20 | unraveled secret

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thalia's POV

i was currently sitting on my chair with my notebook in front of me on my desk, it was the afternoon and it was monday. i was thinking of lyrics to write because i wanted to write another song. though, i wasn't making any progress because i was stuck in my thoughts. what was i thinking about? it was more of a who.

daniel and i have been talking. not me as mystery girl but as me, thalia. the average high school girl, the loser thalia. the thalia thats cousin with the popular girl, blair. to everyone i was just a nobody. but daniel and i are actually friends. he constantly speaks about how i remind him of his mystery girl, which makes me laugh on the inside because.. i am his mystery girl.

would daniel get mad at me when he finds out that i was his mystery girl and didn't tell him? what if he thinks that i was just playing with him? he can't find out from anyone else. it has to be me that tells him. i have strong feelings for this boy. i'm falling hard for him and the thought of him hating me because i'm too scared of the consequences, breaks my heart. i have no intention on hurting him.

i was pulled from my thoughts when i heard a sound from my phone, indicating someone had just texted me. i pick up my phone and look at the screen, daniel texted me. a smile slowly appears on my face.


hey blondie! how's your
day going so far?

well it's been going
alright. what are you doing
right now?

well the boys and i are

currently writing some songs
but we're on a break right now.
how about you?

i'm TRYING to write some

lyrics but i've gotten nothing
done lmao. song writing is hard

tell me about it.

how is it hard for you? you have

4 other boys with creative mindswith you. i have to write a whole
song by myself

true true. the boys are really

anyways 4 more days until the

contest huh?

yup. super excited. are you
gonna audition?

i don't think so.

seriously? you just ruined my


well the contest this friday is
gonna involve singing and i
though that you would audition
because who wouldn't?

well, i'm not that good at singing
and i really don't wanna embarrass
myself in front of everyone.

what are you talking about?

also i heard about you recording
me singing during the ball


who told you that

no one knows about that except
the boys and kendall and thalia



omg u must think i'm a creep

don't worry, i though it was cute
how you said that you didn't
wanna forget my voice ;)

you think i'm cute??

ofc, the cutest person i know

aww. you love me

not too fast dani boy

wait brb my auntie is calling me

i got up from my seat and made my way at the door. i didn't realise i was smiling like a maniac until blair spoke up.

"what are you so happy about?" she said, scrunching her eyebrows.

"nothing" i said as i made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

blair's POV

as i came out of my room i saw thalia all smiley. she's been really happy lately and is hanging out with the boys every lunch with her best friend kendall, i hate that bitch.

"what are you so happy about?" i scrunched my eyebrows as she just smiled at e

"nothing" she says and goes down to the kitchen.

i hear dings inside her room and i open the door slightly and walk over to her desk where her phone is. she was getting messages from a person named 'OCEAN🌊'. who could that be? being the curious person i am i opened her phone and entered her passcode. i knew her passcode because i just know everything. i looked at the messages the ocean person was sending


but you obv love me

like who wouldn't love

daniel seavey?

i'm just so loveable

my cousin was talking to daniel seavey? my daniel seavey? what the fuck. i read more of their messages. i was so shocked. daniel's mystery girl is my fucking cousin? anger filled my eyes. if she thinks she can get away with this. she will regret it. i place down the phone back on the desk and walked out of her room and into mine.

if thalia thinks that i'm gonna let her steal my daniel away, she is so wrong. i think i have the right plan on how i can finally get my daniel. thalia will definitely be miserable after my plan, and that is what she deserves. 

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