15 | masquerade ball , part 2

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thalia's POV

"surprise!" kendall exclaims. what was she doing here?

"kendall.. what are you doing here?" i said, confused on what was happening.

"you need someone to clean the house so, i brought help" she said gesturing to the people behind her who were a cleaning company.

"you don't have to do this kendall!" i said shaking my head.

"this is the one night you get to disobey your aunt and do something for yourself and have fun! now come on and go get ready!" i nod at her and go to my room to get ready.

as i put on my dress and makeup i look at myself in the mirror.

"i actually look, decent" i say to myself.

"no, you look beautiful" kendall says, coming into my room.

i turn to face her, "what if he doesn't like me kends. what if when he finds out who i am he just ditches me and leaves." i tell her

"no one would leave someone as beautiful as you!" she says smiling.

"wait where's your dress?" i ask her

"oh yeah shoot, i gotta get changed. the dress is in my car, can i use your makeup?" i nod at her and she quickly goes to her car to get her black and white dress.


^ thalia's dress ^

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^ thalia's dress ^

^ thalia's dress ^

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^ thalia's mask ^

^ thalia's mask ^

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