09 | the announcement

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thalia's POV

Kendall and I sat next to each other in music class. When we got in the room it was empty, I wasn't surprised as everyone was surrounding the boys, trying to get pictures. The teacher walked in and saw that there was no students sitting in their seats except for Kendall and I.

"Where is everyone?" Ms Perrin asked, looking confused.

Before Kendall and I got to answer, the overhead speaker made a loud noise, indicating an announcement was going to be made.

"Will all students please go to the hall and exit your classes, classes will proceed after an important announcement. I repeat all, students please make your way to the hall."

Kendall and I looked at each other and shrugged. We took our books and made our way to the hall. When we arrived students were already sitting on the chairs. In the hall, there was a big stage and chairs were set up so everyone could sit down.

Kendall and I sat near the front of the stage. After a couple of minutes, everyone was seated and the principle made her way to the stage and started speaking in the microphone.

"Good morning students. I have called you all here today to make an announcement." Mrs Devinity stated, "Could we have the boys come up?" She gestured for 5 boys to come up, they were the one and only, Why Don't We.

Everyone screamed and chanted the boys' names.

"Settle down students." Mrs Devinity gestured for the students to be quiet and continued speaking, "The boys are here at our school as they are holding a competition for one lucky students to sing and be apart in their next music video." The students all screamed and everyone looked at each other and started chattering.

"I'll leave the boys to tell you more information." The principle handed Jonah the microphone and walked off the stage.

I couldn't believe it, they're hosting a competition here? I glanced at the boys one by one, woah, they were more attractive in person. As i looked at Daniel our eyes came in contact. He smiled at me and looked at Jonah, who started to speak.

"So we're going to be hosting a contest for one lucky student to be in our music video." Jonah stated and then he handed jack the microphone.

"The lucky student will be featured in our new song and, as Jonah said, in our music video." Jack continued, passing the mic to Corbyn.

"The competition will be held in 10 days so start practicing!" Corbyn then proceeded to pass the microphone to Zach.

"We will be here at your school, attending your music classes so we can give you tips before the competition starts!" Zach smiled and handed Daniel the mic

"We're basically gonna be students here at Devin Performing Arts during our stay here so feel free to come hang out with us at lunch and we'll just have fun. Make sure to put your name on the list that will be in the hallway so we know you will be competing in the competition. Thank you!" Daniel finished and the boys all smiled. Everyone clapped and the boys made their way off the stage.

"Can you believe it? Thalia you have to sign up!" Kendall tells me.

"Kendall, you know that I can't! My aunt and Blair will kill me! They don't want me being known too much. Plus, I'll just embarrass myself!" I state. Kendall and i sit up and make our way back into the music room to continue our class.

The music room was still empty as everyone most people in our class went to sign up for the contest.

"I think I like the music room like this. Peace and quiet." Kendall laughed as she sat in her seat, "can you play something for me while everyone is not here yet?"

I nod and make my way over to the piano. I start to play and sing a song. As soon as I finish, I hear clapping. I quickly open my eyes and turn my head to see Corbyn, the Corbyn Besson standing there.

"Wow, you are really good, why don't you sign up for the contest?" he says smiling.

"I'm not that good." I laugh nervously, no one has heard me sing except for Kendall.

The teacher comes in the room, followed by the other 4 Why Don't We boys.

"Oh, Kendall and Thalia you're in here, good." Ms Perrin says, "will you please put these sheets on everyone's desk before everyone comes in the classroom?"

Kendall and I nod and we start putting the sheets of paper on everyone's desk. Students start entering the music room and scream as soon as they see the boys standing in the front of the room.

Kendall and I sit at the back as our teacher explain how the boys are going to help us in our singing and give us some tips if we were going to enter the competition. After the teacher finished explaining the boys made their way to the students and talked to them. Blair, who was in the same class as me, called Daniel over. Blair had an obsession over Daniel, she has pictures of him up on her wall.

"Hey Daniel!" Blair smiled at him as she twirls her blonde locks.

"Hey! What can I help you with?" Daniel says in response, smiling widely at her, revealing his adorable gap between his teeth.

Blair starts to flirt and talk to Daniel, as expected. He seems to be into it and flirts back.

I continued on what I was doing, writing lyrics. These past few days i had started writing lyrics and making a song. But I had no idea what to write. I stared at the paper in front of me and chewed on my pen.

"Need any help?" a voice said to me. I looked up and I was met with the blue eyed boy, Corbyn.

I smiled at him and closed my book quickly, hoping he didn't see what I was doing.

"Uh, no, its fine." I laughed nervously.

"When I heard you sing, you are actually really good, even though you say you aren't." he says.

"Thanks, but I just can't, personal reasons." I shrug.

Before he could ask me another question, the bell rang. I gathered my stuff and shot him a smile then headed to my next class.

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