17 | secrets

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thalia's POV

i woke up to the sound of my alarm. i sat up as memories from last night rushed into my mind. last night was truly magical. i showered and got ready. i made breakfast for my aunt and blair, as usual. as i was making breakfast, blair comes down to the kitchen and sits down. she looked, upset.

"how come you're upset blair?" i ask her. i didn't like her very much but she still is my cousin

"why would you care thalia?" she said, rolling her eyes and taking a bite of her avocado toast.

"because you're still my cousin and i care about you" i gave her a small smile.

"daniel ditched me last night. he said he was sick or some shit. then i see him running back into the hall and chasing after some girl that was in a blue dress when it was a fucking black and white ball for gods sake" her eyes were full of anger.

i did wonder how daniel managed to leave blair since he met up with me.

"oh. thats really sad." i said shaking my head. what would blair do to me if she found out that daniel ditched her because of me?

"well, i gotta go to school so.. bye" i say giving her a smile, taking my bag and heading out the door.

i go straight to school and walked alone as kendall said that she came to school early, which weirded me out because, kendall would not come to school early. as i entered the gates of the school, kendall was standing in front talking to a guy, not just any guy, jonah marais.

she saw me and i lift an eyebrow to her, she had a lot to explain. she said goodbye to jonah and we walked into the hall.

"you were talking to jonah. jonah marais!" i said to kendall

"calm down. i was talking to him at the ball and we got kinda close" she smiled and blushed slightly, " anyways enough about me. how was your little meet up with lover boy?"

"it was really good" i said to her.

"don't just tell me that it was really good! tell me the details thals!" she exclaimed.

i told her everything that night and about how daniel ditched blair and how angry she looked.

"i can't tell him thats its me kends" i say in a sad tone, "if he finds out, blair would probably find out too!"

"but thalia, what its clear that you and daniel have something special. you guys like each other for goodness sake!" she said

as kendall and i walked into music class, everyone was already here. the boys once again attended. while i was playing on the piano i overheard blair and daniel talking.

"dani why did you leave me last night?" blair said, pouting

"sorry. i was sick" daniel lied and laughed

"but i saw you, chasing after some girl" blair said, shaking her head. oh dani boy, you screwed up bad.

daniel stayed silent until blair spoke again, "it's okay though. we're still best friends" blair gave as smile to daniel and he gave a forced smile back.

i laughed slightly and kept on playing. when class finished i headed to my other classes. it was going by pretty fast because, i was in a happy mood.

when it was lunch kendall was sitting with jonah. i sat across from them and gave them two a smile.

"hey you two" i said

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