28 | the secret will

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"you did what!?" kendall exclaimed to her friend who had a bag full of her stuff on her shoulder.

thalia had come to kendall's house late at night, explaining to her the events that had just happened. thalia's best friend was in complete shock and worried.

"look, kendall. i don't know what to do. i don't have enough money to find a place of my own. i-i don't know what to do!" thalia panicked as she started pacng up and down the room.

"calm down thalia!" kendall shouted, then putting her hand over her mouth once she realises that it was the middle of the night and her parents were still sleeping. thalia stopped pacing up and down the room sat down on the bed next to kendall.

"my life is over" thalia said, her voice cracking at the end of her sentence. she fell back on the bed and closed her. kendall looked down at her friend who's tears started streaming down her face. she wanted to help her friend but she didn't know how. it hurt her to see her friend not know what to do and panic because of how horribly her stepmother and stepsister treated her. she didn't deserve any of this, kendall thought.

"maybe you can make a deal with your step mom? did you dad leave a will telling you that if he died all the money would go to you?" kendall suggested. thalia opened her eyes and shook her head.

"my step mom said there was no will. also i don't even think i would be able to face her after walking out. there is only one more week of school. what do i do after that? live in the streets?" thalia sighed.

"you can live here for the time being thals." kendall said, smiling at her the girl. thalia turned her head to look at kendall and she sat up.

"are you sure?" kendall nodded with a gentle smile creeping up on her face.

"you're like the sister i've never had thalia. i would do anything to protect you and help you if you need help"

thalia pulled kendall into a tight hug and whispered 'thank you' over and over again in her ear.

thalia fluttered her eyes open yawned. she rubbed her eyes and adjusted to the light that was coming through the curtains. she turned her head to see that kendall wasn't in her bed. she stood up and walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. her hair was a tangled mess and she had dark bags under her eyes. she tried to fix the mess before going downstairs.

as she made her way downstairs, kendall and her mom were sitting on the couch. they both looked up to thalia as she made her way in their direction. kendall was full of joy to tell her best friend the news. mrs. davis stood up and pulled thalia in a tight hug. she pulled away and cupped her face.

"sweetie, i am so sorry for what happened. kendall told me everything and i am more than happy for you stay with us." mrs. davis looked at thalia and smiled at her. thalia felt the end of her lips curl up and pulled the women again in a hug.

"thank you so much mrs. davis!" thalia exclaimed and smiled widely at the two in front of her.

"come on, i prepared breakfast. let's eat before they get cold" mrs. davis said and headed to the dining where plates of food were on the table.

thalia, kendall and mrs. davis all sat down and had breakfast. they all filled their plates with delicious food and thanked the older women for the meal.

"so thalia, i heard that you won the singing competition?" mrs. davis said and thalia nodded her head.

"yeah. but i don't really know if i'm going because of" she paused before continuing, "you know, everything."

"but aren't they paying for your trip to LA though?" kendall pointed out.

"oh yeah" thalia said, remembering what the boys had said before when they explained the competition, "but i still haven't made my mind up yet."

"i think you should accept the offer. you are an amazing singer from what i've heard from kendall. if it's your dream, you should take it because it is an amazing opportunity" mrs. davis said with a smile. mrs. davis always adored thalia. she adored how she always puts other before herself and how kind hearted she is. she loved that her daughter had someone like her to call her best friend, it reminded of her best friend back in high school.

"thank you mrs. d." thalia said, nodding, "you know what? i'm gonna do it!" thalia smiled widely. she didn't have a family as supportive as the davis family was. she was so lucky to have people that she cared about her.

once they were finished with dinner they headed to kendall's room. kendall quickly picked up her phone and texted jonah. kendall had informed jonah of what happened with thalia and it just made him hate blair even more. as kendall was texting, thalia was going through her bag, looking for something to wear for the day. she was rummaging through until she found a box that belonged to her father. the box was a royal blue colour and thalia was curious on what was inside. she never opened it because it reminded her too much of her father and she would end up breaking down and cry for hours.

after contemplating on whether to open the box or not, she made the decision to be strong and see what was in the box. in the box was guitar charm. thalia smiled as she remembered the time when her father bought her first guitar. she remembered trying to play it but failed miserably as she would just strum the guitar randomly. there were also pictures of both her parents. she picked up the picture and just stared at how happy her mother and father looked.

as thalia looked more into the box, she saw a paper that was at the very bottom. it was folded up and she didn't really know what it was. as she unfolded the paper she couldn't believe what was in her hands - a will.

[ author's note ]
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