12 | feeling closer

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daniel's POV

blair had invited us to have dinner at her place today, though i only met her today at the school. i agreed, because i didn't wanna be rude. i didn't wanna go alone so i asked the boys and they gladly agreed. when we arrived at their house i knocked on the front door. blair opened the door and smiled.

"hey daniel! oh and you brought the other boys too?" blair says, raising an eyebrow

"sorry i didn't tell you, they wanted to tag along." i smile awkwardly.

"the more the merrier!" she smiled back. she opened the door wider and the boys and i walked in the house.

as we walked in we were greeted by blair's mother.

"nice to meet you boys!" blair's mother said, shaking our hands.

"it's nice to meet you too mrs herrings" jonah said with a smile.

"please, call me denise." the boys and i nodded and we followed her at the dinner table where food was already served.

the whole night everyone was quite loud and was making conversation. i seemed to be only talking to blair and she would constantly just be talking about herself. once she left to go to the bathroom i took the chance to take my phone out and text blondie.

i was quite disappointed that i wasn't able to meet her today at the school. while i was talking to her about blair she stopped responding after a while.

hello? blondie?

oh sorry, i dropped something and it spilled.

oh okay well anyway about blair

oh yeah her. she's the popular girl. what do you think about her?

she's alright.

anyways are you excited for the ball thats in 2 days? i get to finally meet you then. then i get finally learn your name lol

yeah. its weird. we don't even know each others name yet. do you wanna tell each other now?

lets save it until we meet, then we can talk all night and dance :)

it'll be a night to remember

as i was typing my response blair came back and sat on the chair next to me and i quickly closed my phone.

"hey dani, i'm back." she gave me a smile and i returned a smile back.

as blair and i talked more i actually got to know a lot about her. she really liked singing and she loves the colour pink. i feel as though we actually got closer and it felt nice talking to her. we laughed and smiled a lot together. whenever she would smile i would just smile, her smile was so beautiful and she looked beautiful.

after the dinner the boys and i said thank you and headed out. blair kissed me on the cheek before i walked out the door and into the car.

"looks like someone's into blair." zach winked at me as i rolled my eyes playfully

"did you see, blair kissed him on the cheek!" jack added

"it was only a kiss on the cheek, calm down." i said, turning my head and looked out the window so the boys couldn't see how my cheeks were turning a shade of pink

"he's blushing!" corbyn exclaimed, poking my cheeks.

"no i'm not!" i said defensively.

"what about that girl blondie though? guess she's out of the picture?" jonah stated, raising an eyebrow at me the focusing back on the road as he was the one driving.

"you didn't get to meet her today, what happened?" corbyn asked as he takes out his phone and starts scrolling through instagram

"we're gonna meet at the ball" i told them.

"but aren't you going with blair to the ball?" jack questions as he cocks his head to the side.

i completely forgot that blair asked me to go to the ball with her and i agreed. ditching her to meet up with some other girl would totally be rude, oh no. i stared at jack with wide eyes.

"you messed up bad dani" zach says laughing and patting my shoulder.

"i'll.." i paused, "make it work"

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