30 | i love you

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Daniel froze in spot as he listened to the girl who he loved so much spill her feelings to him. As she walked away, Daniel registered all that she had said. Daniel loved Thalia so much and he couldn't just let her go. She cared so much about his happiness that she was willing to turn down an opportunity of a lifetime just for him. To give him space. He couldn't hold it anymore, she had to be his, he had to call her his.

Daniel turned around quickly and sprinted to the the elevator, He quickly went through the doors before it could close. He turned Thalia to face him and he saw her tear stained cheeks and the sadness in her eyes. He caressed the girl's cheeks with his thumb and wiped away her tears.

"Thalia, you are so caring and wonderful. You make my heart skip a beat and you make smile. You deserve the world and happiness. You have no idea how head over heels I am for you. I love you Thalia. I don't care if people think you're a loser. I don't care what anyone thinks about you. You aren't a nobody Thalia Williams. You are a kind, generous person who cares about anyone and everyone. A girl who's willing to do anything just for someone else's happiness. What Blair did was horrible and you didn't deserve that at all. I love you Thalia and I am never letting go of you" Daniel said as he looked into her eyes. He leaned in and placed his soft lips on hers. A rush of adrenaline coursed through their body and fireworks exploded in the air. Their lips moved in sync and they could feel each other's heart beat thumping out of their chests.

The boys started to worry why the two were taking so long to talk and were regretting not going after them. Corbyn was pacing up and down the lobby, just thinking about the scenarios that could be happening between Daniel and Thalia. The other 3 boys were sitting on the couches, waiting until one of the two would come back and inform them on what happened. Jack was watching Corbyn pace up and down until he decided to speak up.

"Dude! Stop pacing! They're gonna be fine." Jack reassured Corbyn but he still kept on pacing.

"What if Daniel hurts Thalia? What if Thalia says something she's not suppose to? What if they don't sort out their problem?" Corbyn panicked.

"How about this, we go upstairs and see what's going on?" Jonah suggested and the other boys nodded.

The boys made their way to the elevator and waited patiently for it to go down the floor the were currently in. As the elevator doors opened, they were met with Thalia and Daniel kissing. Jack smiled widely as Jonah and Zach's jaws dropped. Corbyn was jumping up and down and squealing like a little girl because he was overjoyed that the couple had made up.

"YES!" Corbyn yelled, getting the attention of the couple in the elevator. The two pulled apart and turned their heads to face the 4 boys. Thalia laughed slightly as she placed her head on Daniel's chest.

As Daniel and Thalia walked out of the elevator, the 4 boys bombarded them with questions on what happened. They were curious and couldn't keep their mouths shut. As the boys kept on rambling on and on, Thalia laughed at their curiosity.

"Guys, guys!" Thalia shouted and the boys stopped talking, "We worked things out and yeah..."

Corbyn stared at the two, waiting for them to tell them more. He became impatient and raised an eyebrow at them.

"Well? What else? Tell me the details!" Corbyn exclaimed.

"You know what? You guys can tell us all about how you were making out at the cafe. I am starving" Jack suggested and everyone agreed.

The group made their way to a cafe nearby and ordered their food. As soon as the food came, the boys dug in.

"So what did happen?" Zach asked.

"We talked and explained things like the Blair situtation-" Daniel explained, but was cut off by Jonah.

"What Blair situation?" Jonah asked. Corbyn explained how Blair threatened Thalia and her whole plan.

"Woah, that's crazy. Can't believe you're still dating her Daniel" Zach said in disbelief.

"I'm breaking up with her. I don't actually like her." Daniel responded. She was more of a distraction to Daniel, someone to keep his mind off of his mystery girl, or Thalia.

"Oh yeah and I actually moved out of the Herrings' house, I'm living with Kendall now." Thalia said as she bit her lip and shook her head, "My auntie actually threatened me, just like Blair, saying how she wasn't gonna fund me to go to college or move to Los Angeles."

"Wow, like mother, like daughter." Jack said and the others laughed slightly.

"Yeah, but I thought my life was over because my auntie said that all the money that my dad had was given to her. But, I found a will saying that I inherited it." Thalia explained to the boys.

"That's great!" Jonah said and Thalia nodded.

"I guess everything is going great." Daniel said and Thalia turned her head to face Daniel's. They looked into each other's eyes and smiled widely.

"Yeah." Thalia responded.

Everything was going great. Thalia and Daniel made up and are so in love, Kendall is going to Juilliard and her relationship with Jonah is going smoothly, Thalia is going to LA with the boys to write, record a song and film a music video. Everything was perfect for the group of friends, but not so perfect for Ms. Herrings and Blair.

"Mother! Are you just gonna let that little twat get everything she doesn't deserve? I was suppose to win that competition, get fame and be wealthy! I was suppose to be dating and marry my Daniel Seavey! She ruined my life!" Blair whined. Jealousy and anger filled her eyes as she screamed at her mother, who was quite annoyed at how Blair was screaming so loudly.

"Blair, honey. Tone down your voice a bit. We will get you your fame and glory. Don't worry. If Thalia thinks she can take away your happiness, she is so wrong" Jacinta reassured her daughter with a grin plastered on her face. She was determined to obtain happiness for her daughter, even if she has to cheat her way to it.

[ author's note ]
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