16 | unforgettable night

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[the night at the masquerade ball]

daniel's POV

i was so excited to finally meet blondie. i texted blondie to tell her we could meet, she said the garden.

"hey uh blair?" i was trying to make up an excuse to leave so i could meet blondie in the garden.

"yeah dani?" she smiled at me, holding her punch with her right hand.

"um, i feel really sick i'm sorry. i have to go to the bathroom and i think.. um i'll be heading home" her smile turned into a frown and she scrunched her eyebrow.

before she could say anything i left and headed to the garden. when i got there, it was silent. there was no one here until i heard a voice behind me.

"ocean?" i turned around to see a girl in a beautiful blue dress. she looked so beautiful.

we talked until she told me that she was going to sing me the song she was writing. when she was singing i couldn't help but stare as she closed her eyes. her voice was so calming and soothing, she sounded amazing. i was speechless when she had finished. i couldn't wait any longer to know who this girl was. this girl who made my heart skip a beat. this girl who made me smile because of a simple step. i was falling for this girl, hard.

after we had poured our hearts to each other she was about to take off her mask to reveal her identity but her phone went off. i was confused and frustrated. she then said that she had to leave. did i do something wrong? i watch her run back into the hall. 

after a minute of being confused i ran back into the hall. i saw her going up to her friend who was talking to jonah. they ran off and before i could stop them, they got into their car and drove off.

i walked back into the hall where the ball was still going, it was past midnight and everyone looked tired. i walked around trying to find the boys. i found them talking to each other in the corner of the hall.

"hey daniel! so did you meet your mystery girl?" jack says to me.

i shake my head, "no, she ran off before she could tell me who she was" the boys saw how dissapointed i was.

"don't worry, there are other girls" jonah said

"yeah there is but, this girl was special. she sang to me and her voice left me speechless. she was beautiful, even if i didn't see her whole face due to her wearing a mask. she's different from other girls. she doesn't like me because of my fame. she likes me because of my personality." i look down, "guys can we go back to the hotel?"

they nod and we drive back to the hotel. i fall into my bed and stare at the ceiling.

"i will find you blondie" i say to myself, "i promise"

this was a short chapter just becuase
i just wanted to show you guys
daniel's pov and he was feeling
that night.

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