37 | the surprise

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thalia williams

I couldn't sleep. The past two days have consisted of me not being in a good mood. The boys try their hardest but it just doesn't work. Today is the day that Kendall comes to Los Angeles and she'll be staying for a couple of weeks, maybe seeing my best friend after months will help cheer me up.

I turn to the side to face Daniel, who was sleeping. I'm so thankful to have such a caring boyfriend as him. He held me when I was crying that day and he comforted me. The moonlight shone on his face and you could see his facial features clearly. A small smile was plastered on his face. What could he be dreaming about? I turned to my side and moved to my original position. I reached for my phone on the side table and turned it on. It was 11:59 pm. It was time.

I woke Daniel up by slightly shaking him. His eyes fluttered open and he rubbed his eyes. Maybe I shouldn't have woken him up, he looks tired.

"Is it time?" He asks and I nod.

We both get up and I decide to put on one of Daniel's sweatshirts and keep the sweatpants I had on, considering I probably was going back to sleep after picking up Kendall at the airport. We try our hardest not to make sound as we leave our room and go into the car, but Daniel accidentally bumped his hip on a table and yelp, just a little too loud, in pain. I put my finger to my lips and he mouthed a 'sorry'.

Once we were in the car, we drove to the airport. It was only a 15 minute drive so it wasn't that long. I checked the time and it was 12:25 am. Kendall's plane landed 15 minutes ago, so she should be outside waiting for us. We spotted Kendall standing at the front of terminal and I waved at her. Excitement filled my body as I rushed out of the car and tackled Kendall with a hug. We almost fell backwards, but we quickly held on to each other, balancing.

"I missed you so much, Kendy!" I exclaimed, pulling her into another hug.

"I missed you, Thalia, more than you could imagine." She smiled.

Daniel got out of the car, taking Kendall's luggage and placing them in the trunk of the car. Kendall slid into the back seat as Daniel drove and Thalia next to him in the front seat.

"Jonah doesn't know anything. I think he'll be very surprised when he sees you tomorrow morning." Thalia smiled widely, imagining how Jonah would react once he would see Kendall.

"I hope so. We haven't seen each other in months, what if- what if... something changed?" Kendall asked worriedly.

"Don't even say that!" Thalia disagreed.

"Jonah hasn't stopped talking about you and all he does is think about you." Daniel added. Thalia pointed at Daniel and nodded her head at Kendall, agreeing to his point.


third person

As the three friends made their way back to the house, it was almost 1 in the morning. Daniel helped Kendall take her luggage into Thalia's room as she wasn't sleeping there on most nights, as she slept in Daniel's room. They all said goodnight and went to sleep with huge smiles on their faces.

Kendall was so excited to finally be seeing her boyfriend that she hadn't seen in over 3 months. She wanted to talk to him and not through a phone screen. She wanted to feel his warmth as he hugged her and she wanted feel protected under his arms.

Thalia was overjoyed. After the events that had occurred, she finally smiled a genuine smile. All her worries faded when seeing her best friend. She felt as though she had someone to talk to. Yes, Daniel was there, but she didn't want to worry him about her thoughts and worries. She didn't want him to stress about her, though he already was.

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