08 | coincidence or fate

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daniel's POV

"I think that one suits you better, Daniel." Zach says, laughing as he made a pun.

The boys and I were currently at the mall looking for suits to wear at the ball. David also informed us we needed masks as it was a masquerade ball.

"Zach, I swear if you make another pun I will slap you." Jack warns him. Zach had been making puns since we got the mall and is clearly getting on everyone's nerves.

As I picked a suit I liked I sat down on a chair as I waited for the other guys to pick theirs. I took out my phone and texted blondie, hoping that she responds as she is probably at school right now.

[ ocean|blondie ]

hey blondie. we landed in denver a couple of hours ago. what are you doing right now?

it took a few minutes until she had responded

hey ocean! i hope your flight was okay. i can't believe you're in denver right now. i'm currently at lunch, how about you?

my friends and i are at the mall! we're buying suits for a ball we're going to

ball? you guys are going a ball?

yeah, we're going to be attending a school's masquerade ball

lol no way, our school is holding a masquerade ball too

what a coincidence. what school do you go to?

devin performing arts school

no way. thats the school we're going to for the ball!

i don't understand. why are you going to my school's ball? you don't go here, or do you?

uh, i'll explain later but i can't believe it! i'm going to your school tomorrow!

what? why?

i got to go! the boys are done buying their suits. byeee

ocean you need to explain to me whats going on. i am very confused right now

i'll explain when we meet

okay then...


"You will not believe this!" I told the boys as we sat at a table, waiting for our food, "Blondie, the girl I've been talking to, goes to the school we're going to tomorrow!"

"Thats great man!" Corbyn says, "You get to finally see her in person."

My smile widens, i get to see her, i said in my head

"And learn her name, I can't believe you don't know her name!" Jack adds.

"Stranger danger." Zach says in a low voice, causing me to shake my head.

It was the next day and the boys piled into the van and made their way to Devin Performing Arts School. Daniel was the most excited out of all the boys. during the car ride he was texting blondie and talking to her about how excited he was to finally meet her.

i can't believe it, i'm gonna finally meet you blondie!

i am ecstatic. are you guys on your way to the school now?

yes! we're actually here right now

you still haven't explained why you're here with your friends tho.

okay we just got out of the van. i'm gonna text you later

you seem to always go when i ask you to explain. oh well. see you soon ocean

As the boys exited out the van they made their way to the office. Students started to notice that the band was at their school and ran to tell their friends. Soon, the whole school knew that the boys were here, even Thalia.

Thalia was over the moon when she found out ocean was coming to her school, though she didn't know why. Ocean had told her he would explain once they met, but she was just too curious. She found it odd that the day ocean had come to her school, the Why Don't We boys were here too.

"Thalia, the Why Don't We boys are here, at our school! Can you believe it?!" Kendall exclaimed. though Thalia loved the boys, Kendall was an even bigger fan girl. Kendall would talk about the boys 24/7.

"Yes, but ocean is also coming to the school today. Is it just coincidence that ocean and the boys are here at the same time?" Thalia asked Kendall.

Kendall just shrugged. All of a sudden, girls started squealing and it startled the two best friends. They looked over as girls ran to the front of the hallway and started screaming the boys' names. Kendall gave Thalia a look

"Let's go before we get run over my these animals." Thalia says as students were running pass them to reach the boys. Kendall nodded and they made their way to music class.

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