46 | together

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Thalia walked into the too familiar graveyard. She glanced around, the memories playing through her mind. She was only young then, but she could still remember that day so clearly. She remembered the tears that were shed and the sorrowful cries that everyone let out. She finally stood in front of their tombs.

Her mother and father's.

She bent down and touched their graves. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She heard the birds chirp through the void of silence that surrounded her. No one was there. It was only her and the lifeless bodies that were buried underground, but lived up above.

A stray tear stained her cold cheeks. A small smile was placed on her lips as she remembered the glorious memories she shared with her dear father. Thalia always thought of her parents, though she never really talked to anyone about them. It was a sensitive topic for her and she was glad that no one really asked her about it.

"Hey mom, hey dad." Thalia whispered, "I'm sorry I haven't visited in quite a while. I was in Los Angeles these past years, doing everything I love."

Thalia bit her lip and smiled, scenes of when she went to tour just last week flashed in her mind. "I made it. I made a career in music. You always said I'll go far, Dad. I did. I did it."

"My life was hectic at first. There were a lot of hard times and times when all I wanted to do was give up. I felt useless. I felt unloved. Then, I met a boy. Well, he accidentally texted me." Thalia chuckled. "I met him though and that night was the most magical thing I ever experienced. It was like from a fairytale. I wish you could've met him. I wish you both were here to be those parents in those movies who make him feel intimidated. His name's Daniel, he's amazing and he's in a band with his best friends. They made it so far. They're the world's famous boy band actually. And Daniel, he makes me laugh. He cares. He makes everyone's day by just giving you a smile. He reminds me of you, Mom. Dad always told me how you were a ray of sunshine. I see a little part of you in him and it makes me so happy because- because it feels like you're with me everywhere I go.

"It's been about 3 years since everything has happened. I know you've been watching me from above, I know you both are. I'm a lot happier since I left Aunt Denise and Blair. Blair's in jail now. But, she's getting released in a few months. I went to visit her. She was actually suffering a mental illness, and she's gotten help. She's better and she has changed, a lot. She apologised for everything she's done, but I don't think I can ever forget. But, enough with the sad stuff. Something really exciting happened. I'm getting engaged." Thalia looked down at her left hand, her diamond ring reflected the sun.

"Daniel proposed to me on the last day of tour, which was here, in Denver. He performed the song that was both our favourite song, and it still is, Perfect by Ed Sheeran. I really love him. I don't think I would find anyone that's better than him. He made be feel like I mattered. He didn't think I was a nobody, just like all the other kids though of me. We're getting married in a few months. We're still planning it. It's not gonna be too big, just a couple of friends like Kendall, the boys. By the way, Kendall actually got married before me. Now, she has a little kid named Aria. She's absolutely adorable." Thalia said.

"Thank you for always looking out for me. I hope you both are happy in Heaven. I hope you are enjoying each other's company. I want to start a family, in a couple of years of course. But, it sucks that my kids won't grow up knowing their grandparents. You guys would've made awesome grandparents." Thalia laughed and smiled widely, "I can just imagine how you would both make time just to spend time with them. Everyday, I miss you both even more."

Thalia wiped the tears on her cheeks and stood up. She looked down at the graves and smiled, "I love you both so much."

With that, she walked back to her car that was parked in the empty parking lot. Thalia drove to the penthouse they rented in Denver. Though, back in LA, lived in a house with the Why Don't We boys and Kendall. A year after the whole Blair situation, they all made a decision to live together in a huge house in LA, and so they did. They all enjoyed each other's presence and they loved that all of them lived under the same roof.

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