besson.

"You asked for me?" He asked, stepping forward.

"I need to ask you a really important question, Corbyn." She spoke, "You can either deny, or accept. I'll understand whichever choice you make."

He scratched the back of his neck and let out a nervous laugh. "You're making me nervous here, Thalia. Is it something bad?"

"No..." Thalia shook her, "I just wanted to ask if... if you'd be able to walk me down the aisle."

Corbyn's hands dropped to his sides and his eyebrows went up. His eyes widened in surprise and his mouth opened ajar. "Wait, really?" He asked.

Thalia nodded her head and was then engulfed in a hug. She put her arms around her best friend as Corbyn squealed in her ear. They pulled apart and he put his hands on her shoulders, looking her straight in the eye.

"Are you joking around with me?" He questioned her. Once Thalia replied with a 'no', Corbyn beamed with excitement. "I'm gonna be walking my best friend down the aisle! Of course I would accept. It would be my honour!"


The white car pulled up in front of the church, and the bride sat inside, fiddling with her fingers. Thalia looked up to the front mirror, a smiling Tyler Seavey looking her way. Thalia then glanced back to the church, it's front doors open, though the doors that would lead to the inside of the church was closed. A swarm of butterflies suddenly appeared in Thalia's stomach, a wave of nervousness flowed through her body.

"You don't have to be nervous, Thalia." Tyler spoke, sending her a soft smile.

"Thanks, Tyler." She replied.

Thalia then took a deep breath and opened the car door. She made sure to lift her dress slightly, making sure not to trip on the way to the door. Once the two people who were to open the doors noticed her, they began to get ready for her to enter. As they waited for a few minutes, Tyler had come into the church and signaled for the choir to start playing.

Once the wedding song could be heard, it was Thalia's cue to enter. Everyone inside stood up, looking at the door as they waited for the bride to come in. Daniel stood there, his hands behind his back as he nervously waited for his soon-to-be wife come through the door. He hadn't seen her all day, and he wanted to see was her beautiful face.

The church doors opened, revealing Thalia in a beautiful hand-sewn dress and holding a bouquet of her favourite flowers. A wide smile was plastered on her face. Daniel looked at her with awe, just like the first time they had met. She looks so beautiful, he though in his head. Daniel and Thalia's eyes were glued together, their eyes never leaving each other's. Tears started to form in Daniel's eye, but they were tears of joy. A tear fell on his cheek and he wiped it away, smiling so wide that his cheeks started to hurt.

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