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"Thalia?" Kendall questioned. She looked behind her, seeing that the boys had now entered the lounge. She didn't know how they would react to her talking Thalia, so she tried to keep quiet.

"I've been so worried about you, Thalia." Kendall spoke. "What happened? How could you do this to Daniel? It isn't you."

"I didn't cheat on Daniel!" Thalia shouted through the phone. "It was her."


"Blair. It's her. She-she caused this to happen." Thalia cried. Tears started to fall from her eyes and Kendall could hear her crying as she sniffled.

"Blair is here? In Los Angeles? Why the hell didn't you tell me Thalia!? I swear to god, if she did something to you-"

"No. She still my cousin, Kendall. But... she-she." Thalia grew quiet, not wanting to talk about the topic. "Can you please meet me somewhere? I would rather talk to you in person."

"Do you want me to bring the bo-"

Kendall was interrupted once again, "No! Please don't. I know that they already think I hurt Daniel. I don't want to see them at the moment. I don't want to see Daniel. Seeing Daniel hurt is just going to make me break, again."

"Okay..." She trailed off. "Meet at that corner cafe in Mains Street?"


The line went dead after Thalia's faint response. Kendall filled with even more worry. Knowing that Blair was involved with everything that had been going on angered her.

She walked back inside. Daniel had calmed down. He sat on the couch, just staring at the ground. The boys were around him. Seeing if he would tell them what happened to the boy.

"Daniel, what happened? Why were you gone this morning?" Corbyn questioned.

After a minute of silence, he knew they weren't going to be able to get an answer from him. Corbyn sighed and looked over to the other boys.

"Guys, I'm gonna have to go somewhere." Kendall spoke, hoping the boys won't ask any questions. She didn't want to lie to them.

"I can come." Jonah responded.

"No!" Kendall shouted instantly. Her eyes widened as she realised how she responded. "I mean, Daniel needs you. You guys just stay here. I'll be quick, don't worry."

"What? Do you have a secret boyfriend too?" Daniel said with pure disgust.


"It could be true. You don't know for sure. The love of your life could be lying to you too, Jonah. Kendall is probably apart of her plan." Daniel added. "I'm just looking out for you, Jonah."

Kendall scoffed and shook her head, "What plan? I'm not part of any plan. No, I most definitely do not have a secret boyfriend."

"Thalia's plan." Daniel started. "Thalia's plan to make me fall in love with her. And then, use me to get famous."

Kendall walked into the cafe, the bell making a ding sound as she entered. Her eyes scanned the room and she stopped as it landed on a figure. She was sitting at the far back of the store, wearing a hoodie that didn't look like hers. Kendall walked up to her and sat down in the seat across.

"Thalia." Kendall spoke softly. Thalia looked up. Kendall immediately noticed the bags under eyes and her red eyes. She looked as broken as Daniel, maybe even more.

"Thanks for meeting me here... alone." She finally spoke.

"You need to explain to me what is happening, Thalia." Kendall said, "I don't even really know what's happening. These posts saying how you're cheating or whatever, it isn't you!"

"I would never cheat on Daniel. I would never in a million years do anything to hurt him. I didn't do it Kendall."

"And I know that you're too precious to do that to him. So tell me, what the hell was that video about and those pictures?"

"Lucas.. Lucas Hampton." Thalia said. Saying those words instantly made her tear up.

"Lucas Hampton? He was the one in the video, wasn't he?" Kendall asked and Thalia nodded, "So, first Blair is here and now jackass Lucas"

"When we were at the restaurant, I went to the bathroom. I was trying to clean off a stain that was on my dress from a little incident. Blair was there. Then, Lucas came in and- and." Thalia explained, choking on her words. "He touched me inappropriately, he kissed me. I tried to push him but- I just couldn't it. Blair was there, laughing and she didn't anything. My own cousin stood there while I was being raped!"

Kendall looked at her best friend in disbelief. She felt sick to her stomach. She went over to her friend and wrapped her arms around her.

"I can't believe this." Kendall said, her voice low. "I will kill her. She is not getting away with this. You need to tell the police, Thalia!"

"I can't!" Thalia cried.

"Look, Thalia. Yes, Blair is your cousin, but what she did to you is a crime! Someone raped you! Just because you're related to her does not mean she can get away with this. For once, don't care about other people and only care about yourself and your well-being. I hate seeing you like this."

"But- I don't even have any proof." Thalia sighed. "Everyone thinks I cheated on Daniel. No one is going to believe me."

"We'll figure out a way, Thalia. We always do." Kendall said to her, then pulling her into another hug. "I also need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?" Thalia responded quickly, her voice laced with curiosity.

"Daniel met up with Blair." Thalia raised her eyebrows, hoping she wouldn't hear that Daniel trusted whatever lies Blair would have told him, "She told him that you were apparently a mastermind and made this plan of you using him for fame. She told him that you made Blair the 'bad guy' and made her do all those horrible things. I can't believe that she is this desperate that she would make up such stupid allegations."

"What did Daniel say?" Thalia asked.

"He believes it."

Thalia filled with even more disappointment. She hated the fact that someone she cared so much about thinks that she was using him for fame. She didn't care about any of that. She loved him and that was all that mattered. She wished that non of this drama ever happened. She wished that there were no complications. But only a girl could dream.

Thalia took a deep breath as she closed her eyes. She wiped away her tears and sat up.

"I need to clear my name, Kendall. I need to make everyone see what Blair has done. I'm tired of her ruining everything in my life. I'm going to be strong and I'm going to do everything it takes." Thalia stated proudly, "I'm going to fix my relationship with Daniel. I can't loose the most important thing in my life. I can't loose someone again."

AN: I apologise for the lack of updates! I currently have exams and I'm focusing more on that. Thank you to everyone who has voted, we have 300 votes now, like, I'm sh00k. I also reached 10k reads! Thank you to everyone and thank you for taking the time to vote, comment and read this book. I really appreciate it!

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