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thalia williams

It was about 1 am in the morning. I was seated on a couch, a warm blanket around me. I was in a state of shock and fear. After I was left in the bathroom, alone. A girl walked in and found me. She helped me and brought me to her apartment. She gave me clothes to wear.

"Here you go." She said, handing me a mug of hot chocolate. I looked up to her and took the cup.

"Thank you." I whispered. It was so quiet that it was barely audible. "Thank you, for everything."

"My name's Athena, by the way. What's yours?" Athena spoke softly.

"Thalia, Thalia Williams."

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" My breath hitched as the memories of what had happened a few hours ago played in my mind. "-You, you don't have to tell me."

"No. It's okay." I took a deep breath and stared at the mug that was placed on my lap. "There was this guy. He was from my school. He-he touched me inappropriately and..." I trailed off.

"He did it, didn't he." She asked and I nodded. A tear went down my cheeks and then, I broke.

Athena sat next to me and put her hands around me. Whispering in my ear, telling me that everything will be okay.

"And-and my cousin was there. She didn't even do anything! She stood there, laughing." I sobbed, my voice cracking at the end. "How could someone be so cruel?"

"You didn't deserve this." Athena said. "Is there anyone you want to call? Do you have your phone with you."

I shook my head. "I left my phone at the restaurant." I then remembered. Daniel. I started to panic. He must be really worried. I haven't called or texted him. "Oh no. Oh no. I haven't texted Daniel."


"He's my boyfriend. I need to talk to him."

third person

Daniel was going crazy. He had no clue where his girlfriend was and it was driving him mad. What if she was hurt? He wasn't there to protect her. He promised to her. He promised that he would protect her.

He didn't go to sleep, even though it was past midnight. Thalia hadn't showed up at the house. Everyone was worried. No one was asleep. The boys and Kendall were in the lounge, waiting to see if Thalia would come home. Kendall was pacing around, mumbling words.

"What if she's hurt?" Kendall cried out, tears streaming down her face. "What if something bad happened to her and we don't even know it?"

Jonah went over to the girl and comforted her. He seated her on the couch as she cried on his shoulder. Jack texted Aspen, asking if Thalia had texted her or anything, but she said that she hasn't talked to her after her text while they were in the car. Corbyn was beyond worried, he didn't know where his best friend was.

Zach was scrolling through Instagram, trying to get his mind off everything that has been happening. He hated seeing his friends like this. They were all worried. As he was scrolling through the explore page, his eyes went wide as he clicked on the post.

It was her, it was Thalia. But what she was doing was even more disturbing. She had her hands around a guy's waist and her lips locked with his. And this guy was not Daniel.

(don't really have photos of people kissing in the bathroom, so just picture it in your mind)

whydontwenews These photos and videos have gone viral. Thalia Williams, singer and girlfriend of band member, Daniel Seavey, has been seen making out with someone other than Daniel. In the video, you can see, Thalia pinned up to a wall and locking lips with an unknown boy. You can clearly tell in the photos that it is, in fact, Thalia Williams. What does this mean for DHALIA? Are they over?

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fan202: I can't believe this. Thalia fucking cheated on Daniel! WTF

user49: My heart. Thalia doesn't deserve Daniel

hater: We all knew Thalia was a fucking slut. She needs to go die in a hole

fan1: She has no excuse. I hope Daniel is okay

user08: #westandwithdaniel

fan3: #westandwithdaniel

hater76: That fucking slut. She just used Daniel, how pathetic

Zach read the post, looked at the photos. His heart broke. How could she do this to Daniel. He shook his head, not believing what he was looking at.

"No. no. no. no." He mumbled. He caught the attention of everyone.

"What's wrong Zach?" Jack asked him. He was sitting next to him on the couch. He took his phone and looked at the post his friend was looking at.

"This can't be real." He said.

"What's happening?" Jonah questioned.

"Why is #westandwithdaniel trending on twitter?" Corbyn stated.

Everyone went on their phone and their notifications were blowing up. Daniel clicked on the post. It was his girlfriend, with another guy. He felt sick. Was this what she was doing the whole time? While he was worried at home, waiting for her to text or call, she was with another guy.

Tears started streaming down his face. He broke down. He put his head in his hands and cried. The boys' heart broke for Daniel. They couldn't believe it either.

"Thalia would never do this." Kendall shook her head. "She isn't that type of person."

"Look at the post, Kendall! She did! She cheated on me." Daniel yelled, making Kendall flinch. "How could she do this? Why? Again?"

With that, he stormed to his room. He curled into a ball and sobbed. All he felt was pain and heartbreak, all over again.

It was quiet in the Why Don't We household. No one talked, they only cried. It was the morning. Everyone was exhausted from staying up so late last night. No one had the energy to move or go anywhere. They were all to broken.

It was worse for Daniel and Thalia. Thalia saw what happened on social media. Everyone actually believed that she would cheat on Daniel, but that wasn't the case. No one knew what actually happened.

"She did this." Thalia spoke quietly. She put down Athena's phone on the table. "I don't even know what I'm going to do. Everyone thinks I cheated on Daniel."

Thalia couldn't cry anymore tears. She couldn't, she had none left. It felt as though her life was crumbling into pieces and it was all because of Blair. She knew that she took the photo in the bathroom. She knew that she posted it online. Blair was ruining her career, most importantly, her relationship.

This was what she wanted and she may have just won.

Daniel's phone ringed multiple times, but he chose to ignore it. Once he finally picked it up, he was confused on who it was. It was unknown number, trying to call and text him

daniel, please. pick up.

don't listen to the rumours please.

daniel, you need to hear me out

its thalia, daniel. please pick up

please text back

Thalia. He closed his phone and closed his eyes. He didn't want to deal with her anymore. His phone ringed again and he grew frustrated. He opened his phone and was about to throw it across the room, but then he read the text.

Hey Daniel, long time since we talked. I'll explain everything. You won't believe it. I promised I wouldn't tell, but you can't be left in the dark anymore. It will answer all your questions. Meet me at Grayland Park, today, 12pm.


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