44 | burning with fury

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"So we're doing it tomorrow?" Kendall asked, looking at Thalia and Athena.

Thalia nodded her head in confirmation, "Yup, we're really doing it."

"Let's go over the plan again, just in case." Thalia added as she chewed on her bottom lip.

"Thalia, we've been over it 10 times already." Athena  said, "It's going to go smoothly."

"How do you know? What if he doesn't watch it? This will all be for nothing if he still believes it." Thalia sighed, sitting on the chair. "I can't loose him."

"You won't Thalia! I'm going to do whatever it takes to make him sit down and watch the phone I'll shove in front of him." Thalia looked down on the floor, unsure if their plan would even work.

After they had come from the restaurant, they made a plan that would take action the next day. Athena and Kendall had a part in it too. Kendall was to go to the boys' house and do her part. Athena was going to the police and show them the video. Now Thalia, she was the one who would explain what really happened.

Kendall put her hands on her best friend's shoulders, using her hand to make her eyes connect with hers. "Look, deep down, he still loves you, I know it. It hurt him so much when he saw that video because he is so deeply in love with you. If he listens and lets you explain, you guys can figure this whole thing out. You'll be okay, we'll be okay."

Thalia nodded and Kendall pulled her into a hug. "I love you so much, thank you for everything." Thalia mumbled in her ear.

Thalia looked up at Athena, who was watching the two. A smile was plastered on her face. She admired how close the two were and loved their friendship.

"Come on, Athena. Join the hug!" Thalia exclaimed, and Athena walked closer to them.

They all hugged each other and once they all separated apart, Kendall made her way back to the boys' house. Thalia sat on the couch in the living room of Athena's apartment. She stared blankly at the television, not watching the cartoon that was currently on.

"Stop thinking so much." Athena spoke, snapping Thalia out of her daze. "I know you're worried about Daniel and your guys' relationship, but from what I've heard, you guys loved each other deeply. I'm pretty sure that when everything is cleared, everything will go back the way it was before."

Thalia smiled at the girl as she spoke. "We never know what can happen." She paused for a second then continuing to speak, "Is your relationship complicated?"

"Sometimes." Athena responded, sitting next to Thalia on the couch. "I'm in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend, Jordan. Sometimes, it's hard because I can't physically be with him. We miss each other a lot."

"Were you always a long distance couple?" Thalia asked.

"No. I moved here to LA because I'm pursuing a career in photography. Jordan was my best friend and I'm actually close with his sister as well." Athena explained. Thalia nodded her head and listened to Athena. They haven't actually had a normal conversation where they weren't talking about anything related to the situation.

"Wait, aren't you 17?"

Athena nodded, "Graduated a year early, though Jordan is still in school, but he's the same age as me."

"I'm really happy I got to meet you, Athena. You're a really cool person." Thalia smiled.

"Me too, Thalia." Athena replied. She punched Thalia's shoulder softly and said, "I think you're pretty cool too."

Kendall walked out of her car and used her keys to open the door. It was still quiet in the Why Don't We household, though she could hear a few chattering coming from the backyard. She put her keys in her pocket and walked upstairs and into Jonah's room.

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